The United States of America


Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
46th President of the United States of America, aka “The Great Harlot”

“Draw near hither, you sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer, and of the harlot… Come, I will shew thee
the condemnation of the Great Harlot…
which corrupted the earth with her fornication.”
(Isaias 57:3; Apocalypse 17:1; 19:2)

“Promising them liberty,
whereas they themselves [the Rulers of the Harlot]
are the slaves of corruption.”
(2 Peter 2:19)


General. 2

On Donald Trump. 9

Don’t Vote for Trump and Other RIHOs in 2024. 9

Christians, Nominal Christians, and Other Social Conservatives Must Not Vote for Trump nor Any Other RINO   9

Social Conservatives Must Not Vote for Trump or Any Other RINO.. 9

Trump and Other RINOs Betray Social Values in Order to Get Elected. 9

Tracking turnover in the Trump administration, by Bookings. 9

Blow Back against Kari Lake’s Flip Flop on Abortion. 9

Trump Is a Savior to Christ-Denying Jews. 10

Against the Antisemitism Awareness Act that Trump signed into law.. 10

Trump Supports False Claims of Antisemitism and Labels Christians as Antisemites. 10

Trump Condemns Holocaust Deniers and Flip-Flops on 911. 10

Wayne Root says Trump is greatest ruler Israel ever had and is like the second coming of God. 10

A Rabbi calls Trump the Non-Jewish Messiah and calls for the Destruction of the USA.. 10

A Rabbi Praised Trump and Trump Praises Apostate Israel 10

Andrew Pollack Praises Trump as Greatest Friend of Jews and Israel 10

Trump Stands with Apostate Israel without Hesitation or Qualification. 10

Trump says Jews control the USA.. 10

Trump’s Connections with Christ-Denying Jews. 11

Trump’s Connections with Lev Leviev, Jared Kushner, and Netanyah. 11

The Idolization of Trump. 11

Things are getting out of control 11

Old Works on Trump. 11

Apostate Jews Control the USA.. 11




Title, Length, Catalog No.            


Date & Description

Apostate Antipope Francis’ Visit to the Americas and His Anti-wall Heresy

Video: HDDOL (77 min., Vlr52)

Audio: HDD&OL (77 min., Alr162)



Click here for lecture description.

Catholic Commentary on the Texas Mormon Ranch Raid

Video: HDDOL (81 min., Vlr8)

Audio: HDD&OL (82 min., Alr5)



Click here for lecture description.     

The Clinton Chronicles

Video: HDDOL (110 min., Vpu6)

Patrick Matrisciana


This documentary exposes the corruption of the Clinton family, the murdering and punishing of their enemies who tried to tell the truth, and the media blackouts covering their innumerable corruptions.

Conspiracies of the Jews, Part 2

Video: HDDOL (181 min., Vlr50b)

Audio: HDD&OL (177 min., Alr130b)



See 02:44:37 – Apostate Jews & Freemasons behind the events of 9-11.

An Explanation of Apocalypse 18

Video: HDDOL (39 min., Vlr9)

Audio: HDD&OL (39 min., Alr55)



Click here for lecture description.             

Former US Congressman: Israel Uses America Like a Whore

Video: HDD&OL (7:34)

Former US Congressman James Traficant says Israel uses America Like a Whore, which is more proof that the USA is the Harlot mentioned in the Book of the Apocalypse that brings the Beast, the Antichrist, to power in anti-Christ Israel.

·         See RJMI Brief on the seven head and ten horns of the Beast (document)

·         An Explanation of Apocalypse 17 (audio)

·         An Explanation of Apocalypse 18 (videoaudio)

·         USA Spreads Her Corruption, the Atomic Bomb, and the Final Destruction of the Harlot (audio)

·         A Visitation of the Harlot (audio)

·         The Harlot’s Pride, USA Worse than Sodom (audio)

·         For more, search for the word “harlot” in RJMI Audio Lectures. Some of these audios are also in video.

Benjamin Netanyahu on How Israel Controls the USA

Video: HDD/OL (20 sec.)

Benjamin Netanyahu on the Destruction of a Palestinian State, Israel’s Control of USA, and the Oslo Accords

Video: HDD/OL (5:47)

Pat Buchanan: US Congress is Israeli Occupied Territory

Video: HDD&OL (2:30)

Pat Buchanan on McNeil & Learner

Congressman Massie on How AIPAC Controls Republicans

Video: HDD&OL (3:48)

Congressman Thomas Massie on Tucker Carlson

Congressman Thomas Massie reveals to Tucker Carlson that his Republican colleagues have an "AIPAC babysitter" to ensure they vote in the interests of Israel at all times.

