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What’s New from 1/1/2022

10/19/2024 – New RJMI video/audio:           


The Heretical versus the Right Way to Teach Men to Stop Sinning (video - audio)


This lecture was done on 9/29/2024, the Nineteenth Lord’s Day after Pentecost.. It can be accessed on the RJMI Video Lectures page or RJMI Audio Lectures page or click on above links.

The heretical way for a so-called Christian to teach men to stop sinning is when false gods or other falsehoods are invoked. The right way is when the true God is invoked. When you tell men the following: Do not sin because God said so, because God said it is a sin; and if you do not stop sinning, you will go to hell. That is it, no further examples are needed. It is that simple. Stop because God said so. When you invoke a false god or some other falsehood to try to make men stop sinning, the true God will not help you and them, and he will curse both of you. When you invoke the true God, then you have his grace and other helps assisting you. That is beside the fact that when a so-called Christian invokes a false god or other falsehood to try to make men stop sinning, he sins against the faith and thus is a heretic and hence is a nominal Christian on this point alone.


10/14/2024 – New RJMI video/audio:           


On the Proper Way to Study, Families, and Feminism (video - audio)


This lecture was done on 10/6/2024, the Twentieth Lord’s Day after Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles. It can be accessed on the RJMI Video Lectures page or RJMI Audio Lectures page or click on above links.

My progress on the Fourth Edition of the Catholic Prayer Book. * Pseudo-intellects study, study, and study but never come to the knowledge of the truth (true wisdom). * American dreamers work, work, and work and to make money but never attain true joy and contentment. * Most parents, nowadays, hate or at least despise their children and pawn them off on strangers.


10/10/2024 – New RJMI letter:


Against Racism (DocumentNewspaper, Sierra County Sentinel)

It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Letters menu or the Newspaper Publications menu or click n the above links.


10/8/2024 – New video clip:


Turkey’s President Erdogan against Israel’s Warmongering and Unjust Oppression and Genocide of Palestinians (click here)


At the UN Security Council, 10-2024. It can be accessed in the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy page or click on above link.


10/8/2024 – New video clip:


The US Is Owned by Israel (click here)


By Ex-CIA agent Dr. Michael Scheuer and broadcast on RT’s Going Underground on 10/7/2024.


It can be accessed in the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy page or the USA Political page or click on above link.


10/8/2024 – New video clip:


A Rabbi says Jews Control the World (click here)


He says their “influence is beyond any rational understanding.” What he does not say, is that it comes from the Devil. Here is what Jesus says about Christ-denying Jews:  “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do.” (Jn. 8:44)


It can be accessed in the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy page or the USA Political page or click on above link.


10/5/2024 – New RJMI book:


Supplement to RJMI’s Hellenization of Christianity Book (click here)


The additions to my book The Hellenization of Christianity by the Anti-Church Fathers and Scholastic in this supplement will be added to the next edition of that book if I get time to do so. This addition is a quote from the Ambrosiaster, 4th century, against the glorification of Philosophy and thus Scholasticism.


It can be accessed in the RJMI Books menu or The Great Apostasy menu or click on the above link.


10/3/2024 – New RJMI book:


Supplement to RJMI’s  Great Apostasy Book (click here)


The additions to my book The Great Apostasy in this supplement will be added to the next edition of that book if I get time to do so.  This addition is titled On the Unchaining of Satan in 1033, as if the world was about to end, by Richard Storrs.


It can be accessed in the RJMI Books menu or The Great Apostasy menu or click on the above link.


9/30/2024 – New video clips:


The Siege of Jerusalem, AD 1099 (click here)


The March of the Conquistadors (click here)


It can be accessed in the Video Clips menu in the new subheading “Catholics Must Be Willing to Die and Kill for Christ, No Wimps Allowed” or click on the above links.


9/26/2024 – New RJMI video/audio lecture:


Counsel to Putin, Russia, and China, and on Different Kind of Jews (video  - audio)


This lecture was done on 9/1/2024, the Fifteenth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the Russia or China political pages or RJMI Lectures page or click on above link.

Most times, good Catholic parents have good Catholic children, but not all the time. * Against Trump, LGBT republicans, and other RINOs. * Against the heresy of feminism, as women are taking over in the public arena. They will be among the hardest to convert. The Antichrist will destroy them when he comes to power. *

If I had a choice, I would move to Russia, China, or Uganda, some place that is mostly conservative regarding social issues. * Trump told US citizens who do not like the USA and Israel to leave the country. He linked Israel with the US; and thus if anyone likes the US but not Israel must also leave this country. You see how the US and apostate Israel are joined at the hip. * Putin opposes the one-state solution in Israel and thus will not ultimately serve the Antichrist. But he will work with the Antichrist to destroy the West. He does not like the West for his own reasons. 1) It is nominally Catholic and most Russians belong to the Russian Un-Orthodox Church that opposes Catholicism. 2) The West is full of immorality and trying to spread it to Russia. 3) The West is provoking Russia and seeking for its destruction. * While the politicians and other rulers in the West fear the Jews, the Jews in Russia fear Putin. He is the boss in Russia, the Jews are the boss in the West. When the apostate Jews need help and are in trouble, they go to the USA and other Western nations, they do not go to Russia or China. * Russia, China, and Iran will not ultimately serve the Antichrist, but instead will oppose him. These three nations are way less evil than the West. All this is spoken of in the book of the Apocalypse. * We few true Catholics are the main enemy to Satan, the Antichrist, and those who follow him. * While the Antichrist will pretend to be religious (as he pretends to fulfill the Old Testament prophecies regarding the Messias), he will be extremely immoral. This will cause many orthodox Jews (such as the Neturei Karta Jews and Chabad Jews) to reject him and eventually convert to true Catholicism. * Orthodox Jews are not as evil as nominal Catholics. *

Putin should not speak so much against the Nazis and Hitler, as he is more like Hitler than he would admit. Hitler and the true Nazis did in Germany what Putin is trying to do in Russia: suppress the power of the apostate Jews, fight communism, promote nationalism, and bring back morality to Russia. In fact, the West is doing the same thing to Putin as it did to Hitler, by demonizing Putin and lying about him in order to start a war. * The main reason Putin speaks against the Nazis is because many of them were nominal Catholics and hence the age old battle of Catholics against the Un-Orthodox Schismatics of the East. But most, if not all, of the current day Nazis (the Neo-Nazis, Skin-Heads, the Aryan Brothers, etc) are not true Nazis. Hitler would have killed them if they existed in his days. They are true racists when it comes to the Jews, and they are immoral. The so-called Nazis in the Ukraine that are fighting against Russia are the worst. If they were true Nazis, they would not fight for the apostate Jews (such as Volodymyr Zelenskyy) and the West, but instead would be fighting for Russia and China against the West. Hitler and the true Nazis main enemy was the apostate Jews. *

China’s economic and social system is for the most part good. It is way better than the totally corrupted West and its republics and democracies. It is not at all like the Marxist Communism was in the Soviet Union, which was controlled by apostate Jews. Apostate Jews have no such power in China. *

One can make the mistake that all Jews are equally evil by only being around the evilest apostate Jews and think they are all the same. But they are not. There are different kinds of apostate Jews and some are more evil than others. But even the most evil ones can repent and covert. The only good Jews are Catholic Jews. *

Good willed Russians, Chinese, and Iranians will never accept apostate Rome and its apostate Catholicism, with its wimpy, mushy, non-judgmental, non-punishmental, and extremely immoral ways. They will only accept true Catholicism which we few Catholics are teaching. *

I counsel Putin not to attack the West’s colonialism, as if it were all evil. There is a good colonialism and an evil one. The early colonization by Christians and even nominal Christians was good because it civilized the savage races and thus made it easier for them to convert to true Catholicism. Later on, when the West fell under the power of the apostate Jews and Freemasons, an evil colonialism arose that took advantage of the nations and its citizens and did not really care about them at all but used them as animals. So Putin must be careful regarding this topic, especially since his own nation, Russia, has taken over many nations and lands and incorporated them into Russia. *

I also counsel Putin to stop supporting the black radicals, gangsters, and criminal in the USA and turning them into victims. No true Christian can use this ploy. He does this to cause a civil war in USA, but he himself would not tolerate such behavior in Russia. Instead, he must look to and support the social conservatives in the USA and other Western nations. They will be dependable allies to him, provided they stop idolizing the extremely corrupted nations they are living in. Putin is starting to do this. * When Russia and China take over America, good-willed citizens must not only submit to them, but they must also welcome them with open arms and thank them for delivering them from the greater evils of the West. If they do, they may be spared. If not, they will be destroyed. 


9/20/2024 – New video clip:


Introduction to Parts 1 and 2 of The Rise and Fall of the Russian Oligarchs (click here)


Broadcast on Human Edge. This documentary by Alexander Gentelev shows how Oligarch Jews came to power in Russia under Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin and how Vladimir Putin suppressed them.


It can be accessed in the Russia political page of click on above link.


9/19/2024 – New video clip:

Norman Finkelstein says Israel Is a Warmongering, Lunatic State (click here)

On BBC’s Hard Talk, 2024. It can be accessed in the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy page or click on above link.


9/18/2024 – New article:


Russia Offers Safe Haven to Social Conservatives, by TASS (click here)


It can be accessed in the Russian political page or click on above link.


9/17/2024 – New video clip:

Sergey Lavrov condemns Israel's and USA's Warmongering, Hypocrisy, and Other Crimes in the Middle East and the Ukraine (click here)


From an interview on RT in 9/2024. Sergey Lavrov is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation since 2004. It can be accessed in the Russia political pages or click on the above link.


9/16/2024 – New video clip:


Putin Condemns the West’s Insanity, Gross Immorality, and Hypocrisy (click here)


Compiled by MLR. It can be accessed in the Russia political pages or click on the above link.


9/11/2024 – New RJMI video/audio lecture:


These Are the Days of Thunder and Other Topics (videoaudio)

This lecture was done on 5/12/2024, the Lord’s Day within the Octave of the Ascension. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video or Audio menus or click on above links.

There is a time for peace, and a time for war; a time for no thunder and a time for thunder. These are the days of thunder, the End Times. When the Antichrist comes to power, there will be only two major powers to contend with, him and us few true Catholics. * The true Catholic faith goes back to the Old Testament era and is confirmed by faith, morals, justice, holiness of life, fulfilled prophecies, and signs and wonders. * Apostate Antipope Francis denied the Catholic God when he said the true God is not the Catholic God. * My ex-friends in New Jersey knew God called me, but then betrayed me. * One reason most men are liars is because they idolize human beings and want worldly peace and not the true peace of God. * There are two kinds of sorrow: one worketh salvation and the other death. * Wimps cannot be true Catholics. True Catholics must judge, condemn, and punish when required and if possible, which includes killing for Christ. The types of people that the Catholic God and Catholics will kill without mercy. * God has given the Two Witnesses, who are true Catholics, the authority and power to bring down plagues and curses on this evil world: “And I will give unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks that stand before the Lord of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire shall come out of their mouths and shall devour their enemies. And if any man will hurt them, in this manner must he be slain. These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and they have power over waters to turn them into blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues as often as they will.” (Apoc. 11:3-6) How is that for Thunder! * The nominal Catholic prelates are the most evil men in the whole world. * The three main traits necessary to be saved is that one must love the truth, be humble, and not be a coward. * More important than a formal education is faith and obedience to all of God’s commandments. * Even though Europe has not been Catholic for many hundreds of years, its influence is still seen in its architecture and order. * When the Devil attacks us hard, we know we are making great progress. He attacks us the hardest when we expose the plots and ploys of the Christ-denying Jews and Zionists, who are the main power in bringing the Antichrist to power.


9/7/2024 – New devotional video:


The Assumption and Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (click here)


By TJ Delaney (a member of Mary’s Little Remnant in Ireland). It can be accessed in the new Devotional Video menu or click on above link.


9/5/2024 – New RJMI letter:


Against Trump’s Antisemitism Awareness Act

(DocumentNewspaper, Sierra County Sentinel)                      


The newspaper added the words (in my opinion) and (I believe). It can be accessed in the RJMI Letter menu or the Newspaper Publications menu or click on the above links.


9/3/2024 – New video clip:

Bobby Fischer says Jews Control the USA and the World (click here)


It can be accessed in the USA Politics menu or the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu or click the above link.


9/2/2024 – New RJMI video/audio:


On God Uses Nature to Punish, Trump, Jews, Dimond Brothers, and Other Topics


It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or RJMI Audio Lectures menu or click on above links.

Modern tech takes up a lot of time but it is worth it. * God uses nature to punish mankind. * Men can know this world is evil by the natural law alone. * The apostate Dimond Brothers support Trump and lie about my stance against Trump. * The stoic Dimond Brothers speak and act like passionless robots. And they have no pastoral care for their followers. * Trumps god is mammon. Hence he follows whoever has the most money and power. * The USA is beyond conversion. Hence God will send the Chinese or Russians to destroy the USA. * Trump is now aligning himself with liberals like RFK and Elon Musk, while he cast away true and convicted social conservatives, such as William Norris. * Trump says his crowds are bigger than Martin Luther King’s crowd when he gave the “I Had a Dream” speech. And Trump said he is prettier than Kamala Harris. All this is more proof of his vanity and sinful pride, not to mention his plain old goofiness. * On Netanyahu’s speech before the US Congress (which can be called An Antichrist visits His Harlot) in which he was adored; and he lied when he said that the faithful Jews of the Old Covenant era (like the Machabees) are with him. The truth is that these faithful Jews are now Catholic and condemn him as an apostate. * The Democrats (liberal and goofy as they are) are more zealous and less dishonest regarding their positions than the Republicans. * While theology is more important, works regarding politics are also necessary, and relate to theology. * The Dimond Brothers are like politician. Whenever they are asked a question that proves them wrong, they ignore and change the topic. * In order to be right, one must be willing to admit when he is wrong. * The heretical and schismatic Nathanael Kapner refuses to call the pagan Adam Greene an antichrist. 



8/29/2024 – New RJMI letter:


Trump and Other RINOs Betray Social Values in Order to Get Elected

(DocumentNewspaper, Sierra County Sentinel)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Letters menu or the USA political menu or that Newspaper Publications menu or click on above links.


8/28/2024 – New clip added to Trump Is a Savior to Christ-Denying Jews:


Trump’s Connections with Lev Leviev, Jared Kushner, and Netanyahu (click here)


It can be accessed in the United States of America political page or click on the above link.


8/26/2024 – New section in The United States of America political page:


The Idolization of Trump

·         Things are getting out of control, by Jon McCray (Video: click here)

It can be accessed in the United States of America political page of click on above link.


8/24/2024 – New section in The United States of America political page:


Trump Is a Savior to Christ-Denying Jews


Here are the first entries:

·         Wayne Root says Trump is greatest ruler Israel ever had and is like the second coming of God Video: HDD/OL (1:25 min)

·         A Rabbi calls Trump the Non-Jewish Messiah and calls for the Destruction of the USA  Video: HDD/OL (7:03 min)

·         A Rabbi Praised Trump and Trump Praises Apostate Israel Video: HDD/OL (6:58 min)

·         Andrew Pollack Praises Trump as Greatest Friend of Jews and Israel   Video: HDD/OL (1:38 min)

·         Trump Stands with Apostate Israel without Hesitation or Qualification Video: HDD/OL (2:44 min)

·         Trump’s Connections with Christ-Denying Jews   Video: HDD/OL (13:50 min)

·         Trump says Jews control the USA Video: HDD/OL (3:50 min)

·         Against the Antisemitism Awareness Act that Trump signed into law Document: HDD&OL (15 pgs., Tr111)

·         Trump Supports False Claims of Antisemitism and Labels Christians as Antisemites  Video: HDD/OL (21:45 min.)

