Homosexual/LGBT Conspiracy

Homosexual Conspiracy

“If any one lie with a man as with a woman,
both have committed an abomination, let them be put to death: their blood be upon them.”

(Leviticus 20:13)

“For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections.
For their women have changed the natural use
into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner,
the men also, leaving the natural use of the women,
have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men
working that which is filthy.”
(Romans 1:26-27)



Title, Length, Catalog No.


Date & Description

God Had Homos Killed in Orlando

Video: HDDOL (78 min., Vlr54)

Audio: HDD&OL (78 min., Alr178)



Click here for lecture description.

The Great Apostasy, Part 2, Astrology; Other occult practices; Homosexuality

 Video: HDDOL (42 min., Vlr38b)

Audio: HDD&OL (40 min., Alr48b)



See 28:48.

Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God

Video: HDDOL (105 min., Vca1)

Mea Culpa Productions


The Proper Way to Protest an LGBT Parade

Video: HDDOL (121 min., Vlr62)

Audio: HDD&OL (121 min., Alr311)



Click here for lecture description.

Pride Month Must Be Condemned

Document: HDD&OL

William George Norris

6-20-2024 Published as a Reader’s Letter in the Sierra County Sentinel

MLR Protests Pride Month 2024

Video: HDD/OL (101 min., Vlr120)

Audio: HDD&OL (101 min., Alr393)



This lecture was done on 6/30/2024. Click here for description

Secrets of the Vatican

Video: HDDOL (82 min., Vca2)



Apostate Antipope Francis I Doesn’t Judge Transgenders but Condemns the Bible

 Video: HDD/OL (1:24 min., Vcg14)

Church Militant

Transgender Freaks

Video: HDDOL (56 min., Vlr49)

Audio: HDD&OL (52 min., Alr129)



Click here for lecture description.

RJMI Clip against Homosexuals

Video: HDD/OL (4:05 min., Vcg6)



From RJMI’s Second Coming of Jesus Christ speech given at Most Holy Family Monastery in Berlin, New Jersey

President Nixon against Homosexuals

Video: HDD/OL (1:22 min., Vcg7)

Rampant homosexuality destroys societies and nations.

Fr. Sean Sheehy against the Perverts

Video: HDD/OL (3:04 min., Vcg8)

Fr. Sean Sheehy, of Kerry, Ireland

NewsTalk, Nov. 2, 2022: A priest who used a sermon to criticise abortion, gay marriage and transgender people has said he should not have to apologise for the truth. Fr Seán Sheehy told people gathered in a church in Listowel on Sunday: What is so sad today is you rarely hear about sin, but its rampant. We see it, for example, in the legislation of our Governments, we see it in the promotion of abortion, we see it in the example of this lunatic approach of transgenderism. We see it, for example, in the promotion of sex between two men and two women: that is sinful, that is mortal sin, and people dont seem to realise it. Fr Sheehy doubled down on his comments earlier on Wednesday that those who support gay marriage, including Tánaiste Leo Varadkar, will go to hell.  He told Anton Savage on The Hard Shoulder he was preaching what he believes. ‘My answer basically is that I'm giving the teaching of the scriptures and the church regarding homosexual sexual relationships: that they're sinful and that’s it,’ he said. Asked if he planned to apologise, he said: ‘Not at all - why would I apologise for the truth?’”

Zimbabwe President Mugabe: “We are Not Gays”

Video: HDDOL (3 min., Vcz50)

Ruptly TV


See 00:00 to 01:14.

Pastor John Amanchukwu against LGBT Agenda

Video: HDD/OL (7:45 min., Vcg2)

John Amanchukwu


On Steve Bannon’s War Room on Real American Voice network

Mark Robinson against Transgenders

Video: HDD/OL (2:09 min., Vcg3)

Mark Robinson

Mark is the Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina and a preacher

Drew Hernandez against LGBT

Video: HDD/OL (2:19 min., Vcg4)

Drew Hernandez

Aired on Real American Voice

Drew Hernandez against Transgenders

Video: HDD/OL (1:49 min., Vcg5)

Drew Hernandez


Aired on Real American Voice

Drew Hernandez against the Sexualization of Children

Video: HDD/OL (12:13 min., Vcg15)

Drew Hernandez


Aired on Real American Voice network

Holly Holm against Sexualization of Children

Video: HDD/OL (28 sec., Vcg13)

Holly Holm

Even though it is immoral for women to fight for sport as do men, Holly Holm teaches the truth regarding the sexualization of children.  She is an MMA fighter and was born and lives in New Mexico.