The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers

Video: HDDOL (156 min., Vpu1)

Pinto, Christian


This documentary exposes the wicked, anti-Catholic, freemasonic founding fathers of the Great Harlot, the USA.

Marching to Zion

Video: HDDOL (79 min., Vcz56)

Wittenberger, Paul & Anderson, Steven


Although this documentary was made by Protestants, it contains a lot of excellent information regarding the creation of the State of Israel and first-hand testimony from Apostate Jews who reveal what they believe about Jesus and other key topics. It also exposes the Christian Zionists and other so-called Christian groups, as well as some US presidential candidates and politicians who support Apostate Israel.

The Mena Connection

Video: HDDOL (141 min., Vpu4)

Reed, Terry (Producer)


This documentary exposes the involvement of USA government officials in trafficking cocaine drugs from Nicaragua to the United States during what is commonly called the “Iran-Contra Affair.” One of the main drug trafficking hubs was a remote location in the unnoticed city of Mena, Arkansas, a State which was at that time governed by none other than former president Bill Clinton.

The Montel Williams Show: Mark Levine & Gary Webb on CIA Drug Cartel

Video: HDDOL (40 min., Vpu5)

Williams, Montel


During this show, Montel Williams interviewed Mark Levine, former DEA undercover special agent and author of the book The Big White Lie, Gary Webb, investigative reporter and author of the book Dark Alliance, and several others. This interview documents the involvement of USA government officials in trafficking cocaine drugs from Nicaragua to the United States during what is commonly called the “Iran-Contra Affair.”

Warning: Contains several scenes with immodestly dressed women in the background.

Riddles in Stone

Video: HDDOL (167 min., Vpu2)

Antiquities Research Films


This documentary exposes how the Freemasonic founders of the USA incorporated occult and pagan symbols into many of the city plans and building structures of Washington D.C.

Secrets of the Founding Fathers

Video: HDDOL (60 min., Vpu3)

History Channel


A History Channel documentary that exposes the grossly immoral and freemasonic Founding Fathers of the USA Harlot.

Excerpt from Babylon USA

Video:  HDD/OL (17:35 min., Vpu7)

Steve Anderson


NUMEC – How Israel Stole the Bomb and Killed JFK

Video:  HDD/OL (88 min.)



Transgender Freaks

Video: HDDOL (56 min., Vlr49)

Audio: HDD&OL (52 min., Alr129)



Click here for lecture description.

Antichrist is a Jew, Great Apostasy, Americanism

Audio: HDD&OL (52 min., Alr80)



See 44:00: Click here for lecture description.

Democracy Hypocrisy, Jews vs. Freemasons

Audio: HDD&OL (27 min., Alr105)



Click here for lecture description.

An Explanation of Apocalypse 13

Audio: HDD&OL (42 min., Alr53)



Click here for lecture description.

An Explanation of Apocalypse 17

Audio: HDD&OL (53 min., Alr54)



Click here for lecture description.

Catholics Must Pray for Non-Catholic Rulers

Audio: HDD&OL (37 min., Alr180)



Click here for lecture description.

Hamas Party Election and Jewish Fear of Losing Power

Audio: HDD&OL (34 min., Alr133)



Click here for lecture description.

The Harlot’s Pride, USA Worse than Sodom, and More

Audio: HDD&OL (26 min., Alr134)



Click here for lecture description.

Health Insurance in the USA

Audio: HDD&OL (20 min., Alr153)



Click here for lecture description.

Israel and USA Hijack FIFA

Audio: HDD&OL (44 min., Alr136)



Click here for lecture description.

Liberal vs. Conservative Moslems, Evil Democracy, Rare Deathbed Conversions

Audio: HDD&OL (37 min., Alr132)



Click here for lecture description.

Moslems Invade Europe

Audio: HDD&OL (26 min., Alr150)


Click here for lecture description.

On Driving Laws and USA’s Non-Punishmentalism

Audio: HDD&OL (31 min., Alr106)



See 13:20: Click here for lecture description.

On Voting for the Lesser Evil

Book: HDD&OL (21 pgs., Br66)



Click here for lecture description.

The Tea Party, and Gypsies

Audio: HDD&OL (32 min., Alr123)



Click here for lecture description.

The Pro-Homosexual, Anti-Slavery, Black Racist Obama Is Anti-Bible

Audio: HDD&OL (71 min., Alr142)



Click here for lecture description.

US General Pace Was Attacked for Condemning Homosexuality

Audio: HDD&OL (8 min., Alr233)


Click here for lecture description.

USA Defends Israeli Illegal Occupation

Audio: HDD&OL (40 min., Alr159)



Click here for lecture description.

USA Spreads Her Corruptions, the Atomic Bomb, and the Final Destruction of the Harlot

Audio: HDD&OL (36 min., Alr135)



Click here for lecture description.