·         Trump Condemns Holocaust Deniers and Flip-Flops on 911  Video: HDD/OL (5:55 min.)


8/22/2024 – New RJMI letter:


Social Conservatives Must Not Vote for Trump or Any Other RINO

(DocumentNewspaper, Sierra County Sentinel)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Letters menu or the Newspaper Publications menu or the USA Politics men or click on above links.


8/20/2024 – New RJMI article:


Christians, Nominal Christians, and Other Social Conservatives Must Not Vote for Trump nor Any Other RINO (click here)


It can be accessed in the United States of America political page in the subheading “Don’t Vote for Trump and Any Other RINO in 2024” or the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click on the above link. For the video and audio see below.


8/10/2024 – New RJMI video/audio:


Christians, Nominal Christians, and Other Social Conservatives Must Not Vote for Trump nor Any Other RINO


Full Video, Audio, and Article:

Video: HDD/OL (134 min, Vlr121)

Audio: HDD&OL (134 min., Alr394)

Article: (soon available)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Videos menu, RJMI Audios menu, and the United States of America political page in the subheading “Don’t Vote for Trump and Any Other RINO in 2024.”


The following related documents are also posted and can be accessed in the USA Political Works page or click on below links:


Tracking turnover in the Trump administration, by Bookings

Document: HDD&OL (23 pages)


Blow Back against Kari Lake’s Flip Flop on Abortion, Kari Lake’s X page.

Document: HDD&OL (27 pages)



8/5/2024 – New RJMI video and article:


Introduction to RJMI article Christians, Nominal Christians, and Other Social Conservatives Must Not Vote for Trump nor Any Other RINO (videoarticle)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Videos menu, RJMI Articles men, and the United States of America political page.


8/5/2024 – New RJMI article:


Against the Antisemitism Awareness Act (click here)


On 12/11/2019, President Trump signed into law by an Executive Order the Antisemitism Awareness Act.  Most of the definitions of antisemitism are false and thus have nothing to do with hating Jews or the Jewish race. And some of its definitions are anti-Bible, anti-Christian, racist for banning legitimate criticisms and punishments of Jews and Israel, and ban legitimate history and science that exposes apostate Jewish lies and conspiracies that point out certain clear and evident truths regarding apostate Jews and apostate Israel. On 4/15/2024, some in the senate tried to pass this act on but it never made out of committee. On 5/2/2024, the House passed the act in Bill H.R. 6090, but the Senate did not take it up. But the act is still in force by Trump’s Executive Order.


It can be accessed in the RJMI Articles menu, the United States of America political menu, and the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu or click on above link.


7/25/2024 – New RJMI article:


Brief on Culpability in the Days of the Great Apostasy (click here)


I also deleted my article On the Culpability of Laymen regarding the Desecration of Catholic Places, because it is contained in this new article. I can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Letters menu or click on above link.


7/18/2024 – New RJMI letter:


Against Non-Judgmentalism (DocumentNewspaper, Sierra County Sentinel)

It can be accessed in the RJMI’s Catholic Letters menu or the Newspaper Publications menu or click on above links.


7/15/2024 – New video clips:


President Nixon and Billy Graham on Jews Control over USA  (click here)


President  Nixon on Jews Control over USA  (click here)


They can be accessed in the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu or the USA Politics menu or click on above links.


I also put all the information the apostate Jews’ control over the USA in a separated section in the USA Politics menu and the Apostate Judaism and Zionism menu.


7/15/2024 – New documents:


Sen. Fulbright: Israel Controls Senate (Document - Newspaper)

Article from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, April 1973, regarding Fulbright on CBS’ Face the Nation. It can be accessed in the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu or the USA Politics menu or click on above links.


7/15/2024 – New video clip:


Phil Giraldi: Israel Controls America  (click here)


6/18/2024, by former CIA Army Intel agent Phil Giraldi on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s podcast. It can be accessed in the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu or the USA Politics menu or click on above links.


7/9/2024 – New video clips:


Benjamin Netanyahu on How Israel Controls the USA (click here)


Benjamin Netanyahu on the Destruction of a Palestinian State, Israel’s Control of USA, and the Oslo Accords (click here)


They can be accessed in the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu or the USA Politics menu or click on above links.


7/7/2024 – New video clip:


Pat Buchanan: US Congress Is Israeli Occupied Territory (click here)


It can be accessed in the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu or the USA Politics menu or click on above link.


7/7/2024 – New video clip:


Congressman Massie on How AIPAC Controls Republicans (click here)


It can be accessed in the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu or the USA Politics menu or click on above link.


Congressman Thomas Massie reveals to Tucker Carlson that his Republican colleagues have an "AIPAC babysitter" to ensure they vote in the interests of Israel at all times.


7/4/2024 – New video clip:


Comedian Dave Chappelle on Fear of the Jews (click here)


It can be accessed in the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu or click on the above link. This clip goes hand in hand with my lecture on Fear of the Jews (click here)


7/4/2024 – New video clip:


Former US Congressman: Israel Uses America Like a Whore  (click here)


It can be accessed in the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu or the USA Politics menu or click on above link.


Former US Congressman James Traficant says Israel uses America Like a Whore, which is more proof that the USA is the Harlot mentioned in the Book of the Apocalypse that brings the Beast, the Antichrist, to power in anti-Christ Israel.

·         See RJMI Brief on the seven head and ten horns of the Beast (document)

·         An Explanation of Apocalypse 17 (audio)

·         An Explanation of Apocalypse 18 (videoaudio)

·         USA Spreads Her Corruption, the Atomic Bomb, and the Final Destruction of the Harlot (audio)

·         A Visitation of the Harlot (audio)

·         The Harlot’s Pride, USA Worse than Sodom (audio)

·         For more, search for the word “harlot” in RJMI Audio Lectures. Some of these audios are also in video.


7/3/2024 - New RJMI video/audio lecture:

MLR Protests Pride Month 2024 (videoaudio)

This lecture was done on 6/30/2024, the Sixth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or the Homosexual/LGBT Conspiracy menu or click on above link.

This is the first LGBT event in Truth or Consequence (TorC) since 2018, when they paraded through town. That was the first such public event of the LGBT community in TorC. And MLR (Mary’s Little Remnant) protested it. See RJMI video/audio The Proper Way to Protest and LGBT Parade. This time they did not parade through town but on the Rio Grande River and had several events in buildings in town. MLR protested Pride Month and these events on the Triangle in TorC. * This lecture shows how LGBT persons’ love is from the Devil and not from God. They love the Devil and sin and Hate God and holiness. Whereas, true Catholic love God and holiness and hate the Devil and sin. * This lecture also deals with the necessity to condemn not only the sins of LGBT but also condemn the sinners, especially when they publicly flaunt their sins; and those who do so, must be harshly rebuked, mocked, and denigrated, to make reparation to God whom they mock and denigrate. This will also help to deter others who may fall into these sins and convert those who have fallen into these sins. However, if any LGBT person wants to talk with me in private and has some good will, I will not be harsh but gentle and will be more than glad to help you overcome your sin, as we true Catholics do love all men and want them to be saved. See my book God Did Not Create Men to Be Homosexual to help you overcome your LGBT sins.


6-21-2024 – New letter:


Pride Month Must Be Condemned (click here)


By William George Norris. It was published as a Reader’s Letter in the Sierra County Sentinel in the 6-20-2024 edition. It can be accesses in the Other Catholic Letters menu or the Newspaper Publications menu or the MLR Politics menu or click on the above link.‘


6/18/2024 – New RJMI video/audio:


The Salvation Dogma and Natural Law (video - audio)


This lecture was done in 6/9/2024, the Third’s Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or the RJMI Audio Lectures menu or click on above links.


The Salvation Dogma states that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. Hence all who die as non-Catholics are damned to the everlasting fires of gehenna. Most men go to gehenna (Mt. 7:14), including most Catholics because only good Catholics are saved; and God tells us only few Catholics will be saved. (Mt. 20:16). The first reason Catholics must believe this is because the Catholic Church has infallibly defined it. * This lecture deals mainly with why the so-called good man who lives by the natural law cannot be saved by the natural law alone. The natural law deals with laws that deal with morals (moral laws) and laws that deal with faith (faith laws). The violation of faith natural laws is infinitely worse than the violation of moral natural laws. Hence a man who keeps the moral natural laws but violates the faith natural laws by worshipping a false god or false religion is guilty of mortal sins against the faith and thus is evil. All men, even those who never heard about the Catholic God, faith, and Church, can reject all false gods and false religions by God’s grace, reason, and the natural law that is in the hearts of all men. As men reject these, God gives them more grace and moves them toward the Catholic Church. But if men do not reject the knowable falsehoods in their false religions and false gods, then they are not only guilty of mortal sins against the faith but are also mortally sinful liars, and as such they can never be saved until they stop lying about the things they can know. “If I have spoken to you earthly things, and you believe not; how will you believe if I shall speak to you heavenly things?” (Jn. 3:12)  Hence stop idolizing humans by wanting them all in heaven. Worry about your own soul. If God ever let obstinate evildoers in heaven, then heaven would be gehenna!


6/12/2024 – New RJMI article:


The Holy Spirit Proceeds from the Father and from the Son (click here)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click on the above link. Here are the major headings for the article:

·         Comprehensive Definition of the Dogmas on the Processions of the Holy Spirit

·         The Holy Spirit Proceeds from the Father and the Son

·         The Holy Spirit Has One Eternal Beginning and Two Eternal Origins

·         So What Is Meant When It Is Said that the Holy Spirit Proceeds Through the Son

·         On Creeds that Omit the Dogma that the Holy Spirit Proceeds from the Son

·         On the Invalid and Heretical Council of Florence

·         The Heretic Maximus the Confessor's Letter to Marinus

·         The Apostate John Damascene Denied the Dogma that the Holy Spirit Proceeds from the Son


6/7/2-24 – New video:


Declan Power and T.J. Delaney Canvassing in Waterford (click here)


On 6-6-2024, Declan Power and T.J. Delaney canvassed for votes in Waterford, Ireland. The video can be accessed in the MLR Ireland Political Page of click on above link.


6/5/2024 – New RJMI video/audio:


On the Effects of Exorcisms and Grace (video - audio)


This lecture was done in 6/2/2024, the Second Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu, RJMI Audio Lectures menu, Pastoral menu, or click on above links.


This lectures teaches the difference between the effects of exorcism prayers on those who do not know about or desire it and those who desire it. It helps both but in different ways. And it teaches about the kinds of grace and their effects: Assisting graces (temporary and permanent) and sanctifying grace. And it teaches about the necessity of grace to think or do anything good, and how grace goes before a thought or act, during it, and if cooperated with, then after it as a reward for the merit earned.


6/1/2024 – New political page:


MLR Ireland Political Page (click here)


It can be accessed in the Politics menu or click on the above link.


The first entry regarding the Irish Local and European Elections. Declan Power, a member of MLR Ireland and of The Irish People Party is running for election. Access the page for his agenda. Also, T.J. Delaney, a member of MLR Ireland, gives his elections strategy and a list of candidates to vote for.


5/31/2024 – Addition to RJMI article:


Some of Apostate Thomas Aquinas’ Heresies (click here)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or the RJMI Refutations menu or click on above link. Here is the addition to the section titled: His heresy of scholastic babble


Apostate Thomas Aquinas, Summa: “I answer that,... Thirdly, …That God is not in a genus, as reducible to it as its principle, is clear from this, that a principle reducible to any genus does not extend beyond that genus; as, a point is the principle of continuous quantity alone; and unity, of discontinuous quantity. But God is the principle of all being. Therefore He is not contained in any genus as its principle.” (I, q. 3, art. 5.)



5/25/2024 - – New RJMI videos:


Funeral Services for Mario Virreyra Sr. (click here)

Eulogy for Mario Virreyra Sr. (click here)


This Funeral Service and Eulogy was done on 5/20/2024, Pentecost Second Weekday. It can be accessed in the Religious Ceremonies menu or click on the above links. Here is a description:

Br. Mario Virreyra Junior’s track record on sick bed conversions: first with his mother Angelica and now with his father Mario Senior. * The gifts of the Holy Spirit, in particular caring for the sick, and all the hard work, endurance and patience that goes along with it. * One can only presume if someone went to purgatory, heaven or hell based on the evidence. The only exception is when it is revealed by God in scripture. But God has given us several signs that Br. Mario Sr. is saved and thus there is a  strong presumption that he is saved. * The dangers of a Catholic on their deathbed in a public hospital; protecting them from evil family members. How God ultimately protects the faithful, and how he has the Devil on a leash. By cooperating with God’s grace, and persevering in it, he delivers us. * Praying that pain and suffering does not overwhelm us in the hour of death. And praying for a quick death and in peace if possible. * Comparison and contrasts between Sr. Angelica’s conversion and Br. Mario senior’s . * Baptism outside the Catholic Church is valid but illegal. One only merits the graces of baptism (membership in the Catholic Church, sanctifying grace, and the remission of sins and punishment due to sins) when he enters the Catholic Church for the first time. Non-Catholics who are baptised only receive the indelible mark of baptism. * On determining if one was a nominal Catholic (such as the Santa Claus example which disqualifies one from membership in the Church) * Br. Mario senior’s path into the Church, his sickness, becoming a member, reconfirming his profession of faith, how his he gained graces for all the suffering he went though and enduring to the end. * These are some of the signs and miracles God gave us to confirm that Br. Mario Sr. is saved: a) Sr. Nickoline's dream on “2.5 years”; b) The miraculous phone call between RJMI and Mario Junior the night before Mario senior died,  just like they had the day before Sr. Angelica died; c) The burial site purchased by Br. Mario Senior; d) On his deathbed, he did not react to anybody except to Mario Jr. when he prayed over him; e) Richard Ibranyi’s daily memorization verse which was also in the mass prayers and also read by Bruce Gott that morning. * A recording of the miraculous phone call between RJMI and Mario Junior. * How signs and miracles are proved by the true Catholic faith. And on the operation of error and false consolation. * On how greater the punishments in hell awaits those who hear the truth but turn from it, especially those who were with us and left or were excommunicated.


5/15/2024 -  New RJMI article:


On the Veneration of Images (click here)


By Richard Joseph Michael Ibranyi and researched by Augustine Paul Stuja. It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or in the Against Protestant and Schismatic Religions menu or click on above link.


5/8/2024 – New RJMI video clip:


Richard Joseph Michael Ibranyi (Catholic Evangelist) Condemns Benjamin Netanyahu (an Antichrist) and Apostate Judaism (click here)


It can be accessed in the Video Clips menu and the Apostate Judaism and Zionism menu or click on above link.


5/8/2024 – New RJMI article:


Hitler Was Not a Secret Freemason or Secret Talmudic Jew (click here)


It can be accessed in the following menus: RJMI’ Catholic Letters; Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy; and, Hitler’s Germany or click on above link.


5/1/2024 - Correction to RJMI article:

Brief on Divorce and Remarriage (click here)

I deleted this paragraph because the spouse that committed adultery can never get remarried:

A History of Matrimonial Institutions, by George Elliott Howard, Ph.D., 1904: “[Footnote 4] Esmein, op. cit., II, 51. Chrysostom (De libello repudii, c. iii), Asterius of Amasea, Theodoret, and Hilarius of Poitiers all appear to hold that marriage is absolutely dissolved by adultery, from which the right of second marriage for both parties logically follows: ibid., II, 50, 51 ; Zhishman, op. cit., 101, 102 ; Geffcken, op. cit., 31.”

