RJMI Video Lectures

The Transfiguration of our Lord

“For our gospel hath not been unto you in word only,
but in power also, and in the Holy Spirit.
For although I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge.”
(1 Thessalonians 1:5; 2 Corinthians 11:6)

For corrections that need to be made to some of my works, see On RJMI Works


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               TABLE OF CONTENTS               

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Title, File Size, Description Org. ver. Cur. ver. Length Cat. #

A Catechumen Enters the Church, Sin No More, Great Apostasy, and Other Topics


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8-20-2023 8-20-2023 67 min. Vlr0104

Accursed Jews, The: Part 1, Cursed for Original Sin and Mortal Sin

(HDD) (OL)

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4-2011 4-2016 106 min. Vlr027a

Accursed Jews, The: Part 2, Cursed for Deicide


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4-2011 4-2016 43 min. Vlr027b

Against St. Benedict’s Preparatory School


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4-5-2012 4-5-2012 36 min. Vlr032

Anti-Church Father Jerome


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12-25-2014 12-25-2014 184 min. Vlr041

Anti-Church Fathers and the Hellenization of Christianity, The


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12-25-2014 12-25-2014 206 min. Vlr040

Apocalyptic Timeline


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4-2009 4-2009 19 min. Vlr022

Apostate Antipope Francis’ Visit to the Americas and His Anti-wall Heresy


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2-21-2016 2-21-2016 77 min. Vlr052

Apostate SSPX Bows to Vatican II Church and Apostate Jews


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2-1-2009 2-2015 49 min. Vlr021

Assisi 1893: Chicago’s Idolatrous World’s Parliament of Religions


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2-2013 3-2014 67 min. Vlr035

At Times Only a Very Few Are Faithful to God


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10-29-2023 10-29-2023 59 min. Vlr0108

Biblical Proof of Things Men Must Do to Be Saved


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1-2018 1-2018 49 min. Vlr060

Black Criminals, Racists, and Radicals


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4-9-2012 6-2022 65 min. Vlr031

Catholic Commentary on the Texas Mormon Ranch Raid


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4-27-2008 4-27-2008 82 min. Vlr008

Catholic Excorcism Prayer, The


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11-6-2021 11-6-2021 43 min. Vlr071

Catholic Excorcism Prayer Introduction, The


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11-6-2021 11-6-2021 21 min. Vlr070

Catholic Holy Hour, The


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11-5-2021 11-5-2021 60 min. Vlr069

Catholic Lecture on Diet and Exercise, A

(HDD) (OL)

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5-31-2018 5-31-2018 59 min. Vlr064

Chaining and Unchaining of Satan, The


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4-20-2014 4-20-2014 107 min. Vlr039

Christians, Nominal Christians, and Other Social Conservatives Must Not Vote for Trump nor Any Other RINO


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8-4-2024 8-4-2024 134 min. Vlr0121

Christmas Lecture 2021


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12-25-2021 12-25-2021 37 min. Vlr074

Clips on the Idolization of Family Members


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11-1-2023 11-1-2023 26 min. Vlr0110

Commentary on Bruce Gott’s Bible Reading (1 Cor. 1)


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1-1-2023 1-1-2023 40 min. Vlr085

Conspiracies of the Jews, Part 1


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4-5-2015 5-30-2015 114 min. Vlr050a

Conspiracies of the Jews, Part 2


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4-5-2015 5-30-2015 181 min. Vlr050b

Covid-19 Conspiracy, Part 1


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4-4-2021 4-4-2021 91 min. Vlr073a

Covid-19 Conspiracy, Part 2


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4-4-2021 4-4-2021 99 min. Vlr073b

Covid-19 Conspiracy, Part 3


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4-4-2021 4-4-2021 121 min. Vlr073c

Covid-19 Conspiracy, Part 4


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4-4-2021 4-4-2021 79 min. Vlr073d

Covid-19 Conspiracy, Part 5


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4-4-2021 4-4-2021 104 min. Vlr073e

Daniel’s Seventy-Weeks Prophecy: Part 1, The Person of the Prophecy


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4-2009 5-2016 101 min. Vlr023a

Daniel’s Seventy-Weeks Prophecy: Part 2, The History of the Prophecy


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12-2010 5-2016 47 min. Vlr023b

Daniel’s Seventy-Weeks Prophecy: Part 3, The Chronology of the Prophecy


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4-2011 5-2016 136 min. Vlr023c

Deception of the Major Media and Black Lives Matter, The


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8-15-2016 8-15-2016 180 min. Vlr056

Desecration of Catholic Places, The


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12-2013 12-2013 74 min. Vlr037