The Big White Lie

Book: Link (472 pgs., Pub2)

Levine, Michael


The Big White Lie tells a former Drug Enforcement Administration undercover agent’s story of dealing with cocaine traffickers in both the U.S. and South America.

Dark Alliance

Book: Link (592 pgs., Pub1)

Webb, Gary


In 1996, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Gary Webb (1955–2004) wrote a shocking series of articles for the San Jose Mercury News exposing the CIA’s link to Nicaraguan cocaine smuggled into the US by the Contras, which had fueled the widespread crack epidemic that swept through urban areas. Webb’s bold, controversial reporting was the target of a famously vicious media backlash that ended his career as a mainstream journalist. When Webb persisted with his research and compiled his findings in the book Dark Alliance, some of the same publications that had vilified Webb for his series retracted their criticism and praised him for having the courage to tell the truth about one of the worst official abuses in our nation’s history. Others, including his own former newspaper and the New York Times, continued to treat him like an outlaw for the brilliant and courageous work he had done.

End Time Signs

Book: HDD&OL (59 pgs., Br4)



See “A Visitation of the Harlot” and “Babylon Bombs Babylon”

Woe to You Who Call Evil Good

Book: HDD&OL (66 pgs., Br28)



See “Are behind Democracies” and “Who has corrupted the world since World War II ended?”

Catholics Cannot Take the USA Pledge of Allegiance or Serve in USA Military

Document: HDD&OL (4 pgs., Tr40)



This article shows how the USA’s Pledge of Allegiance, Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Military Oaths are heretical and how its military is immoral.

Politics from the Catholic Perspective: USA

Website: Link

Norris, William George

Website: Link

Webb, Gary

This links to a website that contains information relating to the research by Gary Webb, investigative reporter and author of Dark Alliance, a book exposing CIA involvement in trafficking cocaine drugs from Nicaragua to the United States.

Michael Levine

Website: Link

Levine, Michael

Michael Levine, a former DEA undercover agent, is the author of The Big White Lie, as well as several other books, that expose the USA government’s involvement in cocaine drug trafficking from Nicaragua to the United States


On Donald Trump

Title, Length, Catalog No.


Date & Description

Don’t Vote for Trump and Other RIHOs in 2024

Christians, Nominal Christians, and Other Social Conservatives Must Not Vote for Trump nor Any Other RINO


Video: HDD/OL (8:35 min)

Document: HDD&OL (2 pages)


Full Video, Audio, and Article:

Video: HDD/OL (134 min, Vlr121)

Audio: HDD&OL (134 min., Alr394)

Document: HDD&OL (28 pages, Tr112)



Social Conservatives Must Not Vote for Trump or Any Other RINO

(DocumentNewspaper, Sierra County Sentinel)



Trump and Other RINOs Betray Social Values in Order to Get Elected

(DocumentNewspaper, Sierra County Sentinel)



Tracking turnover in the Trump administration, by Bookings

  Document: HDD&OL (23 pages)



Blow Back against Kari Lake’s Flip Flop on Abortion

 Document: HDD&OL (27 pages)

Kari Lake

4/11/2024 - He X (Twitter) page.


Trump Is a Savior to Christ-Denying Jews

Against the Antisemitism Awareness Act that Trump signed into law

Document: HDD&OL (15 pgs., Tr111)



Trump Supports False Claims of Antisemitism and Labels Christians as Antisemites

Video: HDD/OL (21:45 min.)


Several clips

Trump Condemns Holocaust Deniers and Flip-Flops on 911

Video: HDD/OL (5:55 min.)

Wayne Root says Trump is greatest ruler Israel ever had and is like the second coming of God

Video: HDD/OL (1:25 min)

Broadcast on Newsmax

A Rabbi calls Trump the Non-Jewish Messiah and calls for the Destruction of the USA

Video: HDD/OL (7:03 min)

A Rabbi Praised Trump and Trump Praises Apostate Israel

 Video: HDD/OL (6:58 min)

7/10/2023 – At the Israel Foundation Society

 Andrew Pollack Praises Trump as Greatest Friend of Jews and Israel

  Video: HDD/OL (1:38 min)

Reported by the Telegraph

Trump Stands with Apostate Israel without Hesitation or Qualification

Video: HDD/OL (2:44 min)

2024 – Republican Jewish Coalition

Trump says Jews control the USA

Video: HDD/OL (3:50 min)

8/15/2024 – at Trump’s “Fighting Antisemitism” Press Conference at Bedminster, NJ

Trump’s Connections with Christ-Denying Jews

  Video: HDD/OL (13:50 min)

Truth Media Films

Trump’s Connections with Lev Leviev, Jared Kushner, and Netanyah

Video: HDD/OL (5:36 min)


From its documentary: The Dubious Friends of Donald Trump


The Idolization of Trump

Things are getting out of control

Video: HDD/OL (8:59 min)

By Jon McCray, posted on his Whaddo You Meme?? YouTube page


Old Works on Trump

Trump Counter-Revolution and the Rigged System, The: Part 1 – The Overview

Video: HDDOL (127 min., Vlr58)

Audio: HDD&OL (127 min., Alr224a)



Click here for lecture description.