On the Sexualization of Children

Video: HDD/OL (7:11 min., Vcg9)

Steve Gruber and Alexander Hamilton III

5-9-2023 America’s Voice Live on Real American Voice Network

This Is What Is Taught in School to Children

Video: HDD/OL (1:30 min., Vcg12)

A lesbian teacher’s indoctrination of children with homosexuality and transgenderism.

Diabolical Curriculum Proposed by Truth or Consequences Municipal Schools Board of Education (5/2023)

Webpage: To access all the information, click here and go to “Diabolical Curriculum Proposed by Truth or Consequences Municipal Schools Board of Education (5/2023)”


RJMI and William George Norris


The Truth or Consequences Municipal Schools Board of Education, which makes laws for all the public schools in Sierra County, New Mexico, proposed a new school curriculum for Kindergarten to 12th grade which contains the following diabolical things: 1) Homosexuality, Transgenderism, and other sexual perversions (LGBTQ); 2) Critical Race Theory (CRT) , which is anti-Christian and anti-white people because the white races were the main races that brought Christianity to the world; 3) Marxism; 4) Paganism; 5) Witchcraft; 6) Radical feminism, which by default undermines fathers and males: and, 7) The destruction of the traditional family.

At the 4/26/2023 meeting, the vote was 2-2. Board President Christy Lafont and Board Member Mark Hedge voted in favor of adopting the curriculum and Board Secretary Jamie Sweeney and Board Member Julie Stroup voted no. Board Vice-President Dr. Barbara Pearlman attended the meeting via Zoom and lost her connection minutes before the vote. Had she been able to vote the motion to adopt this diabolical curriculum would have passed. There was another vote on 5/8/2023 at the Truth or Consequences Municipal Schools Board of Education. The events that took place before, during, and after this final vote are listed in this section.

Ukraine Is Farming Children in Factories for Elite Pedophiles, Russia Is Saving the Children

Video: HDD/OL (7:27 min., Vcg10)

The Peoples Voice

Website: www.rumble.com/c/thepeoplesvoice


Satanic Hollywood Elites Rape and Eat Children

Video: HDD/OL (8:24 min., Vcg11)

The Peoples Voice

Website: www.rumble.com/c/thepeoplesvoice


Teresa’s Escape from Satanism

Video: HDD&OL (19 min., Vcs2)

60 Minutes, Australia


Teresa's escape from a brutal Satanic cult describes how Satanists rape and eat children.

Catholic Church’s Teachings against Homosexuals

Audio: HDD&OL (58 min., Alr25)



Click here for lecture description.

The Harlot’s Pride, USA Worse than Sodom, and More

Audio: HDD&OL (26 min., Alr134)



Click here for lecture description.

The Homosexual Conspiracy

Audio: HDD&OL (58 min., Alr25)



Click here for lecture description.

The Pro-Homosexual, Anti-Slavery, Black Racist Obama Is Anti-Bible

Audio: HDD&OL (71 min., Alr142)



Click here for lecture description.

William Norris’ TorC School Board Speech on New Curriculum (3-13-2023)

Audio: HDD/OL (2:36 min, Pr1)

Document: HDD&OL (1 pgs., Pr2)

William Norris’ Report on the TorC School Board Meeting (3-13-2023)

Document: HDD&OL (3 pgs., Pr3)

William Norris

3-2023 - The reason for going to this was to protest the new curriculum of books that they want to implement for the Kindergarten to 12th grade in the Truth or Consequences School District.

UN and WHO Promotes Sexualization of Children and Transformation of the World by 2030

Document: HDD&OL (1 pgs., Trn1)

David Sorensen

Posted on Stop World Control website

The Blasphemous Antichrist Play “The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told”

Document: HDD&OL (5 pgs., Tr54)



Apostate Hitler’s Sins and Non-Sins

Book: HDD&OL (119 pgs., Br64)



See “Apostate Hitler’s Non-Sins: He condemned homosexuality and pedophilia”

Catholic Church’s Teachings against Homosexuals

Book: HDD&OL (15 pgs., Br57)

The Catholic Church


God Did Not Create Men to Be Homosexuals

Book: HDD&OL (23 pgs., Br16)




Mary's Little Remnant

302 East Joffre Street
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico 87901-2878

Website: www.JohnTheBaptist.us

(Send for a free catalog)