Desecration of Saint Peter’s Basilica, The


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3-2013 8-2013 187 min. Vlr036

Emprical Evidence of Devils and Ghosts


4-9-2023 4-9-2023 121 min. Vlr090

Emprical Evidence of Flying Witches)

1-6-2024 1-6-2024 74 min. Vlr0112

Erroneous or Improbable Opinions Regarding Mary Magdalen and Mary of Bethany


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5-2018 5-2018 60 min. Vlr061

Evangelization, Will’s Political Activities, Pro-Life Rally in Dublin, and Other Topics


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7-2-2023 7-2-2023 72 min. Vlr097

Everlasting Earhly Paradise, The


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4-2022 4-2022 45 min. Vlr075

Evidence regarding Deathbed Conversions


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7-30-2023 7-30-2023 34 min. Vlr0102

EWTN Glorifies Origen, the Salvation Dogma, and Other Topics


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10-9-2022 10-9-2022 64 min. Vlr079

Explanation of Apocalypse 1, An


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1-1-2009 1-1-2009 18 min. Vlr016

Explanation of Apocalypse 14, An


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12-27-2008 1-2020 50 min. Vlr012

Explanation of Apocalypse 18, An


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12-21-2008 12-21-2008 39 min. Vlr009

Explanation of Apocalypse 21


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1-6-2009 1-6-2009 48 min. Vlr019

Explanation of Apocalypse 22, An


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1-11-2009 1-11-2009 58 min. Vlr020

Explanation of Daniel 7, An


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12-28-2008 12-28-2008 37 min. Vlr013

Explanation of Daniel 12, An


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12-26-2008 12-26-2008 63 min. Vlr011

Explanation of Isaias 24, An


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12-25-2009 12-25-2009 84 min. Vlr024

Explanation of Mark 13, An


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1-2-2009 1-27-2016 47 min. Vlr017

Explanation of Matthew 24, An


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12-31-2008 3-21-2016 61 min. Vlr015

Faith before Signs and Wonders


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6-2017 6-2017 204 min. Vlr059

Faith without Works Is Dead


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12-26-2020 12-26-2020 51 min. Vlr068

Fear of the Jews


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4-4-2010 6-18-2016 62 min. Vlr025

Follow Up on Refutation of Tera Davis


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9-18-2022 9-18-2022 37 min. Vlr077

Freemasonry in Global Politics and Business and Historical Anti-Heroes


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1-8-2023 1-8-2023 60 min. Vlr086

Gambling, Self-Control, and Addiction


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3-19-2023 3-19-2023 35 min. Vlr095

God Had Homos Killed in Orlando


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6-24-2016 6-24-2016 78 min. Vlr054

God Punishes Sinners and Sinful Nations


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12-25-2011 12-25-2011 151 min. Vlr028

God’s Punishments: 2011


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1-1-2012 1-1-2012 50 min. Vlr029

Great Apostasy, The: Part 1, Art imitates reality; Mixing the true God with false gods; The Feast of Fools


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12-27-2013 12-27-2013 50 min. Vlr038a

Great Apostasy, The: Part 2, Astrology; Other occult practices; Homosexuality


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12-28-2013 12-28-2013 42 min. Vlr038b

Great Apostasy, The: Part 3, Corruption of youth & pedophilia; Fornication & bastard children; Immoral heathen plays, dances, & banquets


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1-2-2014 1-2-2014 47 min. Vlr038c

Great Apostasy, The: Part 4, General corruption


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1-2-2014 1-2-2014 41 min. Vlr038d

Great Apostasy, The: Part 5, Humanism & Humanists at the Papal Court


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1-6-2014 1-6-2014 62 min. Vlr038e

Hell, the Eternal Prison of the Damned


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4-22-2007 2-25-2015 56 min. Vlr004

Hellenization of Christianity by the Scholastics, The: Part 1, True Philosophy vs. False Philosophy


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12-25-2015 12-25-2015 45 min. Vlr051a

Hellenization of Christianity by the Scholastics, The: Part 2, Condemners of Philosophy vs. Glorifiers of Philosophy


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12-25-2015 12-25-2015 80 min. Vlr051b

Hellenization of Christianity by the Scholastics, The: Part 3, Scholastics and Other Philosophers Idolize Reason


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12-25-2015 12-25-2015 54 min. Vlr051c

Hellenization of Christianity by the Scholastics, The: Part 4, The Ways That Philosophy or Mythology Are Glorified


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12-25-2015 12-25-2015 166 min. Vlr051d

Hellenization of Christianity by the Scholastics, The: Part 5, Brief History of Scholasticism


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12-25-2015 12-25-2015 155 min. Vlr051e

Hellenization of Christianity by the Scholastics, The: Part 6, Theologians Effectively Replaced the Magisterium and the Bible


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12-25-2015 12-25-2015 49 min. Vlr051f

How Psycho Pills replaced Alcohol and Unhealthy Things replaced Healthy Things, and Other Topics


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1-14-2024 1-14-2024 65 min. Vlr0113

How Science, Music, Art, and Theology Were Perverted and Other Topics


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4-7-2024 4-7-2024 76 min. Vlr0117

Is the Yanuka the Antichrist?