Catholics Must Vote for Trump in USA’s 2016 Presidential Race

Audio: HDD&OL (18 min., Alr191)

Document: HDD&OL (2 pgs., Tr43)



Click here for lecture description.


Apostate Jews Control the USA

Title, Length, Catalog No.


Date & Description

A Jew says the Jews Control the World

Video: HDD/OL (1 min)

By Dershowitz, Alan

A rare moment when this lying Jew tells the truth.

A Rabbi says Jews Control the World

Video: HDD/OL (23 sec.)

He says their “influence is beyond any rational understanding.” What he does not say, is that it comes from the Devil. Here is what Jesus says about Christ-denying Jews:

“You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do.” (Jn. 8:44)

The US Is Owned by Israel

Video: HDD/OL (9:05 min.)

Dr. Michael Scheuer, ex-CIA agent

Broadcast on RT’s Going Underground on 10/7/2024

Benjamin Netanyahu on How Israel Controls the USA

Video: HDD/OL (20 sec.)

Benjamin Netanyahu on the Destruction of a Palestinian State, Israel’s Control of USA, and the Oslo Accords

Video: HDD/OL (5:47)

Former US Congressman: Israel Uses America Like a Whore

Video: HDD&OL (7:34)

Former US Congressman James Traficant says Israel uses America Like a Whore, which is more proof that the USA is the Harlot mentioned in the Book of the Apocalypse that brings the Beast, the Antichrist, to power in anti-Christ Israel. 

·         See RJMI Brief on the seven head and ten horns of the Beast (document)

·         An Explanation of Apocalypse 17 (audio)

·         An Explanation of Apocalypse 18 (videoaudio)

·         USA Spreads Her Corruption, the Atomic Bomb, and the Final Destruction of the Harlot (audio)

·         A Visitation of the Harlot (audio)

·         The Harlot’s Pride, USA Worse than Sodom (audio)

·         For more, search for the word “harlot” in RJMI Audio Lectures. Some of these audios are also in video.

President Nixon and Billy Graham on Jews Control over USA

Video: HDD&OL (2:10)

President  Nixon on Jews Control over USA

Video: HDD&OL (42 sec.)

Sen. Fulbright: Israel Controls Senate

Document: HDD&OL (2 pages)

Document: HDD&OL (Newspaper)

Fulbright on  CBS’ Face the Nation

Article from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, April 1973.

Pat Buchanan: US Congress is Israeli Occupied Territory

Video: HDD&OL (2:30)

Pat Buchanan on McNeil & Learner

Phil Giraldi: Israel Controls America

Video: HDD&OL (26 min)

6/18/2024 By former CIA Army Intel agent Phil Giraldi on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s podcast.

Congressman Massie on How AIPAC Controls Republicans

Video: HDD&OL (3:48)

Congressman Thomas Massie on Tucker Carlson

Congressman Thomas Massie reveals to Tucker Carlson that his Republican colleagues have an "AIPAC babysitter" to ensure they vote in the interests of Israel at all times.

Bobby Fischer says Jews Control the USA and the World

Video: HDD&OL (3:35)        

Compiled by MLR

Israel, Palestine, and the US Congress

Video: HDD - OL (29 min., Vcz22)

CNI News

Part 1 features James Abourezk, former US Senator, and Dr. Menachem Klein, Professor of Political Science at Bar-Ilan University, Israel.


Part 2 features US Ambassador Edward Peck and Uri Avnery, leading Israeli peace activist and former Knesset Member.


Part 3 features Professor John Mearsheimer, University of Chicago, and author of The Israel Lobby.

Politicians Bow to Jews

Video: HDDOL (5 min., Vcz16)

Stewart, Jon


WARNING: Contains immodesty from 00:00 to 00:10.

When comedy makes fun of the power Jews have over Gentiles, then you know that this power is great indeed and necessary for the Jews to bring the Antichrist to power.

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

Book: (496 pgs., Czb2)

Mearsheimer, John J. & Walt, Stephen M.


This is an expansion of the authors’ original 2006 article by the same name.

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

Document: HDD&OL (83 pgs., Czt9)

Mearsheimer, John J. & Walt, Stephen M.


Mary's Little Remnant

302 East Joffre Street
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico 87901-2878
