Pastoral Menu
“I will feed my sheep,
and I will cause them to lie down, saith
the Lord God.”
(Ezechiel 34:15)
“He said to him…, Simon son of John,
…Feed my sheep.”
Obey all of God’s commandments: “If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.” (Mt. 19:17) “For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.” (Rom. 2:13) Pray: “We ought always to pray, and not to faint,” (Lk. 18:1) “Be instant in prayer; watching in it with thanksgiving:” (Col. 4:2) “Pray, lest ye enter into temptation.” (Lk. 22:40) Do penance: “I say to you: but unless you shall do penance, you shall all likewise perish.” (Lk. 13:3) “For if you live according to the flesh, you shall die: but if by the Spirit you mortify the deeds of the flesh, you shall live.” (Rom. 8:13) Study the Catholic faith: “Attend unto reading, to exhortation, and to doctrine. …Take heed to thyself and to doctrine: be earnest in them. For in doing this thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee.” (1 Tim. 4:13, 16) “He that refuseth to learn, shall fall into evils.” (Prv. 17:16) Do the spiritual works of mercy: Admonish the sinner, instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful, comfort the sorrowful, bear wrongs patiently, forgive all injuries, and pray for the living and the faithful departed dead. Do the corporal works of mercy: Feed the hungry, give drink to
the thirsty, clothe the naked, ransom the captive, shelter the homeless,
visit the sick, and bury the dead. |
Prayers |
Comments |
Org. ver. |
Cur. ver. |
# |
Compiled by Mary’s Little Remnant |
2-2007 |
2-2022 |
Bpr1 |
Compiled by Mary’s
Little Remnant |
10-2018 |
5-2021 |
Dls43 |
Led by RJMI |
11-2021 |
11-2021 |
Exorcism Prayer Introduction On the Effects of Exorcisms and Grace
11-2021 6-2024 11-2021 |
11-2021 6-2024 11-2021 |
Printable prayer card |
1-2016 |
3-2020 |
Bpr5 |
Printable prayer card |
1-2016 |
3-2020 |
Bpr4 |
Catholic Faith |
Comments |
Org. ver. |
Cur. ver. |
# |
To Submenu |
To Submenu |
To Submenu |
Penance |
Comments |
Org. ver. |
Cur. ver. |
# |
10-2016 |
2-2022 |
Br69 |
Miscellaneous |
Comments |
Org. ver. |
Cur. ver. |
# |
By RJMI. These
instructions are mandatory for Catholics (catechumens and the faithful) to believe
or do unless otherwise stated. However, the rules for those who belong to an
approved Catholic religious order may be different and must be followed by
the members of the order. |
3-2023 |
3-2023 |
Tr99 |
12-2204 |
3-2016 |
Br30 |
Catechism Excerpt 6: On the Gifts and Fruits of the
Holy Spirit |
7-2022 |
7-2022 |
Tr62f |
2-2018 |
2-2018 |
Tr52 |
1-2019 |
1-2019 |
Tr55 |
By MLR |
4-2023 |
4-2023 |
Tr101 |
12-2009 |
3-2023 |
Br77 |
(Print on hard stock paper, set print to double sided,
and cut out the cards) |
8-2022 |
8-2022 |
C1 |
1-2022 1-2022 |
1-2022 2-2022 |
Tr71 Tr74 |
*The current
nominal-Catholic universal calendar is null and void because apostate
antipopes promulgated it. (See RJMI book Non-Catholics
Cannot Hold Offices in the Catholic Church.) The universal calendar from
the time of the last true pope, Honorius II (d. 1130), is still in force.
However, I have not yet discovered a calendar from that time period. But even
if I had, I would still have the right to make a calendar for my religious
order, just as the Benedictines and the Uniate Eastern Church had the right
to make their own calendars. Of course, this requires papal approval if
possible. When it is not possible to get papal approval in the foreseeable
future and there is good reason to revise the calendar, the law of epikeia
allows me to revise the calendar for my religious order. Epikeia allows
exemptions from non-dogmatic laws without the need of confirmation or a
dispensation from a competent authority in emergency situations. (See RJMI
book Exemptions from the Law.) The
emergency situation is that the current null-and-void calendar contains the
following problems: It contains anti-saints, irreverent rankings of some holy
things, out-of-sequence events (which undermines the Biblical record of these
events), hardly any Old Testament saints, and does not contain some New
Testament era saints that should be honored. It contradicts its own laws in
writing and practice, contains too many exceptions, and abolished the Lenten
and Advent Fasts. It is my hope that the next pope will confirm this calendar
as the universal calendar. Until then, I can only bind my religious order to
it. I can only recommend that Catholics who do not belong to my order follow
it. For a detailed explanation of all the revisions and additions to the
calendar and the rubrics, see RJMI book Revisions
to the Roman Missal and the Calendar, which will be posted on our website
soon. Note: When these .pdf calendars are
viewed on a computer, some of the lines may appear to be missing. However,
this is only a viewing issue. When you print out the calendar, everything
will be intact. |
Mary's Little
East Joffre St.
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico 87901-2878
for a free catalog)