This lecture presents a lot of evidence that Rabbi Shlomo Yehudah Beeri (the Yanuka) may be the Antichrist. It also speaks of the Talmudic Jews’ belief that there will be two Messias: Moshiach ben Yosef (Messiah ben Joseph) and Moshiach ben David. The former suffers and dies and prepares the way for the latter. And the latter, Moshiach ben David, is the main Messias, the one who effects redemption and brings the everlasting kingdom. The Talmudic Jews fell into this apostasy because they refused to believe that Jesus Christ is the Messias and that it is he who fulfills both prophecies of the Messias. Jesus first came to suffer and die in order to redeem men. He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. And he will come again as the conquering King to bring the everlasting kingdom on earth. This lecture also presents evidence from many Talmudic Jews who believe that Benjamin Netanyahu is the Moshiach ben Yosef. And they say that they met the Messias ben David (the Antichrist) and thus he has already arrived but has not yet been publically declared as such. It ends with a condemnation and warning to the blasphemous, apostate, stupid, and idiotic Christian Zionists who are helping the Antichrist come to power by supporting Anti-Israel, Anti-Jerusalem, the Anti-Temple, and then the Antichrist himself. After all, to get the Antichrist, you need an Anti-Israel, Anti-Jerusalem, and an Anti-Temple.

12-26-2022 12-26-2022 115 min. Vlr083

Jerusalem Belongs to the Catholic Church


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4-5-2010 4-5-2010 46 min. Vlr026

Jews, Family Idolization, Protestants, and More


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7-23-2023 7-23-2023 58 min. Vlr100

Life Begins in the Womb


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12-26-2019 12-26-2019 131 min. Vlr067

Jesus’ Lineage Chart


Excerpt from “Mary Ever Virgin and the Lineage of Jesus.” This chart shows the two lineages of Jesus as traced through St. Joseph’s legal line (as recorded in Luke, Chapter 3) and his biological line (as recorded in Matthew, Chapter 1). And it shows how the tracing of Joseph’s biological line is the same as tracing Mary’s biological line and that James the Less, Jude of Thaddeus, Simon, Joseph, and Salome were cousins to Jesus.

12-25-2007 12-25-2007 2 min. Vlr006

Kidron Valley and an Explanation of Apocalypse 19


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12-30-2008 1-2020 28 min. Vlr014

Magisterium of the Catholic Church, The


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12-2012 12-2012 59 min. Vlr033

Mary Ever Virgin and the Lineage of Jesus


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12-25-2007 12-25-2007 110 min. Vlr007

Men Must Believe in the Catholic Jesus to Be Saved


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4-8-2012 4-8-2012 49 min. Vlr030

MLR Protests Pride Month 2024


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6-30-2024 6-30-2024 101 min. Vlr0120

Mountain Climb in Thanksgiving for the Hellenization Book


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7-29-2018 7-29-2018 63 min. Vlr063

Non-Catholics Cannot Hold Offices in the Catholic Church


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3-27-2016 3-2022 153 min. Vlr053

Old Testament Feasts, Apostate Jews, Christian Zionists, Feminists, and other Topics


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10-1-2023 10-1-2023 28 min. Vlr0111

On Abjuration


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1-21-2024 1-21-2024 72 min. Vlr0114

On Alcoholics and Drug Addicts


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4-11-2023 4-11-2023 41 min. Vlr094

On Apostate Jews’ Plans to Destroy Palestine, Palestinians, Other Gentiles, Christianity, and Rule the World


11-19-2023 11-19-2023 59 min. Vlr0109

On Finding a Place to Live and Other Topics


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8-13-2023 8-13-2023 49 min. Vlr0103

On God the Father and Other Topics


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11-7-2021 11-7-2021 113 min. Vlr072

On Heresies regarding the Holy Eucharist and Divine Essence


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4-16-2023 4-16-2023 59 min. Vlr091

On Judging the Dead


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6-2007 2-25-2015 64 min. Vlr005