This is the correct teaching as contained in the article:

A Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, by Smith and Cheetham, 1880: “The general conclusion that we arrive at from a review of the documents and authorities of the early church is that while the remarriage of the guilty party was sternly and uncompromisingly condemned, there was no consensus on the question of the lawfulness or unlawfulness of the remarriage of the innocent party.”

I will also correct this in the Long Commentary on this topic in my next edition of The Catholic Bible, the Fourth Edition.


4-27-2024 – New MLR political event:


Mary’s Little Remnant Protests Genocide in Gaza (click here)


It can be accessed in Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works page or the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy page or click the above link.


4-27-2024 – Addition to an article:


How Apostate Jews Influenced the Great Apostasy, by Josh Friesen (click here)


I got this quote from The Jews from Spain, A History of the Sephardic Experience, by Jane S.  Gerber, 1992.


4-25-2024 – New article:


How Apostate Jews Influenced the Great Apostasy, by Josh Friesen (click here)


In can be accessed in The Great Apostasy menu or the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu to the Miscellaneous Article menu or click on the above link.


4-21-2024 - New RJMI letter:


The Harlot Brings the Beast to Power

(DocumentNewspaper, Sierra County Sentinel)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Letters menu or the Newspapers Publications menu or click on above links.


4-13-2024 – New RJMI video/audio:


How Science, Music, Art, and Theology Were Perverted and Other Topics


This lecture was done on 4/7/2024, on Low Day. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or the RJMI Audio Lectures menu or click on the above links. Here is the description:

Good Catholics are looked down upon by nominal Catholics and others. * Money is the god of most men in this evil world. Men are judged by them according to how much money they have. According to them, I am a loser. I went backward from college in which my parents wanted me to be a doctor to a trade school in which I became an optician. * The humanities, history, and arts in colleges turn the students into humanists (Freemasons without even knowing it). And even its sciences are perverted in some areas, such as they teach the heresies of Heliocentrism and Evolution. * The apostate Jews and Freemasons have perverted science, art, and music. But theology was first perverted by nominal Catholics and that is why the apostate Jews and Freemasons were so successful and perverting the world. * Without the true Catholic faith, all hell progressively broke loose. * Einstein was an apostate Jew who perverted science. His theory of relativity is false and was created to deny the dogma of Geocentrism. He is far from the hero he is made out to be. The apostate Jews and Freemasons pervert good things. And when they steal and try to do good things, they are not as good at it as others. Because they control the Multi-Media, the educational system, and finances, they spread their lies with no major public opposition. Hence, in many cases, they build up their heroes and put down or ignore the true heroes of science, art, and music. The same was done by nominal Catholics with theology from the beginning of the Great Apostasy in the 11th century. Nominal Catholic theologians and prelates perverted true theology and put themselves forward as the heroes and put down or ignored the true theology and true theologians, the true heroes, the Church Fathers and true popes. And because they controlled the highest positions, there was no effective opposition. The end result is that the perverted theologians were put forward as heroes and the evidence that condemns them from the true heroes (the Church Fathers and true popes) is hid. For example, the apostate Thomas Aquinas is put forward as one of the greatest theologians, a hero. Yet the fact that he was condemned by many in his life time and that his perverted theology was condemned by the true theology of the Church Fathers and true popes is never mentioned or even known. The apostate Jews did the same thing with the Holocaust lie. * The men who rule this world hate philosophy. They know it is false and impractical. But they brainwash other men with it to keep them confused, stupid, and in the dark. The Freemasons do this in the lower levels. Only at the 33rd degree do they learn the practical stuff. * Against the stoic heresy that Jesus suffered his whole life and the implications of this heresy which redounds to Joseph and Mary. * How apostate Jews and Freemasons create problems to discredit men and companies that rebel against them in order to destroy them or make them repent. * How God abhors cowards and hypocrites. * On how my ex-nominal-Catholic-friends in New Jersey tried to manage me. And when that did not work, they abandoned me; and thus I abandoned them. * How sinful capitalism is slavery. * Examples of how many apostate Jews idolize money and are cheap because money is their god.


4-4-2024 – New pictures:


Good Sixth Weekday Procession (click)


It can be accessed in the Mary’s Little Remnant Picture Gallery menu or click on above link.


4-3-2024 – New RJMI video/audio:


The Seven Swords of Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary (videoaudio)


This lecture was done on 3/31/2024, Resurrection Day. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or the RJMI Audio Lectures menu or click on the above links. Here is the description:


This lectures deals with the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 1) The Prophecy of Simeon; 2) the Holy Family’s flight into Egypt; 3) The loss of the child Jesus for three days; 4) the meeting with Jesus on the way of the Cross; 5) the crucifixion and death of Jesus; 6) the taking down of Jesus from the Cross; 7) the burial of Jesus. No creature suffered more than Mary regarding the passion of her son, Jesus Christ. It is worse for someone to watch a loved one being tortured than the one being tortured. And the more the love, the more painful is the sorrow to watch it. And because Mary loves God and her son more than any creature can, her pain and suffering was the greatest. It was only by a miracle that she did not die. Hence she is referred to as a martyr and the Queen of the martyrs. * Simeon was a faithful Jew who believed in Jesus without the need of seeing miracles. But Caiphas was an unfaithful Jew who did not believe in Jesus even though he saw many miracles. Here, then, is a perfect example of a good Jew and an evil Jew. * Men are judged by God according to their disposition to his holy Mother Mary. If they do not give her proper honor as the greatest creature God has ever created or ever will create, then they cannot be saved. And if they do not grieve sufficiently for the pain and sorrow she felt during the Passion, then they are heartless bastards and cannot be saved. * Protestants are like Lucifer who did not give Mary proper honor and respect but became jealous and envious of her. * Men must not try to be more or less than what God has made them to be or they will never ultimately be happy. * Herod knew Jesus was the Messias or else he would have not tried to kill him. Herod was power hungry and wanted to be the Messias, hence he was jealous and envious of Jesus. * Just as the Holy Family had to flee to Egypt to escape from Herod, so the Catholic Church is in the desert in New Mexico in these end times, as prophesied in the Book of the Apocalypse. * The main home of the Catholic Church can only be in one place and ruled by one person who teaches the Catholic faith or else there would be schism. * If nominal Catholics and bad Catholics are not sufficiently condemned and punished, then the Catholic Church, which is pure and undefiled, gets a bad name. * The Catholic Church’s purity consists of her deposit of faith, offices, and sacraments, even if there is not one Catholic on earth. * The devotees of the false apparitions of Mary want Mary to come back to earth and live on this wicked earth to take care of all the problems and thus suffer again while they sit in a corner doing nothing. They are cowards who do not want to take up the cross. Mary did her time, and future Catholics must do theirs and thus take up the cross and bear the persecutions that come from preaching the faith, condemning sinners when necessary, and punishing them if possible. True Catholics have the duty and power and protection from God to do all these things.



3-26-2024 – Two new video clips:


A Call to Soldiers to Join God's Army and Fight for Christ the King (click here)


This contains several clips and is 54 minutes. It can be accessed in the Video Clips menu or click on above link.


3-24-2024 – New video clip:


Street Kids Are Wiser than College Educated Idiots (click here)


Especially in regards to the apostate Jews. This clip was taken from RJMI’s video Conspiracies of the Jews. This clip can be accessed in the Video Clips menu or click on above link.


3-21-2024 - Additions to RJMI video/audio


On Just Wars, Faith before Race, Purim, and Apostate Antipope Pius XII’s Exploding Body (video - audio)


I added two clips: one from For Greater Glory and another from My Cousin Vinny around the 32 min mark.



3-19-2024 -  New RJMI video/audio:


On Just Wars, Faith before Race, Purim, and Apostate Antipope Pius XII’s Exploding Body (video - audio)


This lecture was done on 2/25/2024, the Second Lord’s Day in Lent. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or the RJMI Audio Lectures menu. Here is the description:


Christ first came to save souls by his sacrificial death. But he will come the second time as the conquering King of kings. * Against the heresy that Christians are not allowed to kill for just causes. * Catholic boys and men must be trained up for war if physically capable. * Our bodies have not yet benefited from the redemption. * Cannot have a Catholic kingdom on earth without Catholics. * Nominal Catholics who put race before faith do not have the faith and can never bring about God’s Kingdom on earth. * A good Catholic kingdom punishes and weeds out obstinate evildoers. * Biden pays lip service against the genocide in Gaza, but secretly supports it. One proof is that he keeps sending apostate Israel money and weapons so it can continue its genocide. * When Russia and China destroy Rome and conquer Europe and the Americas, I am going to dance on the roof. * The apostate antipopes betrayed the Cristeros. * Apostate Antipope Pius XII’s exploding body.



3-8-2024 – New RJMI article:


Non-Sensual Kissing on the Lips (click here)


It can be accessed in the RJMI’s Catholic Letters menu or click on above link.


3-8-2024 – New RJMI letter:


Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child

(DocumentNewspaper. Sierra County Sentinel)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Letters menu or the Newspapers Publications menu or click on above links.


2-27-2024 – Updated and completed document:


The Catholic Bible Cross References (click here)

By New American Catholic Edition of the Holy Bible

Complied by Mary’s Little Remnant


This document has been completed and thus contains the cross references for all the chapters in the Holy Catholic Bible. It can be accessed in the Biblical Works menu or click on the above link.


2-13-2024 – New RJMI book:


On Abjuration (click here)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Books menu or the Catholic Profession of Faith menu or click on above link.


1-20-2024 -  New RJMI video/audio:


On Abjuration (video - audio)


This lecture was done on 1/21/2024, the Third Lord’s Day after Epiphany. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or the RJMI Audio Lectures menu or the Catholic Profession of Faith menu or click on the above links. Here is the description:


How great heaven is. * Gehenna is everlasting * How God directs my works; must learn the faith in order to prove claims; hence the great danger when mystics make claims about the Catholic faith without any evidence to back it up. Men do not need God to directly tell them about the faith because God has given that job to his Catholic Church, which infallibly defines dogmas and infallibly condemns heresies and heretics, etc. * Anti-authoritarians do not want to obey and abjure. And many do not even tell you what they believe regarding the Catholic faith, and hence they are heretics for not professing the Catholic faith when obliged to. * Why I composed the Profession of Faith for the Days of the Great Apostasy the way I did, and why the basic creeds will not suffice * Why a single authority is needed in these final days to restore, enforce, promote, and promulgate the Catholic faith. * If no Catholic bishops are available, then baptized converts must abjure before Catholic priests; and if no Catholic priests are available, them must abjure before laymen or alone if no laymen are available. Just because there are no Catholic clerics does not excuse baptized converts from abjuring and professing the Catholic faith; * One good thing the Antichrist will do is kill all anti-authoritarians, which includes all those who believe in democracies and republics. * Most nominal Catholics act as if Catholicism is a race and not a faith to be believed in and obeyed. Hence they believe the heresy they can never stop being Catholic; or, as the apostate Fr Wathan put it, “Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.” 


1/26/2024- New letters:


Barbara Pearlman’s Lies about William Norris, Sierra County Citizen, 1-4-2024
(click here)


William Norris’ response to Barbara Pearlman’s Lies, Sierra County Sentinel, 1-26-2024
(click here)


These letters can be accessed in the Newspapers Publications menu or the Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works menu or click on the above links.


1-20-2024 -  New RJMI video/audio:


How Psycho Pills replaced Alcohol and Unhealthy Things replaced Healthy Things, and Other Topics (video - audio)


This lecture was done on 1/14/2024, the Second Lord’s Day after Epiphany. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or the RJMI Audio Lectures menu or click on the above links.


1-13-2024 -  New RJMI video:


Empirical Evidence of Flying Witches (video)


This lecture was done on 1-6-2024, Epiphany Day. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or the Satanism and Its Guises menu or click on the above link.


1-12-2024 - New RJMI Letter


Hitler’s Socialism vs. Marx’s Communism

(DocumentNewspaper, Sierra County Sentinel)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Letters menu or the Newspapers Publications menu or the Hitler’s Germany menu or click on above links.


12/26/2023 – New RJMI video/audio:


Old Testament Feasts, Apostate Jews, Christian Zionists, Feminists, and other Topics


This lecture was done on 10-1-2023, the Eighteenth Lord’s Day after Pentecost, also Feast of the Tabernacles. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or the RJMI Audio Lectures menu or click on the above links.


12-15-2023 - New RJMI Letter


The New Covenant replaced the Old Covenant

(DocumentReaders' Letters in the Sierra County Sentinel)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Letters menu or the Newspapers Publications menu or the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu.


12-12-2023 – New RJMI article:


List of Some Idolatries and Heresies of the Great Apostasy (click here)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or The Great Apostasy menu or clikc on the above link.


12-8-2023 – New MLR Political Event:


MLR’s Campaign to Oust Dr. Barbara Pearlman Succeeded (click here)

By Richard Joseph Michael Ibranyi and William George Norris

The vote took place on 11-7-2023.

It can be accessed in the Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works page or click on the above link. Here is the Introduction:

The Truth or Consequences Municipal Schools Board of Education, which makes laws for all the public schools in Sierra County, New Mexico, proposed a new school curriculum for Kindergarten to 12th grade which contains the following diabolical things: 1) Homosexuality, Transgenderism, and other sexual perversions (LGBTQ); 2) Critical Race Theory (CRT) , which is anti-Christian and anti-white people because the white races were the main races that brought Christianity to the world; 3) Marxism; 4) Paganism; 5) Witchcraft; 6) Radical feminism, which by default undermines fathers and males: and, 7) The destruction of the traditional family.

Mary’s Little Remnant (MLR) opposed this curriculum and called for parents and others to attend the School Board meeting on 5/8/2023 which was going to vote on the curriculum. Many showed up to protest against it. It was a half victory. The K to 5 curriculum was rejected with only one member supporting it, Dr. Barbara Pearlman, an extreme lefty liberal. However, the middle and high school curriculum passed with a 3 to 2 vote. The 3 votes for it came from 2 self-professed liberals and one so-called conservative, Christine LaFont. The 2 against it were two conservatives, at least regarding this vote.

William Norris was told by the Republican Party of Sierra County that it would try to get a re-call vote to remove the RINO Christine LaFont. And it said that Dr. Barbara Pearlman was up for election in November and thus would work to get her voted out of office. It did neither. Instead, it removed William Norris from office. No re-call vote for LaFont and no public campaign in the Newspapers against Pearlman before the vote on 11/7/2023.  If it were not for the efforts of MLR, Dr. Pearlman would have been re-elected. In short, the Republican Party in Sierra County is liberal in conservative clothing. Hence it either prevents true conservatives from getting elected or removes those who have offices, as it did with William Norris.


12-6-2023 – New Catholic Calendar:


2024 Catholic Calendar, by Mary’s Little Remnant (click here)


It can be accessed in the Sidebar menu or the Pastoral menu or click on above link.


11-29-2023 – New RJMI and William Norris Opinion piece:


Israel punishing those who had nothing to do with Oct. 7 attacks



This Opinion piece was published in the Albuquerque Journal on 11-28-2023. It can be accessed by clicking on the above links or in the Newspapers Publications menu or RJMI Catholic Letters menu or the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu.


11/23/2023 – New RJMI video/audio:


Clips on the Idolization of Family Members (videoaudio)


This lectures contains clips from three RJMI audios (An Explanation of Daniel 12; An Explanation of Zacharias 14; An Explanation of Isaias 24; and An Explanation of Apocalypse 21) and one RJMI video (Various Topics #1)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or the RJMI Audio Lectures menu or click on the above links.


11/22/2023 – New RJMI refutation:


Denunciation of Dermott Fegan (click here)


The denunciation was in 6-2023. It can be accessed in the RJMI Refutations menu or click on above link.

Warning: Dermott lists some of my works on his YouTube Channel titled “Truth Set Free” with the YouTube handle “@MarysLittleRemnant”. Since his schism, that channel is no longer under my supervision. Hence I cannot correct any heretical or otherwise erroneous comments by Dermott.


11-20-2023 – New RJMI video:


On Apostate Jews’ Plans to Destroy Palestine, Palestinians, Other Gentiles, Christianity, and Rule the World (click here)


This lecture was done on 11-19-2023, The Twenty-Fifth Lord’s Day after Pentecost, and the Octave Day of the Feast Day of God the Father. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu or click on the above link.


11-11-2023 – New Letter:


Israel’s Violations of International Law and Unjust Oppression of Palestinians,
by RJMI and researched by William George Norris


Letter with Chart (click here)

Letter to the Editor in the Sierra County Sentinel (click here)


It can be accessed in the RJMI’s Catholic Letters page of the Letters to the Editor page. Or click on above links.


11-9-2023 – New letter:


Thoughts on Sharing the Faith with Loved Ones (click here)


By Mrs. X, a member of the Catholic Church addressed to other members. It can be accessed in the Other Catholic Letters page or click on above link.


11-1-2023 – New RIMI video/audio lecture:


At Times Only a Very Few Are Faithful to God (VideoAudio)


This lecture was done on 10/29/2023, the Twenty-Second Lord’s Day after Pentecost (the Feast of Christ the King). It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. Due to the importance of this lecture, I will give the description here:


Faith, obedience to God’s commandments, and good works are necessary for salvation. * There were only eight faithful people in Noe’s day; only one when God called Abraham; only one at times in the days of Elias and Eliseus; almost none at times in the days of Isaias, Micheas, and King David; there were no good kings in the Northern Kingdom of Israel and only three in the Southern Kingdom of Juda; only six at the beginning of the Machabean revolt against the Seleucids who Hellenized Judaism; there were only a few at first when Jesus began his public ministry, twelve then seventy-two and only one-hundred-and-twenty in the upper room after Jesus ascended into heaven; in the end times, only the two witnesses and the few who follow them until they gain more converts, which also proves that there is no Catholic hierarchy intact or else there would be no need for the two witnesses; I, Richard Joseph Michael Ibranyi, am one of the Two Witnesses. The other one may be William George Norris, but that is not confirmed. The Two Witnesses and those who follow them will be protected by God until the time comes when some will die as martyrs. So woe to those who try to oppose or harm us, for you shall surely be punished by God according to your degree of malice; and, most men will follow the Antichrist when he comes to full visible power. Even if no one followed me and thus I was alone, my words and works are still true. Therefore, address the content of what I say and do and not the few who follow me. The truth is not determined by what most people believe or by who has the most followers. “Thou shalt not follow the multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou yield in judgment to the opinion of the most part to stray from the truth.” (Ex. 23:2) * Evil and sin are caused by the abuse and misuse of freewill. * To be saved, men must love the truth, be humble, and not be cowards. * If you truly loved someone who is on the road to hell, you would condemn him and call him to conversion. * The devil can only do what God allows him to do. The Devil is like a dog on a leash, and God holds the leash. Hence when attacked by the Devil go to God not the Devil. * Against papal idolatry.



10-27-2023 - New RJMI Letter to the Editor in the Sierra County Sentinel:


Freedom of Speech for Christians Is Under Attack in Public Schools

(DocumentLetter to the Editor)


In the Letter to the Editor, take special note of the letter before mine titled For Secularism, which my letter providentially refutes.


10/24/2023 – New RJMI book:


God’s Omnipresence, Mobility, Form, Beatific Vision, and Passions (click here)


This book has been many years in the making and is very important regarding teachings about the nature of God.


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Books menu or click on the above link.


10/20/2023 – New RJMI Letter to the Editor in the Sierra County Sentinel:


Christ-Denying Jews Have No Right to Israel on Religious Grounds

(DocumentLetter to the Editor)


10/17/2023- New RJMI video/audio lecture:


On the Borgia Antipope and the Great Apostasy (VideoAudio)


This lecture was recorded on 10-8-2023, the Nineteenth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. A description of the lecture is on the audio page.


10/16/2023 – Addition to Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political page:


William Norris’ AD and Letter to Editor to Vote Barbara Pearlman Out of Office

(ADLetter to the Editor)


The title of the Letter to the Editor is: Does the Sexualization of Children and LGBT Represent the Values of Sierra County?


10/14/2023- Correction to RJMI video/audio:

RJMI’s Journey into the Church, St. Lucy’s Church, and Other Topics (click here)


The correction was around the 18 minute mark. I said that it was St. Vincent Lerins who taught the heresy the infants who died with original sin are happy and united to God and contemplate forever philosophy. But it was the apostate Vincent Ferrer. Sorry, St. Vincent Lerins. 


9-26-2023 – Addition to Refutation:


Against the Nominal Catholic Pádraic Pearse, by RJMI, researched by T.J. Delaney
(click here)


The addition is an excerpt from his play Masters, which is more proof that he was a homosexual and pedophile. Here is the addition with an ending that was already in the book:

And if this poem was not bad enough, here is an excerpt from one of his plays that manages to surpass this disgusting rot

From Masters by Padraic Pearse

“'Breasal: He is fond of little Iollann.

Maine: Aye when Iollann is late, or when he is inattentive, the Master pretends not to notice it.

Breasal: Well, Iollann is only a little lad.

Maine: He is more like a little maid, with his fair cheek that reddens when the Master speaks to him.

Art: Faith, you wouldn’t call him a little maid when you’d see him strip to swim a river.

Ronan: Or when you’d see him spring up to meet the ball in a hurley match.

Maine: He has, certainly, many accomplishments.

Breasal: He has a high, manly heart.

Maine: He has a beautiful white body, and, therefore, you all love him; aye, the Master and all. We have no woman here and so we make love to our little Iollann[1]

Indeed, the pervert Patrick Pearse was under the Romans One Curse because he was a nominal Catholic, apostate, idolater, and heretic.

So much for the apostate Patrick Pearse, the so-called hero of Irish Nationalism! The only Irish Nationalists that can have a hope to save the Irish race and Ireland are good Catholic Irishmen. And, more importantly, they will be a good influence on other Irishmen with the hope of converting them. That is true love for the Irish race, nation, and, more importantly, Irishmen.


9-22-2023 – New William Norris Letter:


9-11 Was an Inside Job! (Letter - Newspaper)


This was a Letter to the Editor in the 9-22-2023 edition of the Sierra County Sentinel


9-16-2023 – New RJMI Letter:


On Hating Sin, Loving Sinners, and Judging (LetterNewspaper)


This was a Letter to the Editor in the 9-15-2023 edition of the Sierra County Sentinel


9/11/2023 - New RJMI video/audio:


On the Salvation Dogma, Nominal Catholic churches, Valid Baptisms and Ordinations, and the Sacramental Intention (VideoAudio)


This lecture was recorded on 9-3-2023, the Fourteenth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. A description of the lecture is on the audio page.


9/7/2023 - New RJMI video/audio:


On the Old Testament and Its Saints, Stoicism, Daily Routine, and Other Topics



This lecture was recorded on 9-3-2023, the Fourteenth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. A description of the lecture is on the audio page.


8/29/2023 - New RJMI video/audio:


A Catechumen Enters the Church, Sin No More, Great Apostasy, and Other Topics



This lecture was recorded on 8-20-2023, the Twelfth Lord’s Day after Pentecost, and the Feast Day of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. A description of the lecture is on the audio page.


8/25/2023 - New RJMI video/audio:


On Finding a Place to Live and Other Topics (VideoAudio)


This lecture was recorded on 8-13-2023, the Eleventh Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. A description of the lecture is on the audio page.


7-29-2023 – New refutation:


The Dimond Brothers Deny the Great Apostasy

By Augustine Stuja


It can be accessed in the Others’ Refutations menu or (click here)


8-19-2023 – New article:


The Blessed Virgin Mary Is the Ark of the New Covenant

By T.J. Delaney


This article can be accessed in the Miscellaneous Articles menu or click here.


8/18/2023 – New RJMI Letter:


The Ways God Punishes Men and Nations (LetterNewspaper)


This was a Letter to the Editor in the 8-18-2023 edition of the Sierra County Sentinel.


8/14/2023 - New RJMI video/audio:


Evidence regarding Deathbed Conversions (VideoAudio)


This lecture was recorded on 7-30-2023, the Ninth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. A description of the lecture is on the audio page.


8/5/2023 - New RJMI video/audio:


On the Third Edition of The Holy Catholic Bible (VideoAudio)

Revised by Richard Joseph Michael Ibranyi


This lecture was recorded on 7-16-2023, the Seventh Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. A description of the lecture is on the audio page.


7-29-2023 – New refutation:


The Dimond Brothers’ Heresy regarding the Heretical Council of Constance,

By Augustine Stuja


It can be accessed in the Others’ Refutations menu or (click here)


7-28-2023 – New RJMI and William Norris Letter:


God Punishes Sinful Nations (LetterNewspaper)


This was a Letter to the Editor in the 7-28-2023 edition of the Sierra County Sentinel.


7-28-2023 – New RJMI video/audio:


Jews, Family Idolization, Protestants, and More (VideoAudio)


This lecture was recorded on 7-23-2023, the Eighth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. A description of the lecture is on the audio page.


7/26/2023 – Corrections to RJMI video/audio:


The Divine Essence and Incarnation (VideoAudio)


This lecture was recorded on 7-9-2023, the Sixth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. Mistakes were made in about four places in which I said God the Son but meant to say God the Holy Spirit. And one in which I said the person of the Father and person of the Son but only meant the person of the Father. I have corrected them. The Original Version is 7-9-2023 and the Current Version is 7-26-2023.


It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. A description of the lecture is on the audio page.


7/21/2023 – New RJMI article and new video clip:


Rebecca Dow Has Not Promoted The Sound of Freedom and, again, Refused to Publically Condemn the Sexualization of Children

Document: HDD&OL (20 pgs)


Eduardo Verástegui on Sound of Freedom

Video: HDD/OL (2:13 min)


These can be accessed in the Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works page or click on above links.


7-20-2023 – New RJMI video/audio:


The Divine Essence and Incarnation (VideoAudio)


This lecture was recorded on 7-9-2023, the Sixth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. A description of the lecture is on the audio page.


7/15/2023 – New Edition:


The Holy Catholic Bible, Third Edition, revised by RJMI (click here)


This may the last edition I publish. I have completed the grammar in all the books, revised some Bible texts, revised and added some commentaries, and added a long commentary on Must Give God His Due and then Caesar.

I have a separate document that lists all the revisions since the First and Second Editions. Hence all who printed out the First or Second Edition only need this document to know what revisions were made. It is titled Revisions to First and Second Editions of The Holy Catholic Bible.

The only thing I wanted this edition to contain but does not is cross references for the Bible texts. I do not have time for that. But I have separate documents that list the cross references. If ever there is a Fourth Edition, it will contain the cross references

This Third Edition no longer contains a list of my Bible text revisions because it added many pages to the Bible. Hence I put the revisions in a separate book titled RJMI’s Bible Text Revisions.

It can be accessed in the Biblical Works menu or click on above link.


7/15/2023 – New RJMI book:


RJMI’s Bible Text Revisions (click here)


This book contains all my revisions to The Holy Catholic Bible.

It can be accessed in the Biblical Works menu or click on above link.


7/15/2023 – New RJMI article:


Revisions to First and Second Editions of The Holy Catholic Bible (click here)


This book contains the revisions made to the First and Second Editions of The Holy Catholic Bible. Hence those who have a printed copy of one of these versions can print this article and thus have a record of the revisions were made to it.

It can be accessed in the Biblical Works menu or click on above link.


7-11-2023 – New RJMI video/audio:


On the Witnesses, Russia, China, and Gambling (VideoAudio)


This lecture was recorded on 6-25-2023, the Fourth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. A description of the lecture is on the audio page.


7-7-2023 – New RJMI video/audio:


Evangelization, Will’s Political Activities, Pro-Life Rally in Dublin, and Other Topics (VideoAudio)


This lecture was recorded on 7-2-2023, the Fifth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. A description of the lecture is on the audio page.


7-6-2023 – New RJMI article:


Must Give God His Due and Then Caesar (click here)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click on above link.


7-6-2023 – Revised RJMI book:


Catholic Captivity (click here)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Books menu or click on above link.


6-29-2023 – New RJMI video/audio:


On King Charles III’s Coronation and Allegiance to Unbelieving Rulers (VideoAudio)


This lecture was recorded on 5-7-2023, the Fourth Lord’s Day after the Resurrection. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. A description of the lecture is on the audio page.


6-27-2023 – New RJMI article:


Gambling Is Not Intrinsically Sinful (click here)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click on above link.


6-27-2023 – New RJMI video/audio:


Gambling, Self-Control, and Addiction (VideoAudio)


This lecture was recorded on 3-19-2023, the Fourth Lord’s Day in Advent. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. A description of the lecture is on the audio page.


6-22-2023 – New MLR Pictures and Video:


2023 Sixth Weekday Procession (PicturesVideo)


It can be accessed in the Mary’s Little Remnant Picture Gallery or click on above links.


6-22-2023 – New RJMI video/audio:


On Alcoholics and Drug Addicts (VideoAudio)


This lecture was recorded on Resurrection Day 04/09/2023. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. A description of the lecture is on the audio page.


6-22-2023- RJMI video/audio added to The Catholic Church in Ireland page:


Freemasonry in Global Politics and Business and Historical Anti-Heroes

Video:  HDD/OL (60 min., Vlr86)

Audio: HDD&OL (60 min., Alr362)


For a description, see the page.


6-22-2023 – New RJMI video/audio:


On the Dimond Brothers Immanent Heresy, Apostate Jews, Freemasons, and Other Topics (VideoAudio)


This lecture was done on 6-11-2023, the Second Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture page or the RJMI Audio Lecture page or click on the above links. A description of the lecture is on the audio page.


6-20-2023 – New RJMI and WGN book:


The Case of William Norris against New Mexico’s Republican Party (click here)


By Richard Joseph Michael Ibranyi and William George Norris.


William George Norris was elected as Member-at-Large in the Sierra County Republican Party on 1-14-2023. But he was removed from office on 6-8-2023 because he upheld conservative social values. Julie Stroup, the chair of the Republican Party in Sierra County, spearheaded this witch hunt against William. This book deals with events the occurred before, during, and after William’s removal from office.


This book can be accesses in the Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works page or the RJMI Catholic Books page or click on the above link.


6-17-2023 – New RJMI article:


The Republican Party’s Stance against LGBT and Abortion Is Betrayed (click here)


Most of today’s Republican officeholders do not hold the same social values that the Republican officeholders held when I grew up, especially regarding homosexuality, transgenderism, and abortion. Regarding these issues, it is not the platform of the Republican Party that is to be blamed, for it opposes these things, even today in 2023. It is the so-called Republicans who do not uphold its positions in this regard that are to be blamed. Hence they are called RINOs (Republican in name only).


It can be accessed in the Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works page or the RJMI Catholic Articles page or click on the above link.