On Just Wars, Faith before Race, Purim, and Apostate Antipope Pius XII’s Exploding Body


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2-25-2024 2-25-2024 46 min. Vlr0115

On King Charles III’s Coronation and Allegiance to Unbelieving Rulers


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5-7-2023 5-7-2023 73 min. Vlr096

On the Blessed Virgin Mary, Incarnation, Lucifer, and Other Topics


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3-25-2023 3-25-2023 61 min. Vlr089

On the Borgia Antipope and the Great Apostasy


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10-8-2023 10-8-2023 42 min. Vlr0107

On the Diabolical Curriculum Proposed by Truth or Consequences Municipal Schools Board of Education


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5-20-2023 5-20-2023 100 min. Vlr092

On the Dimond Brothers Immanent Heresy, Apostate Jews, Freemasons, and Other Topics


6-11-2023 8-2024 99 min. Vlr093

On the Effects of Exorcisms and Grace


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6-2-2024 6-2-2024 23 min. Vlr0118

On the Old Testament and Its Saints, Stoicism, Daily Routine, and Other Topics


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9-3-2023 9-3-2023 48 min. Vlr0105

On the Salvation Dogma Book and Other Topics


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10-23-2022 10-23-2022 58 min. Vlr080

On the Salvation Dogma, Nominal Catholic churches, Valid Baptisms and Ordinations, and the Sacramental Intention


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9-3-2023 9-3-2023 71 min. Vlr0106

On the Third Edition of The Holy Catholic Bible


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7-16-2023 7-16-2023 51 min. Vlr101

On the Witnesses, Russia, China, and Gambling


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6-25-2023 6-25-2023 41 min. Vlr098

Political Compromisers, England’s Punishment of Ireland, and Other Topics


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9-25-2022 9-25-2022 89 min. Vlr078

Proper Way to Protest an LGBT Parade


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6-29-2018 6-29-2018 121 min. Vlr062

Reigns of the Antichrist and the Two Witnesses, The


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12-25-2008 12-25-2008 37 min. Vlr010

RJMI’s Journey into the Church, St. Lucy’s Church, and Other Topics


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1-1-2023 1-1-2023 88 min. Vlr084

Rule of Mary's Little Remnant, The


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4-22-2019 4-22-2019 32 min. Vlr065

Second Coming of Jesus Christ


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4-1996 6-2018 50 min. Vlr001b

Second Coming of the Messias


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4-1996 6-2018 94 min. Vlr001a

Several Topics 11-27-2022


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11-27-2022 11-27-2022 52 min. Vlr082

Strange Voices, Part 1


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1999 12-14-2007 120 min. Vlr002

Strange Voices, Part 2


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1999 12-14-2007 119 min. Vlr003

St. Judith Was a Figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary


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11-27-2022 11-27-2022 29 min. Vlr081

The Divine Essence and Incarnation


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7-9-2023 7-26-2023 56 min. Vlr099

The Salvation Dogma and Natural Law


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6-9-2024 6-9-2024 38 min. Vlr0119

The Seven Swords of Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary


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3-31-2024 3-31-2024 69 min. Vlr0116

Transgender Freaks


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4-26-2015 4-26-2015 56 min. Vlr049

Trump and Kari Lake Support Sodomites and Will Norris' Questions to Mike Lindell


Click here for lecture description. For more on Trump, see USA Political page, especially Not Vote for Trump or Any Other RINO in 2024.

2-13-2023 2-13-2023 86 min. Vlr088

Update 2020


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4-12-2020 4-12-2020 43 min. Vlr066

Various Topics, No. 1


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4-13-2006 4-13-2006 63 min. Vlr042

Various Topics, No. 2


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4-15-2006 4-15-2006 63 min. Vlr043

Various Topics, No. 3


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4-16-2006 4-16-2006 41 min. Vlr044

Various Topics, No. 4


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12-25-2006 12-25-2006 61 min. Vlr045

Various Topics, No. 5


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4-8-2007 4-8-2007 32 min. Vlr046

Various Topics, No. 6


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4-15-2007 4-15-2007 29 min. Vlr047

Various Topics, No. 7


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3-23-2008 3-23-2008 41 min. Vlr048

Vocations to the Priesthood, My Journey into the Church, and Apostate Traditionalists


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8-28-2022 8-28-2022 50 min. Vlr076

William Norris Wins an Election


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1-15-2023 1-15-2023 52 min. Vlr087

Mary's Little Remnant
302 East Joffre Street
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico 87901-2878
Website: www.JohnTheBaptist.us
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