6-14-2023 – Addition to Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works page:


William Norris Rides the Republican Truck in the TorC Fiesta Parade (5-6-2023)

Video: HDD/OL (5:34 min)

Document: HDD&OL (2 pgs)


6-12-2023 – New RJMI letter:


On Banning the Bible and Christianity (click here)


This letter was published as a Letter to the Editor in Sierra County’s Sentinel on 5-19-2023.


6-12-2023 – New video:


The Financial Elite Worship Lucifer

Video: HDD&OL (38 min., Vcs3)


By StopWorldControl.com. An interview of Ronald Bernard, a onetime financial elite who exposes the financial elite. He says they are the most powerful men in the world and offer human sacrifices to Lucifer.


It can be accessed in the Financial Conspiracy menu and the Satanism and Its Guises menu or click on above link.


6-12-2023 – New RJMI letter:


On the Love that Saves Men (click here)


This letter was published as a Letter to the Editor in Sierra County’s Sentinel on 5-5-2023.


5/24/2023 – Additions to Homosexual/LGBT Conspiracy menu:


Apostate Antipope Francis I Doesn’t Judge Transgenders but Condemns the Bible

 Video: HDD/OL (1:24 min., Vcg14)


Drew Hernandez against the Sexualization of Children

Video: HDD/OL (12:13 min., Vcg15)


5/22/2023 – Additions to RJMI article:


On Ordinations Outside the Catholic Church


Several additions were made to this article. It can be accesses in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu of click here.


5/20/2023 – Addition to Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works page:


Diabolical Curriculum Proposed by Truth or Consequences Municipal Schools Board of Education (5/2023)


The Truth or Consequences Municipal Schools Board of Education, which makes laws for all the public schools in Sierra County, New Mexico, proposed a new school curriculum for Kindergarten to 12th grade which contains the following diabolical things: 1) Homosexuality, Transgenderism, and other sexual perversions (LGBTQ); 2) Critical Race Theory (CRT) , which is anti-Christian and anti-white people because the white races were the main races that brought Christianity to the world; 3) Marxism; 4) Paganism; 5) Witchcraft; 6) Radical feminism, which by default undermines fathers and males: and, 7) The destruction of the traditional family.

At the 4/26/2023 meeting, the vote was 2-2. Board President Christy Lafont and Board Member Mark Hedge voted in favor of adopting the curriculum and Board Secretary Jamie Sweeney and Board Member Julie Stroup voted no. Board Vice-President Dr. Barbara Pearlman attended the meeting via Zoom and lost her connection minutes before the vote. Had she been able to vote the motion to adopt this diabolical curriculum would have passed. There was another vote on 5/8/2023 at the Truth or Consequences Municipal Schools Board of Education. The events that took place before, during, and after this final vote are listed in this section, which includes Rebecca, the RINO, Dow Refused to Publically Condemn the Sexual Content in the Curriculum.


To access all the information, click here and go to “Diabolical Curriculum Proposed by Truth or Consequences Municipal Schools Board of Education (5/2023)”


To access the main video/audio, click on the following link (VideoAudio)


To access William Norris’ address before the board click on the following links (VideoAudioDocument)

To access Rebecca, the RINO, Dow Refused to Publically Condemn the Sexual Content in the Curriculum, click here.



5/17/2023 – Addition to Homosexual/LGBT Conspiracy menu:


Holly Holm against Sexualization of Children

Video: HDD/OL (28 sec., Vcg13)


Even though it is immoral for women to fight for sport as do men, Holly Holm teaches the truth regarding the sexualization of children.  She is an MMA fighter and was born and lives in New Mexico.


5/17/2023 – Addition to Homosexual/LGBT Conspiracy menu:


This Is What Is Taught in School to Children

Video: HDD/OL (1:30 min., Vcg12)


A lesbian teacher’s indoctrination of children with homosexuality and transgenderism.


5/16/2023 – Addition to Homosexual/LGBT Conspiracy menu:


Satanic Hollywood Elites Rape and Eat Children

Video: HDD/OL (8:24 min., Vcg11)


By The Peoples Voice website


516/2023 - 5/16/2023 – Addition to Homosexual/LGBT Conspiracy menu:


Teresa’s Escape from Satanism

Video: HDD&OL (19 min., Vcs2)


By 60 Minutes. Teresa's escape from a brutal Satanic cult describes how Satanists rape and eat children.


5/16/2023 – Addition to Homosexual/LGBT Conspiracy menu:


Ukraine Is Farming Children in Factories for Elite Pedophiles, Russia Is Saving the Children

Video: HDD/OL (7:27 min., Vcg10)


By The Peoples Voice website


5/11/2023 – Addition to Homosexual/LGBT Conspiracy menu:


UN and WHO Promotes Sexualization of Children and Transformation of the World by 2030

Document: HDD&OL (1 pgs., Trn1)


By David Sorensen, published on Stop World Control website


5/11/2023 – Addition to Homosexual/LGBT Conspiracy menu:


On the Sexualization of Children

Video: HDD/OL (7:11 min., Vcg9)


By Steve Gruber and Alexander Hamilton III, on America’s Voice Live on Real American Voice network. Recorded on 5-9-2023.


5/9/2023 – Addition to Homosexual/LGBT Conspiracy menu:


Fr. Sean Sheehy against the Perverts

Video: HDD/OL (3:04 min., Vcg8)


NewsTalk, Nov. 2, 2022: A priest who used a sermon to criticise abortion, gay marriage and transgender people has said he should not have to apologise for the truth. Fr Seán Sheehy told people gathered in a church in Listowel on Sunday: What is so sad today is you rarely hear about sin, but its rampant. We see it, for example, in the legislation of our Governments, we see it in the promotion of abortion, we see it in the example of this lunatic approach of transgenderism. We see it, for example, in the promotion of sex between two men and two women: that is sinful, that is mortal sin, and people dont seem to realise it. Fr Sheehy doubled down on his comments earlier on Wednesday that those who support gay marriage, including Tánaiste Leo Varadkar, will go to hell.  He told Anton Savage on The Hard Shoulder he was preaching what he believes. ‘My answer basically is that I'm giving the teaching of the scriptures and the church regarding homosexual sexual relationships: that they're sinful and that's it,’ he said. Asked if he planned to apologise, he said: ‘Not at all - why would I apologise for the truth?’’


4/26/2023 – New MLR Politics event:


William Norris’ TorC School Board Speech on New Curriculum (4-26-2023)


Audio: HDD/OL (2:57 min, Pr1)

Document: HDD&OL (2 pgs., Pr2a)


They can be accessed in Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works page or click on above links.


This is William Norris’ second speech before the Truth or Consequences School Board in which it is voting on a new curriculum of books they want to implement for the Kindergarten to 12th grade in the Truth or Consequences School District, which contains homosexuality, transgenderism, other sexual perversions, and CRT.


4/28/2023 – Addition to Homosexual/LGBT Conspiracy menu:


President Nixon against Homosexuals

Video: HDD/OL (1:22 min., Vcg7)


Rampant homosexuality destroys societies and nations.


4/27/2023 – Addition to Homosexual/LGBT Conspiracy menu:


RJMI Clip against Homosexuals

Video: HDD/OL (4:05 min., Vcg6)


From RJMI’s Second Coming of Jesus Christ speech given at Most Holy Family Monastery in Berlin, New Jersey


4/27/2023 – Additions to Homosexual/LGBT Conspiracy menu:


Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina Mark Robinson against Transgenders

Video: HDD/OL (2:09 min., Vcg3)


Drew Hernandez against LGBT

Video: HDD/OL (2:19 min., Vcg4)


Drew Hernandez against Transgenders

Video: HDD/OL (1:49 min., Vcg5))


4-26-2023 – New video clip:


Pastor John Amanchukwu against LGBT Agenda


Aired on Steve Bannon’s War Room on 4-25-2023. It can be accessed in the Homosexual/LGBT Conspiracy menu or click here.


4-26-2023 – Addition to Homosexual/LGBT Conspiracy menu:


William Norris’ TorC School Board Speech on New Curriculum (3-13-2023)

Audio: HDD/OL (2:36 min, Pr1)

Document: HDD&OL (1 pgs., Pr2)


William Norris’ Report on the TorC School Board Meeting (3-13-2023)

Document: HDD&OL (3 pgs., Pr3)



4/24/2023 – New RJMI brief:


I) Great Apostasy Briefs’ Introduction


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or the Great Apostasy menu or click here.


4/21/2023 – New RJMI video/audio:


On Heresies regarding the Holy Eucharist and Divine Essence (VideoAudio)


This lecture was done on 4/16/2023, the Octave Day of the Resurrection (Low Day). Only Christians and nominal Christians believe in the resurrection. The majority of this lecture exposes some heresies regarding the Holy Eucharist and the Divine Essence. It exposes the Holy Eucharist heresy that Christ’s body and blood are under the appearance of each species, under the appearance of the bread and the wine. It exposes the heresy that the Holy Eucharist is the living Christ and thus contains his soul. It exposes the heresy that the Divine essence does not beget, is not begotten, and does not proceed. It teaches the dogma that even though Christ is truly born of the Father, he always existed. Hence Christ is eternally born of the Father. This is one of the dogmas that is above the understanding of all created beings. Only God can understand it. It must be believed by faith alone, such as the dogma of God’s infinity and the dogma that the Holy Eucharist is Christ’s body under the appearance of bread and Christ’s blood under the appearance of wine. Hence the bread and wine are illusions that God perpetuates to test men’s faith to see if they acknowledge in all humility that only God knows all things and thus there are certain things creatures can never understand by reason, which includes things that contradict human and angelic reason and science but not God’s reason and science.


This lecture can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or the RJMI Audio Lectures menu or click on the above links.


4/14/2023 – New MLR political event:


William Norris’ Address to Las Cruces Council Members on Planned Abortion Clinic (4/3/2023) (VideoDocument)


Las Cruces City Council Meeting Report (4/3/2023) (Document)

This short speech took place on 4/3/2023 at the Las Cruces Council meeting in New Mexico. William George Norris was allowed three minutes to deliver his address to the council members and attendants. He first of all professed his allegiance and belief in the true Catholic Faith and preached the Salvation Dogma. He then raised his vehement objection to the planned $10M abortion facility coming to Las Cruces in New Mexico. The main purpose of this abortion clinic is to facilitate women in Texas who want abortions because they cannot get them in Texas, which has stricter laws against abortion.

It can be accessed on the Mary’s Littler Remnant Political Works page or click on the above links.


4-12-2023 -  New conspiracy page:

Satanism and Its Guises


Accessed in the Conspiracies menu or click here. It contains RJMI’s works and other works on Satanism and its guises.


4-12-2023: New RJMI Lecture:


Empirical Evidence of Devils and Ghosts


This lecture contains video evidence of real devils and ghosts. Accessed in the Satanism and Its Guises conspiracy page or RJMI Video Lectures page or click here.


4-12-2023 – New videos:


So About Satan (click here)


Teresa’s Escape from Satanism (click here)


Accessed in the Satanism and Its Guises or click on above links.


4/3/2023 – New RJMI brief:


7) Great Apostasy Brief on Occultism


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or the Great Apostasy menu or click here.


3/30/2023 – New video in The Catholic Church in Ireland page:


Short Clip on Protest of St. Patrick Day Parade in Dublin


On 3/17/2023: This was the first year that the St. Patrick Day Parade in Dublin had homos and transgenders. It also had floats of devils, UFOs, and other evil things. Only two Irishmen out of 450,000 who were present at the parade protested this abomination, TJ Delaney and Dermott Fegan.


It can be accessed in The Catholic Church in Ireland page or click here.



3/28/2023 – New RJMI video/audio:


On the Blessed Virgin Mary, Incarnation, Lucifer, and Other Topics (VideoAudio)


This lecture was done on 3/25/2023. The reasons why the Incarnation is the greatest miracle; Lucifer’s fall and the object of his fall; how wonderful it would have been if men had never sinned; the whole world is in the grip of the Devil; very, very few are faithful in the end times; it is heresy to believe homosexuality is not a sin; the necessity of God’s grace to avoid sin and do good; against coveting; adultery is not only a sin of sexual impurity but also sins of infidelity, degradation, and violence; why devils were not given a second chance but humans were; on freewill; only God’s grace can cure mental illness and other spiritual ills, not psychologists, psychiatrists,  and pills; men cannot have their own way. They serve either God or the Devil; true brothers are spiritual brothers, those who share the same faith and way of life; Catholics’ ultimate father is God and mother is Mary; you must give God permission to help you overcome your sins; and on the nominal Catholic heresy that men can never stop sinning, which nominal Catholics are told when they confess their sins to these bastard, apostate priests. I am living proof against this heresy because I was unchaste for most of my teen and adult life until I was 40 years old, and now have been chaste for 27 years. So much for the heresy that priests or anyone else cannot be chaste.


It can be accessed in the RJMI Video or Audio Lecture menu or click on above links.



3/25/2023 – New MLR Politics event:


William Norris’ TorC School Board Speech on New Curriculum (3-13-2023)

Speech: AudioDocument

Report: Document


They can be accessed in Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works page of click on above links.


The reason for going to this was to protest the new curriculum of books that they want to implement for the Kindergarten to 12th grade in the Truth or Consequences School District.


3/23/2023 – New RJMI brief:


6) Great Apostasy Brief on the Humanists


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or the Great Apostasy menu or click here.


3/20/2023 – New video clip:


Two Rabbis Tell the Truth about Hitler


Can be accessed in the Video Clips menu or the Hitler’s Germany menu or the Apostate Judaism and Zionism menu or click here.


3/20/2023 – New RJMI brief:


5) Great Apostasy Brief on the Desecration of Catholic Places


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or the Great Apostasy menu or click here.


3/18/2023 – Added a RJMI video/audio to The Catholic Church in Ireland Page:


Political Compromisers, England’s Punishment of Ireland, and Other Topics


It can be accessed in The Catholic Church in Ireland page.


3/17/2023 – New menu:


The Catholic Church International


Accessed on the Sidebar menu


This menu will contain works and deeds from Catholics in nations other than the USA.


3/17/2023 – Addition to The Catholic Church International menu:


The Catholic Church in Ireland


It can be accessed in The Catholic Church International menu or click here.


This is what is so far contained in this page:


TJ Delaney’s Protest at Muslim Eid Celebration (Video)


T.J. Delaney, a member of Mary’s Little Remnant in Ireland. On the centenary of Bloody Sunday, the Irish liberalist Government allowed a Muslim Eid celebration to go ahead in Croke Park on 7/20/2020. At the same time they banned Catholic celebrations – traditions – mass - during the lockdown, the hypocrisy and anti-Catholic narrative could not be more obvious. There was a protest at the event, involving Irish people who do not want the spread of Islam in Ireland. T.J. Delaney, a member of Mary’s Little Remnant in Ireland, was one of the protesters. At first, he got a lot of flak from Anti-Fa people who eventually left. T.J. highlights the fact that the Quran is far from the perfect book which is claimed, exposing blatant falsehoods. He refuted the heresy of Islam which denies the dogma of the Holy Trinity using Old Testament passages that Muslims also use.


TJ Delaney’s Rebuke at a Protest at Knock Shrine (Video)


On 8/21/2020, there was a rally and protest at Knock Shrine, Co Mayo Ireland. It protested against lockdowns on the feast day of Our Lady of Knock. After TJ played a tune on the Tin Whistle, he exposed idolatry from the nominal Catholics praying the rosary behind a flag that contained an image of the bare breasted pagan goddess Ériu. His rebuke begins at 5:32 in the clip. St Patrick came to end pagan idolatry and pagan imagery and establish the true Christian Faith, which is the Catholic faith. What would he have said to these people with their immoral pagan imagery praying a Rosary behind it of all things!


Against the Nominal Catholic Pádraic Pearse (Article)


By RJMI; Researched by T.J. Delaney. Patrick Pearse (1879-1916) was an Irishman and nominal Catholic who put the Irish race and nation above God.


Against Philosophy and on the Catholic Church’s Infallibility, by TJ Delaney (Letter)


A letter to a to a popular Irish influencer


When Creation Was Begun by The Irish Remnant: TJ Delaney, Dermott Fegan, and Declan Power (Music)


Lourdes Ave, by The Irish Remnant (Music)


Tin Whistle at Muckross Abby, by TJ Delaney (Music)


Rare Old Times, by The Irish Remnant (Music)


I Wish I Was Back at Home in Derry, by The Irish Remnant (Music)


The Ring of Kerry, by TJ Delaney and Declan Power (Music)


3/14/-2023 – New RJMI article:


Things Catholics Must Believe and Do

It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Article menu or the Pastoral menu or click here.

These instructions are mandatory for Catholics (catechumens and the faithful) to believe or do unless otherwise stated. However, the rules for those who belong to an approved Catholic religious order may be different and must be followed by the members of the order.


3/14/2023 - New RJMI article:

On Mandatory Fast Days

It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Article menu or click here.

This article explains the reason for my revisions to fasting rules and mandatory fasting days, especially as it relates to Lent and Advent. It is based upon the history of the fasting laws of the Catholic Church from Pentecost Day in AD 33 onward. Here is the new rule regarding fasting rules and mandatory fasting days, contained in my new article Things Catholics Must Believe and Do:

·         Abstinence: No meat, meat gravy, soup made from meat, or lard may be taken. The 6th weekday is a day of abstinence for all Catholics unless it is also a feast day of obligation.

·         Regular Fast: One meal a day, no meat, no alcohol, no dessert.

·         Light Fast: Two meals a day, no meat, alcohol and one dessert are allowed.

·         Eucharistic Fast: No food or drink (except water) may be taken from three hours before Holy Communion until 15 minutes after.

Eating outside of the allowed meal or meals on fasting days is not permitted. However, water, coffee, tea, fruit juices, and sodas are allowed. Milk or pureed juices (such as tomato juice, V8, or smoothies) are not allowed outside the meal except for milk or cream in coffee or te

The fasting schedule

            The yearly fasting schedule regarding regular fasts and light fasts is as follows.

Regular fast days

·         A regular fast during Holy Week, from the 2nd weekday to the 7th weekday (6 days)

·         A regular fast during Advent from 12/17 to 12/24, except for the Lord’s Day.  (7 days)

·         A regular fast on the Ember Days (12 days)

·         A regular fast on the Vigils of Trinity Day, Pentecost Day, and the Feast of God the Father (3 days)

That makes a total of 28 regular fast days during the year.

Light fast days

·         A light fast during Lent until Holy Week. No fasts on the Lord’s Day and Holy Days of Obligation. Holy Week is a regular fast from the 2nd weekday to the 7th weekday.

·         A light fast on the 2nd, 4th, and 6th weekday during Advent until 12/17. 12/17 to 12/24 is a regular fast.


3/14/2023 – Revision to RJMI book:


The Rule of Mary’s Little Remnant


The rule has been revised regarding the fasting rules and penitential days which are now the same that all Catholics must observe. I did this so that there would not be an undue burden regarding meals and what to eat between members of Mary’s Little Remnant and Catholics who are not members of the order, especially when they visit or live with one another. (See my article Things Catholics Must Believe and Do: Do Penance.)


3/14/2023 – Revision to the calendar:

Catholic Calendar, 2023, compiled by Mary’s Little Remnant

The revisions regard the new fasting rules and penitential days.


3/11/2023 – New RJMI brief:


4) Great Apostasy Brief on the Glorification of Mythology


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or the Great Apostasy menu or click here.


3/8/2023 – New RJMI brief:


3) Great Apostasy Brief on the Glorification of Philosophy


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or the Great Apostasy menu or click here.


3/2/2023 – Addition to RJMI brief:


2) Great Apostasy Brief on the Hellenization of Christianity


And it is the apostate Jews and their apostate Judaism that are the main orchestrators of the Great Apostasy:

Judaism and the Vatican, by Vince Poncins, 1967: “In reality, under the guise of ecumenical unity, religious recon­ciliation and other plausible pretexts, its object is the demolition of the bastion of traditional Catholicism, which is described by Joshua Jehouda as ‘the decrepit fortress of Christian obscurantism’. According to Jehouda, …three important stages have been accomplished in the work of the destruction of traditional Christianity; and they are: The Renaissance; The Reformation; The Revolution of 1789.” (p. 1, c. 3, p. 35.)


3/1/2023 – New RJMI brief:


2) Great Apostasy Brief on the Hellenization of Christianity


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or the Great Apostasy menu or click here.



2/27/2023 – New RJMI briefs:


Briefs on the Great Apostasy


These briefs deal with some of the sins against the Catholic faith and sins of immorality from the beginning of the Great Apostasy in the 11th century. When these briefs are completed, they will be put into one book. They can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu.


Here is the first brief:


1) Great Apostasy Brief on the Beginning of the Great Apostasy


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or the Great Apostasy menu or click here.



2/21/2023- New RJMI book:


The Salvation Dogma and Related Topics


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Books menu or click here.


I completed my first book on the Salvation Dogma in 1997. Its title was Outside the Church There Is No Salvation.

It was replaced by my second book on the Salvation Dogma in the 6th month of 2003, which was revised several times. Its title was The Salvation Dogma.

It is now replaced by this my final book on the Salvation Dogma in the 2nd month of 2023. And its title is The Salvation Dogma and Related Topics and is 421 pages. It contains books and articles I wrote on the Salvation Dogma and related topics. And thus I have incorporated all these in one book. However, that is not to say that I will not make revisions or additions to this book.

Some of my previous books and articles that are now in this book are as follows:


·         There Is No Remission of Sins Outside the Catholic Church

·         Laws Enforcing the Salvation Dogma

·         Only Catholics Are True Christians

·         Few Are Saved

·         Predestination

·         Baptized Non-Catholic Infants and Children

·         St. Augustine on Formal Heretics and the Salvation Dogma

·         St. Augustine’s Indelible-Mark Brothers

·         The Natural Law Cannot Save Men

·         Men Are Not Saved by Following Their Own Conscience

·         Ignorance Cannot Save Anyone

·         The Only Good Faith Is the Catholic Faith

·         The Heresy that Men Can Belong to the Soul but not the Body of the Catholic Church

·         Salvation during the Old Testament Era

·         The Denial of the Salvation Dogma

·         Bad Books on Salvation (but under different titles)

·         Salvation Heresy Enters Catechism in USA

·         The Multi-Media Promotes the Salvation Heresy

·         Damned Infants



2/21/2023 – Revisions to menus:


RJMI Catholic Books menu


I added at the end of the menu some topics contained in my book The Hellenization of Christianity by the Anti-Church Fathers and Scholastics and some topics contained in my book The Salvation Dogma and Related Topics. And I removed books that are now in The Salvation Dogma and Related Topics book.


RJMI Catholic Articles menu


I removed articles that are now in The Salvation Dogma and Related Topics book.



2/20/2023 – New Sidebar link:


Apocalyptic Prophecies


It can be accessed from the Sidebar menu or in the Great Apostasy page or click here. It contains most of the prophecies and events that relate to the Apocalypse from my works that are on this St. John the Baptist website.


2/17/2023 – New MLR video/audio:


Trump and Kari Lake Support  Sodomites and Will Norris’ Questions to Mike Lindell



This lecture was done on 2/13/2022. It can be access in the RJMI Video Lectures page, MLR Politics page, or RJMI Audio Lectures page or click on above links.


Here is the description:


This lecture contains a clip from Mike Lindell’s show The Lindell Report on 2/8/2023. And it contains comments from our Brother William Norris and from myself (RJMI). William Norris had the God-given opportunity to ask Mike three questions.


1) On why was Trump disloyal to Mike, one of his most staunch defenders who running for the leadership of the Republican National Committee (RNC), by not supporting Mike. Instead, Trump secretly worked to get one of his worse enemies elected, Ronna McDaniel, who is anti-MAGA and a horrible swamp creature.


2) On why Trump does not condemn the Covid 19 vaccine; or, at least, acknowledge that there are some major problems with it.


3) On what Mike thought about Trump and Kari Lake supporting and promoting sodomites by hosting a Gay Gala for LGBTQ Republicans (called Log Cabin Republicans) at Trump’s Mar a Lago on 12/15/2023, which should now be called Gomorrah a Lago.


When William told Mike about this homo and transgender fest at Mara Lago, Mike pretended that he did not know about it. But he implied that he did know when he said that conservative Christians are turning against Trump. All Mike said is that you did not see him there. But Mike got himself into a bind when he said he would never support anyone who goes against his moral compass, as he was referring to his not supporting pro-choice (pro-abortion) candidates. Well, to be consistent, Mike must no longer support Trump who is pro-homo (pro-LGBTQ), once he sees the evidence, which this lecture contains.


We at Mary’s Little Remnant believe Mike has a lot of good will, but on this issue he caved in. And we hope this lecture will get him to stop idolizing Trump so that he calls out Trump when Trump does something grievously wrong. I also give Mike good counsel on how to handle situations like this. I told him you can still support Trump only because he is the lesser evil; but in order to do that, he must call out Trump when he does, says, or promotes something sinful or otherwise wrong, as I did in my lecture The Trump Counter-Revolution and the Rigged System. If Mike does that, then he can still support Trump and not be a hypocrite regarding his moral compass. And I pray that this lecture will help other conservative minded men who are caving in and moving to the left (at least by sins of omission) on how to handle such situations.


Lastly, all of the attacks on Trump by his enemies did not do as much damage for his chance to get elected as Trump did to himself. His abominable sodomite party at Gomorrah Lago may have well been his political suicide, as many conservative minded men, especially among the Evangelicals, will not vote for him because they are so disgusted and thus may not look at the long view. Also, if a lesser evil candidate runs against Trump for the Republican presidential candidate, then all truly socially conservative minded Republicans must vote for him. One such candidate may be Ron DeSantis.


2/11/2023 – New video clip:


RJMI Bashes Apostates


“I full of the fury of the Lord, I am weary with holding in; pour it out upon the child abroad, and upon the council of the young men together, for man and woman shall be taken, the ancient and he that is full of days.” (Jer. 6:11)


Accessed the Video Clips menu or click here.


1/31/2023 – Revision to RJMI video/audio:


William Norris Wins an Election


A short clip was missing which began around the 39 minute mark regarding Caleb Cooper and Sheriff Glenn Hamilton. It has been added.


1/30/2023 – New RJMI video/audio:


William Norris Wins an Election (videoaudio - article)


This lecture was recorded on 1/15/2023, The Second Lord’s Day after Epiphany. Our Br. William George Norris was elected as a Member at Large in the Republican Party of Sierra County. The goal of MLR in politics is to expose the RINOs (Republicans in name only) and try to move the Republicans to the right, as everything is shifting to the left.


It can be accessed on the RJMI Video or Audio Lectures menus or click on above links. A description is in the audio menu.


For the document and video of Will’s pre-election speech click on videodocument.


All these items can be accessed on the Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works page.



1/26/2023 – New RJMI article:


Some other Heresies that Stem from the Salvation Heresy


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click here.


1/21/2023 – New RJMI video/audio:


Freemasonry in Global Politics and Business and Historical Anti-Heroes (videoaudio)


This lecture was recorded on 1/8/2023, the Feast Day of the Holy Family. It can be accessed on the RJMI Video or Audio Lectures menus or click on above links. A description is in the audio menu.


1/17/2023 – New RJMI article:


The Multi-Media Promotes the Salvation Heresy


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click here.


1/17/2023 – New RJMI video/audio:


Commentary on Bruce Gott’s Bible Reading (1 Cor. 1) (videoaudio)


This lecture was recorded on 1/1/2023, the Feast Day of the Circumcision of Our Lord. It can be accessed on the RJMI Video or Audio Lectures menus or click on above links. A description is in the audio menu.


1/12/2023 – New RJMI article:


The Heresy that Men Can Belong to the Soul but not the Body of the Catholic Church


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click here.


1/11/2023 – New RJMI video/audio:


RJMI’s Journey into the Church, St. Lucy’s Church, and Other Topics (videoaudio)


This lecture was recorded on 1/1/2023, the Feast Day of the Circumcision of Our Lord. It can be accessed on the RJMI Video or Audio Lectures menus or click on above links. A description is in the audio menu.


1/8/2023 – New contact email address in About Us menu:


Support@JohnTheBaptist.us sometimes I do not get messages sent to this address. If not, then use this address MaryLittleRemnant@gmail.com


1/5/2023 - 1/5/2023 – Revisions to RJMI article:


Catholics Must Not Take the USA Pledge of Allegiance or Serve in USA Military

(click here)



The First Amendment: “(Freedom of expression and religion) Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof: or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...”

This is heretical because God does not give the State the right to be separated from His Catholic Church and religion. ‘For the nation and the kingdom that will not serve thee [the Catholic God] shall perish.’ (Isa. 60:12)

It is heretical because God does not give men or the press the freedom to say whatever they want. Although God gives men the freewill to think or believe whatever they want and to attempt to say or do whatever they want, He does not give them the freedom, meaning the liberty or right, to think, believe, say, or do whatever they want. If they believe, say, or do something against God’s law, then they sin and will be punished by God in one way or another. For God “hath commanded no man to do wickedly, and he hath given no man license to sin.” (Eccus. 15:21) “Nor bind sin to sin: for even in one thou shalt not be unpunished.” (Eccus. 7:8)


The First Amendment is good for Catholics

The First Amendment of the USA Constitution is a lesser evil law that Catholics can hence support because it allows them religious liberty, even though it allows the same for false religions, which is heretical:

LESSER EVIL LAW: The First Amendment: “(Freedom of expression and religion) Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…”

Religious liberty for Catholics in non-Catholic States is a good thing. However, religious liberty for non-Catholics in Catholic States is a sinful and heretical thing. That does not mean non-Catholics are not allowed to believe in and practice their false religions in Catholic States but only that they must do so privately and thus not publicly.



The Nineteenth Amendment is heretical because it allows women to vote

NULL AND VOID: The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

This is heretical because women, as a general rule, must be submissive to men. This law, then, overturns that natural order of the relationship between men and women. And in the long run overturns that natural order of the family by placing wives equal to or above their husbands and by placing women, as a general rule, equal to or over men in positions of authority.

“To the woman he [God] said, …thy submission shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” (Gen. 3:16) St. Paul says, “Let women be subject to their husbands, as to the Lord.” (Eph. 5:22) And St. Peter says, “Let wives be subject to their husbands.” (1 Pt. 3:1) “A woman, if she have superiority, is contrary to her husband.” (Eccus. 25:30)

However, Catholic women can vote in non-Catholic nations that allow them to vote in order to overturn evil laws and work toward abolishing the right for women to vote. But they must vote in accord with the dictates of the Catholic Church.



1/4/2023 – New RJMI article:


Salvation during the Old Testament Era


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click here.


12/29/2022 – New RJMI video:


Is the Yanuka the Antichrist?


This lecture can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or in the Great Apostasy menu under the subheading Potential Antichrists: Rabbi Shlomo Yehudah Beeri (the Yanuka) or click here. The Great Apostasy menu contains other videos and documents regarding the Yanuka.


This lecture presents a lot of evidence that Rabbi Shlomo Yehudah Beeri (the Yanuka) may be the Antichrist. It also speaks of the Talmudic Jews’ belief that there will be two Messias: Moshiach ben Yosef (Messiah ben Joseph) and Moshiach ben David. The former suffers and dies and prepares the way for the latter. And the latter, Moshiach ben David, is the main Messias, the one who effects redemption and brings the everlasting kingdom. The Talmudic Jews fell into this apostasy because they refused to believe that Jesus Christ is the Messias and that it is he who fulfills both prophecies of the Messias. Jesus first came to suffer and die in order to redeem men. He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. And he will come again as the conquering King to bring the everlasting kingdom on earth. This lecture also presents evidence from many Talmudic Jews who believe that Benjamin Netanyahu is the Moshiach ben Yosef. And they say that they met the Messias ben David (the Antichrist) and thus he has already arrived but has not yet been publically declared as such. It ends with a condemnation and warning to the blasphemous, apostate, stupid, and idiotic Christian Zionists who are helping the Antichrist come to power by supporting Anti-Israel, Anti-Jerusalem, the Anti-Temple, and then the Antichrist himself. After all, to get the Antichrist, you need an Anti-Israel, Anti-Jerusalem, and an Anti-Temple.


12/19/2022 – New RJMI article:


The Only Good Faith Is the Catholic Faith


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click here.


12/17/2022 – New RJMI article:


A List of the Good and Bad Things Hitler Believed In and Did


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or the Hitler’s Germany page accessed from the Politics menu or click here.


12/17/2022 – New format:


Judaism and the Vatican, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, 1967 (click here)


It was in a 2 page view format. It is now in a single page format. Thus will be easier to read, and it will print out in normal book format.


Accessed in the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu of The Great Apostasy menu of click on the above link.


12/16/2022 – New book:


Malleus Maleficarum


By Apostates Professors of Theology Heinrich Kramer, O.P., and James Sprenger, O.P. Authorized by a Bull from Apostate Antipope Innocent VIII on 12-9-1484. Even though the authors were apostates and the work contains some heresies, it contains much good information regarding devils and witchcraft.


It can be accessed in the Miscellaneous Books menu or click here.


12/14/2022 – New book:


Judaism and the Vatican, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, 1967 (click here)


This is an important book to learn how the apostate Jews infiltrated the Catholic Church and subverted her infallible teachings regarding the apostate Jews, especially as it pertains to the apostate Second Vatican Council.


Accessed in the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu of The Great Apostasy menu of click on the above link.


12/9/2022 – New RJMI video/audio:


Several Topics 11-27-2022 (videoaudio)


It can be accessed on the RJMI Video or Audio Lectures menus or click on above links. A description is in the audio menu.


12/9/2022 – New RJMI article:


Catechisms that Denied the Salvation Dogma


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click here.


12/5/2022 – New RJMI article:


Scholastics and Others Who Denied the Salvation Dogma


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click here.


12/1/2022 – New RJMI article:


The Anti-Church Fathers Who Denied the Salvation Dogma


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click here.


12/1/2022 – New calendar:

Catholic Calendar 2023

Mary’s Little Remnant’s Rules in Brackets

It can be accessed in the Sidebar menu or Pastoral menu or click here.


11/30/2022 – New RJMI video/audio:


St. Judith Was a Figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary (videoaudio)


It can be accessed on the RJMI Video or Audio Lectures menus or click on above links.


11/29/2022 – New RJMI article:


The Meaning of a Dogma Cannot Change


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click here.


11/28/20222 – Revision to RJMI book:


The Rule of Mary’s Little Remnant



In Advent the 2nd, 4th, and 6th weekdays and all the days from 12/17 to 12/24 (the Lord’s Day not included) are regular fast and abstinence days for all Catholics unless otherwise noted. If a fasting day coincides with a feast day of obligation, the fasting day is transferred to another day during that week if possible; and if not possible, it is omitted.


In Advent the 2nd, 4th, and 6th weekdays and all the days from 12/17 to 12/24 (the Lord’s Day not included) are regular fast and abstinence days for all Catholics. If a fasting day coincides with a feast day of obligation, then there is no fast. Or if the fast day falls on a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class feast day, then regular fast is reduced to a light fast.


This rule also applies to all Catholics and thus to the faithful and catechumens.


11/28/2022 – Books added:


Mein Kampf, by Adolph Hitler (click here)


Hitler’s Speeches, 1921-1941 (click here)


Accessed in the Hitler’s Germany politics page or click on above links.


11/26/2022 – New RJMI refutation:


Against the Nominal Catholic Pádraic Pearse

Patrick Pearse (1879-1916) was an Irishman and nominal Catholic who put the Irish race and nation above God. While it is good and natural for men to love their race and nation and work to preserve it, it is the sin of idolatry to put their race or nation above God.


It can be accessed in the RJMI Refutations menu or click here.


11/21/2022 – New RJMI article:


The Natural Law Alone Cannot Save Men


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click here.


11/19/2022 – Correction to RJMI refutation:


Brief against the Society of Pius X




In these latter days of the Great Apostasy, anyone with the use of reason who attends SSPX Masses is on the road to hell because the crimes of the Vatican II Church and its apostate antipopes are notorious and manifest to all.




Hence anyone, infants include, who adheres to the SSPX or attends its Masses is on the road to hell because the crimes of the Vatican II Church and its apostate antipopes are notorious and manifest to all. It is a dogma that the infants are outside the Catholic Church for the sin of schism. (See RJMI book Baptized Non-Catholic Infants and Children.)




11/17/2022 – New conspiracy page:




It can be accessed in the Conspiracy menu or click here.


11/14/2022 – New RJMI article:


Men Are Not Saved By Following Their Own Conscience


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click here.


11/10/2022 – New RJMI Videos:

The Funeral Service for Ramona Angélica Lara de Virreyra (click here)


The Funeral Oration for Ramona Angélica Lara de Virreyra (click here)


Our Catholic Sister Ramona Angélica Lara de Virreyra died in Argentina on 11/4/2022 on the sixth weekday at 4:14pm. The burial took place on 11/5/2022 and the funeral service and oration on 11/7/2022.


Accessed in the Religious Ceremonies menu or by clicking on the above link.


11/9/2022 – New RJMI article:


Laws Enforcing the Salvation Dogma


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click here.


11/2/2022 -  New RJMI video/ audio lecture:


On the Salvation Dogma Book and Other Topics

Video: (click here)

Audio: (click here)


This lecture was done on 10/23/2022, the Twentieth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or the RJMI Audio Lectures menu which has a description, or click on the above links.


10/31/2022 – Addition to MLR Politics Page:


Election Integrity Forum (10/15/2022)


On 10/15/22, William Norris, Nicholas Wurth, and Ryan Gott went to the Sheridan Albuquerque Airport hotel to witness an Election Integrity Forum put on by Audrey Trujillo, the candidate for Secretary of State in New Mexico. The event was moderated by renowned international journalist Lara Logan. It was an all day event from 9-4pm.


Accessed in the Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works menu or click here


10/29/2022 – Revisions and corrections to RJMI article:


Catholics Must Vote for Trump in USA’s 2016 Presidential Race


Correction to Point 28 and Footnote 20:


“Capitalism” to “Sinful Capitalism”


Footnote 20: “Capitalism promotes and rewards greedy men…” to “Capitalism is not intrinsically sinful. It can be good or sinful. Sinful Capitalism promotes and rewards greedy men…”


Correction to Point 32 and added Point 33:





Catholic Position

Darrell Castle

(Constiution Pary)

Donald Trump

(Republican Pary)

Hillary Clinton

(Democratic Party)








Preservation of environment



For limited







Catholic Position

Darrell Castle

(Constiution Pary)

Donald Trump

(Republican Pary)

Hillary Clinton

(Democratic Party)








Preservation of environment






Idolization of environment






Correction to Footnote 19:

 “Most Republicans are for stealing jobs from citizens.” To “Most Republicans are not for stealing jobs from citizens.”



10/22/2022 – New RJMI article:


There Is No Remission of Sins Outside the Catholic Church


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click here.


10/20/2022 – New MLR pictures:


Pictures in Memory of Br. Ronald James Elmy (click here)


Accessed in the Mary’s Little Remnant Picture Gallery menu or in the Religious Ceremonies menu or click on above link.


10/19/2022 – New RJMI article:


Few Are Saved


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click here.


10/15/2022 – New RJMI article:


Only Catholics Are True Christians


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click here.


10/12/2022 -  New RJMI video/ audio lecture:


EWTN Glorifies Origen, the Salvation Dogma, and Other Topics

Video: (click here)

Audio: (click here)


This lecture was done on 10/9/2022, the Eighteenth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or the RJMI Audio Lectures menu which has a description, or click on the above links.


10/12/2022 – Addition to MLR Politics Page:

Meet and Greet of Yvette Herrell and Ted Cruz on 10/3/22


On 10/3/2022, three true Catholics and members of Mary’s Little Remnant, William George Norris, Ryan Gregory Gott, and Nicholas James John Wurth, attended this event at Las Cruces, NM. Congresswoman Yvette Herrell of NM’s 2nd congressional district is running to keep her office and Sen. Ted Cruz was there to support her.


Accessed in the Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works menu or click here


10/11/2022 – New RJMI article:


Quotes from Popes, Church Fathers, and Others on the Salvation Dogma

It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Articles menu or click here.


10/6/2022 – New RJMI audio lecture:


A Call to Conversion, the Necessity to Learn the Catholic Faith, and Other Topics

(click here)


It can be accessed in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu which has a description, or click on the above links.


9/30/2022 – Revision to The Rule of Mary’s Little Remnant:


The Regular Fast days on the 4th and 6th weekdays outside of Advent and Lent were reduced to Light Fast days. The Regular Fast days in Advent and Lent remain. What follows is the revision:


The 4th and 6th weekdays outside of the penitential days listed above and the non-penitential days listed below are days of fast and abstinence for MLR unless they are a feast day of obligation. The 4th weekday is a light fast and the 6th weekday is a regular fast unless otherwise noted. The 6th weekday is always an abstinence day for all Catholics unless it is a feast day of obligation.


The 4th and 6th weekdays outside of the penitential days listed above and the non-penitential days listed below are, for MLR, light fast days, which includes abstinence unless they are feast days of obligation. This only applies to MLR and thus does not apply to all Catholics. However, the 6th weekday is always an abstinence day for all Catholics unless it is a feast day of obligation.


9/29/2022 – New RJMI video/audio:


Political Compromisers, England’s Punishment of Ireland, and Other Topics

 (video - audio)


It can be accesses in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu which has a description, or click on the above links.


9/27/2022- Addition to MLR Politics Page:


Republican BBQ. TorC, 9/17/22


On 9/17/22 Bros William Norris, Ryan Gott, and Nicholas Wurth went to the Republican BBQ at the Republican Head quarters in Truth or Consequences NM. It was a gathering to meet the candidates with hot dogs hamburgers and the fixings.

Accessed in the Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works menu or click here.


9/24/2022 – New documentary:


Europa, The Last Battle, by Tobias Bratt (click here)


If not the best, one of the best, exposés of apostate Jews as the number one controllers and corrupters of this world.


Accessed in the Apostate Judaism and Zionism Conspiracy menu or click on above link.


9/24/2022- Addition to RJMI article:


Briefs on Jesus Christ: Jesus’ human nature was divinized and thus is divine


For the addition, click here.


9/23/2022 – New RJMI video/audio:


Follow Up on Refutation of Tera Davis (video - audio)


It can be accesses in the RJMI Video Lectures menu or in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu which has a description, or click on the above links.


9/21/2022 – New RJMI documents and audios:


Basic Catholic Profession of Faith (documentaudio)


Profession of Faith for the Days of the Great Apostasy (documentaudio)


Consent Form for the Profession of Faith for the Days of the Great Apostasy
(click here)


Procedure of Receiving Converts into the Catholic Church (click here)


All of these items can be accessed on the Professions of Faith menu, which can be accessed on the Sidebar menu, or by clicking on the above links.


It is a big day for the St. John the Baptist website, as the Profession of Faith for the Days of the Great Apostasy is now complete and is available in one document and in audio format.


The four main works that God has given me are now complete. 1) The Prayer Book; 2) the Profession of Faith for the Days of the Great Apostasy; 3) my book on Penance Is Necessary for Salvation; and, 4) The Holy Catholic Bible, revised by myself.


9/19/2022 – New RJMI Videos:


The Catholic Funeral and Burial of Our Brother Ronald James Elmy (click here)


The Funeral Oration for Our Brother Ronald James Elmy (click here)


Our Catholic Brother, Ronald James Elmy, died on 9/2/2022 on the sixth weekday at 2:30pm. The Funeral and burial took place on 9/3/2022. And the Funeral Oration took place on 9/4 and 9/11, 2022.


Everlasting rest grant onto our Brother Ronald James Elmy, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him; and may he rest on peace. Amen.


Accessed in the Religious Ceremonies menu or by clicking on the above link.


9/8/2022 – New RJMI refutation”


Against Tera Davis


It can be accessed in the RJMI Refutation menu or click here.


Tera Davis joined the St. John the Baptist chat site on 8/4/2022. She pretended to be sincerely in search of the truth but was instead set on finding dirt, of finding some flaw or heresy. This is to expected for many who join themselves to the site and even many who become Catholic will be insincere and thus come with evil motives.


“And they that are learned among the people shall teach many… and many shall be joined to them deceitfully.” (Dan. 11:33-34)

When she left the site, she did not give any reason why. Shorty after, she posted a refutation of me on her The Catholic Cottage website.

 This is my refutation of her letter. As all good-willed men will learn, Tera Davis, is a liar, feminist, rebel, stoic, non-judgmentalist, and non-punishmentalist. Here is what the Word of God say about Tera and those like her:

“It is like the sin of witchcraft, to rebel and like the crime of idolatry, to refuse to obey.” (1 Ki. 15:23)


9/6/2022 – Addition to MLR Politics Page:


Meet and Greet with Sandra Hammack at Susan Lafont’s House (8/29/22)

On 8/29/2022, three true Catholics and members of Mary’s Little Remnant, William George Norris, Ryan Gregory Gott, and  Nicholas James John Wurth, attended this event. Sandra Hammack is the Republican candidate for New Mexico House seat in District 38.

Accessed in the Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works menu or click here.


8/31/2022- New RJMI video/audio:


Vocations to the Priesthood, My Journey into the Church, and Apostate Traditionalists


This lecture was recorded on 08/28/2022, the 12th Lord's Day after Pentecost.


Accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture menu or click here.

Accessed in the RJMI Audios menu or click here.


8/31/2022 – New RJMI video clips:


Apostate Jews’ Sin of Deicide (click here)


The Holocaust Hoax replaced the Sacrifice of the Mass (click here)


Padre Pio Was an Apostate (click here)


Accessed in Video Clips menu or by clicking on above links.


8/27/2022 – New RJMI audio:


William Norris’ Time with the Dimond Brothers and Journey into the Catholic Church


It can be accesses in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu, which has a s description, or click here.


8/26/2022 – New RJMI catechism excerpt:

Catechism Excerpt 7: On Giving Alms


I can be accessed in the Catholic Catechism Lessons menu or click here.


8/26/2022 – New RJMI letter:


How God Creates Life


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Letters menu or click here.


8/24/2022 – New RJMI audio:


Lenten Schedule, Converting Jews, Pointless Debates, & Other Topics


This lecture was recorded on 3/27/2022, the Fourth Lord’s Day in Lent. It can be accessed in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu or click here.


8/24/2022 – New catechism lesson:


Catechism Lesson 26: Old Testament Saints, Validity, Blob-god, God Is Everywhere, & Purgatory


It can be accessed in the Catholic Catechism Lessons menu or click here.


8/20/2022 – New catechism lesson:


Catechism Lesson 25: Indulgences, Seal of Confession, and Against Re-Confessing Remitted Sins


It can be accessed in the Catholic Catechism Lessons menu or click here.


8/20/2022 – New catechism lesson:


Catechism Lesson 24: God Not Create Men to Sin; Eternal-World Heresy; Evil Societies; Forbidden Words; Images vs. Idols, Divination & False Apparitions; and Epikeia


It can be accessed in the Catholic Catechism Lessons menu or click here.


8/19/2022 – Addition to MLR Politics Page:


Monthly Republican Meeting, at Elephant Butte, New Mexico on 8/15/2022

On 8/15/2022, Three true Catholics and members of Mary’s Little Remnant, William George Norris, Phillip Frank McCabe, and Nicholas James John Wurth, attended this event. They gave donations in the name of Mary’s Little House, LLC and got to meet with the speakers and others and to witness to them. The main speakers were Jeremy Gay, Republican State Attorney Nominee, and Yvette Herrell, Republican US Congresswoman for New Mexico’s Second Congressional District.

Accessed in the Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works menu or click here.


8/17/2022- New RJMI audio/video lecture:


Saint Ephrem of Syria’s Hymns on the Blessed Virgin Mary


This lecture was recorded on 08/15/2022, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. It can be accessed in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu where there is a description or click here.


8/17/2022- New RJMI audio lecture:


Pope Gelasius I on Papal Supremacy, Phinees and God's Justice, and Other Topics


This lecture was recorded on 08/14/2022, the Tenth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu where there is a description or click here.


8/12/2022 – New politics page:


Mary’s Little Remnant’s Political Works


Since my main works (The Catholic Prayer Book, Penance Is Necessary for Salvation, The Profession of Faith for the Days of the Great Apostasy, and the RJMI revised The Holy Catholic Bible has been completed and posted on the website, the brothers are becoming active in the political arena. This page will keep a record of their political endeavours.


It can be accessed in the Politics menu or click here.


8/11/2022- New RJMI audio lecture:


Things All Catholics Must Do to Be Saved


This lecture was recorded on 08/07/2022, the Ninth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu where there is a description or click here.


8/9/2022 – New card:


MLR Evangelization Card


Print on hard stock paper, set print to double sided, and cut out the cards.


Accessed in the Pastoral menu or click here.


8/8/2022 – New forms:


On Personal Forms


Personal Unchangeable Information


Personal Changeable Information


Marital Status and Children


Major Events regarding Catholics, Fallen-Away Catholics, and Inquirerers


Accessed in the Catholic Forms menu or click here.


8/2/2022 – New video:


A Jew says the Jews Control the World, by Alan Dershowitz

A rare moment when this lying Jew tells the truth. Accessed in the Apostate Judaism & Zionism menu or click here.


8/2/2022 – Addition to RJMI letter:


RJMI is the Sole Ruler of the Catholic Church in These Final Days


Mr. X replied to this letter, and I responded. Hence I added it to this letter. It can be accesses in the RJMI Catholic Letters menu or click here.


7/30/2022 – New video clip:


On the Corruption and Fall of Apostate Rome


Taken from The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, by RJMI. It can be accessed in the Video Clips menu or click here.


7/30/2022- New RJMI audio lecture:


Social Media, against Aquinas and Philosophy, and Other Topics


This lecture was done on 7/24/2022, the Seventh Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu where there is a description or click here.


7/29/2022 – New RJMI letters:


RJMI is the Sole Ruler of the Catholic Church in These Final Days (click here)


Catholics Must Not War against Russia (click here)


Accessed in the RJMI Letters menu or by clicking above links.


7/28/2022 – New video clip:


On the Greatness of God


Taken from The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, by RJMI. It can be accessed in the Video Clips menu or click here.


7/26/2022 – New webpage:


On the Blessed Virgin Mary


Accessed on the Side Bar menu or click here.


I posted this up on this day in honor of the Good St. Anne who, along with St. Joachim, was entrusted with God’s greatest and most beloved masterpiece, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.


7/26/2022 – New Sidebar item

Profession of Faith


7/26/2022 – New RJMI article:


Some of Apostate Thomas Aquinas’ Heresies


Accessed in the RJMI Articles menu or click here.


7/25/2022- New RJMI audio lecture:


Racism, Heretical Council of Trent, Family Idolatry, Cults, and Other Topics


This lecture was done on 7/17/2022, the Sixth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu where there is a description or click here.


7/23/2022 – New RJMI forms:


Procedure on Receiving Converts into the Catholic Church

(click here)


Basic Catholic Profession of Faith

(click here)


Consent Form for the Profession of Faith for the Days of the Great Apostasy

(click here)


Accessed in the Catholic Forms menu or by clicking above links.


7/21/2022- New RJMI audio lecture:


On Miracles, Jesuits, Conversion of Americas, and Other Topics


This lecture was done on 3/13/2022, the Second Lord’s Day in Lent. It can be accessed in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu where there is a description or click here.


7/21/2022- New RJMI audio lecture:


On Russian and Ukraine, the Christeros, and Wars


This lecture was done on 3/13/2022, the Second Lord’s Day in Lent. It can be accessed in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu where there is a description or click here.


7/19/2022 – New Bible edition:

Second Edition of The Holy Catholic Bible, revised by RJMI


It is not my purpose to put out new editions so often. But in this case, formatting errors regarding the Long Commentaries made it necessary because some of the headings were not in the right place. Hence I fixed the heading and added the other revisions I made since the First Edition, which are listed at the end of the Bible.


Accessed in the Biblical Works menu of click here.


7/18/2022- New Catechism lesson:


Catechism Excerpt 6: On the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit


Can be accessed in the Catholic Catechism Lessons menu or click here.


7/18/2022- New RJMI audio lecture:


Sacramentals, Witnessing The Faith And Other Topics


This lecture was done on 7/10/2022, the Fifth Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu where there is a description or click here.


7/15/2022 – New RJMI articles:


The Invalid and Heretical Council of Trent’s Heresies and Other Errors
(click here)


On So-called Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(click here)


On the Culpability of Laymen regarding the Desecration of Catholic Places
(click here)


On Baptism of Blood and Desire

(click here)


Accessed in the RJMI Articles menu or by clicking on above links.


7/15/2022 – New RJMI letter:


On Faithful Jews and Faithful Gentiles


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Letters menu or click here


7/12/2022- New RJMI audio lecture:


On Schools, Solomon’s Repentance, England, and Other Topics


This lecture was done on 2/6/2022, the Fifth Lord’s Day after Epiphany. It can be accessed in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu where there is a description or click here.


7/8/2022- New RJMI audio lecture:


On Indulgences, the Seal of Confession, and Re-Confessing Remitted Sins


This lecture was done on 2/6/2022, the Fifth Lord’s Day after Epiphany. It can be accessed in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu where there is a description or click here.


7/5/2022 – New RJMI letter:


On RJMI’s Changing Beliefs


It can be accessed in the RJMI Catholic Letters menu or click here.


7/4/2022 – New Conspiracy page:

Voting Fraud Conspiracy

This page contains testimonies regarding various methods of voter fraud, especially in the USA. It contains testimonies on two occasions from William George Norris and Phillip Frank McCabe before the Sierra County Commission, New Mexico.

It can be accesses in the Conspiracies menu or click here.


7/2/2022- New RJMI audio lecture:


Catholic Bible Revised by RJMI, Roe vs Wade Overturned, and Other Topics


This lecture was done on 6/26/2022, the Third Lord’s Day after Pentecost. It can be accessed in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu where there is a description or click here.


6/30/2022- New RJMI audio/video lecture:


On Catholic Shrines, Fall of the Temple, Ark of the Covenant, and Other Topics


This lecture was done on 5/15/2022, the Fourth Lord’s Day after Resurrection. It can be accessed in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu where there is a description or click here.


6/29/2022- New RJMI audio/video lecture:


On Voter Fraud, Cowards, Politics, and Other Topics


This lecture was done on 6/19/2022. It can be accessed in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu where there is a description or click here.


6/24/2022 – New books:


Feast Day of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Nativity of St. John the Baptist


The Holy Catholic Bible, revised by RJMI


I began many years ago revising the apostate Bishop Richard Challoner’s version of the Bible, which is his version of the Douay-Rheims translation, which in turn is an English translation of the Clementine Vulgate. The text contained some heresies and many other crucial errors. And his commentaries contained many heresies. I have progressed to the point that I believe that all of the heresies and crucial errors in the text and commentaries have been corrected. (For in-depth information, see my book On the Clementine Vulgate’s Errors and On Heretical Commentaries.)

This revised Bible also contains orthodox and needful Catholic commentaries with long commentaries in the back of the Bible under their own heading. It contains commentaries by myself (RJMI) and others.

This revised Bible also contains a list of all of the texts I revised. Most of the corrections to the text are obvious for one who reads and knows the Bible well. I do not make the revisions based upon my own inclinations. All my revisions are based upon other Bible texts and Bible texts quoted by the Church Fathers and others.


Bible Atlas

Partial List of Cross References

All of these works can be accessed in the Biblical Works menu or click here.


6/22/2022- New RJMI article:


Brief on Mary is the Mother of God


Accessed in the RJMI Articles menu or click here.


6/22/2022- New RJMI article:


Brief on God’s Chosen People and Church


Accessed in the RJMI Articles menu or click here.


6/18/2022 – New Video Clip:


On the Newark Riots in 1967


This is a clip from RJMI’s video Black Criminals, Racists, and Radicals and includes testimonies from Anthony Imperiale and Steven Adubato Sr.


Accessed in the new video menu titled Video Clips or click here.


6/18/2022 – Addition to RJMI video/audio lecture:


Black Criminals, Radicals, and Racists


I added t testimonies from Anthony Imperiale and Steven Adubato Sr. at around the 22 minute mark.


This video can be accessed on the RJMI Video Lectures menu or click here.


This audio can be accessed on the RJMI Audio Lectures menu or click here.


6/18/2022- New RJMI article:


Brief on Purgatory


Accessed in the RJMI Articles menu or click here.


6/16/2022 – New RJMI audio lectures:


On the Word Hell and Other Topics (click here)


On Created and Uncreated Wisdom (click here)


These audio lectures were done on 5/29/2022, the Lord’s Day within the Ascension, and can accessed in RJMI Audio Lectures menu or by clicking on the above links.


6/16/2022 – Revision to RJMI article and video:


Brief on The Holy Trinity (article)

On God the Father and Other Topics (video)


I revised the picture on the Holy Trinity to more reflect the two natures of the Incarnate God the Son, his divine nature and human nature.








Holy Trinity Picture



6/15/2022 – Additions to RJMI book:


Some Dogmas and Heresies regarding Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist




Human science says that St. Raphael was a man because he looked like a man, felt like a man, and ate like a man; but angelic and divine science says that he was not a man at all but an angel under the appearance of a man, his apparent human nature was an illusion, just as the apparent bread and wine in the Holy Eucharist are illusions while the reality is that they are the body and blood of Christ.




Apollo and others received the sacrament of confirmation from St. Paul after they are baptized:

 “Having heard these things, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had imposed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.” (Acts 19:5-6)


Addition (Chapter 26 and 27):

St. Augustine, On the Merits and Forgiveness of Sins, and On the Baptism of Infants, 412: “[Chapter 2] And what else do they say who call the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper life, than that which is written: ‘I am the living bread which came down from heaven’; and ‘The bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world’; and ‘Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye shall have no life in you’? If, therefore, as so many and such divine witnesses agree, neither salvation nor everlasting life can be hoped for by any man without baptism and the Lord’s body and blood, it is vain to promise these blessings to infants without them. Moreover, if it be only sins that separate man from salvation and everlasting life, there is nothing else in infants which these sacraments can be the means of removing, but the guilt of sin, respecting which guilty nature it is written, that ‘no one is clean, not even if his life be only that of a day.’…

“[Chapter 26] Well, then, let us remove the doubt; let us now listen to the Lord and not to men’s notions and conjectures; let us, I say, hear what the Lord says—not indeed concerning the sacrament of the laver but concerning the sacrament of his own holy table, to which none but a baptized person has a right to approach: ‘Except ye eat my flesh and drink my blood, ye shall have no life in you.’ What do we want more? What answer to this can be adduced, unless it be by that obstinacy.

“[Chapter 27] Will, however, any man be so bold as to say that this statement has no relation to infants, and that they can have life in them without partaking of his body and blood—on the ground that he does not say, ‘Except one eat,’ but ‘Except ye eat;’ as if he were addressing those who were able to hear and to understand, which of course infants cannot do? But he who says this is inattentive because unless all are embraced in the statement, that without the body and the blood of the Son of man men cannot have life, it is to no purpose that even the elder age is solicitous of it. For if you attend to the mere words and not to the meaning of the Lord as He speaks, this passage may very well seem to have been spoken merely to the people whom he happened at the moment to be addressing because he does not say, ‘Except one eat’ but ‘Except ye eat.’ What also becomes of the statement which he makes in the same context on this very point: ‘The bread that I will give is my flesh, for the life of the world?’ For it is according to this statement that we find that sacrament pertains also to us, who were not in existence at the time the Lord spoke these words; for we cannot possibly say that we do not belong to ‘the world,’ for the life of which Christ gave His flesh. Who indeed can doubt that in the term world all persons are indicated who enter the world by being born? For, as He says in another passage, ‘The children of this world beget and are begotten.’ From all this it follows, that even for the life of infants was his flesh given, which he gave for the life of the world; and that even they will not have life if they eat not the flesh of the Son of man.” (Book 1)


6/15/2022 – New RJMI article:


Brief on the Word Gods


Accessed in the RJMI Articles menu or click here.


6/15/2022 - New RJMI audio lecture:


The Filioque Controversy, Schismatics, and Other Topics


This lecture was recorded on 6/12/2022. Main topics discussed here include: * Secular and religious movies: censoring, editing and viewing * The beginnings of the Filioque Controversy from Constantine’s era to Pope Leo III * The absence of Christ’s two wills being mentioned in the Catholic creeds explained * The eternal existence of God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit and schismatic opinions * How dogmas build upon one another and are defined by the Catholic Church * Schismatic "unorthodox" churches and their lack of unity * A monarchy is a natural law and equates to a father being head of his family * Material and formal heretics defined * The Eastern Schism and its rejection of the papacy * The Conciliarism Heresy * The scandal of being in religious communion with Non-Catholics * Inter-religious marriages and dispensations as in the Book of Esther * The killing of the Old Testament prophets was akin to the killing of Christ * Righteous vs selfish ambition.

Accessed in RJMI Lectures menu or click here.


6/14/2022 - New RJMI audio lecture:


Epikeia and Other Topics

This lecture was done on 6/6/2022, Pentecost Second Weekday. Some of the Catholic topics and other subject matters addressed in this lecture include: Valid and invalid sacraments and legal and illegal sacraments; Some sacraments exist outside the Catholic Church and hence are valid but they are illegal; The Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) is a heretical and schismatic sect. It is in schism for disobedience to their perceived papacy; The advent of Renaissance era cardinals; Supplied and ordinary jurisdiction rules defined; Epikeia laws and rules in emergency circumstances; Just and unjust authority; Rules and laws in the event of a vacant papacy; Valid and invalid marriages; Catholic rules, laws, and procedures for the election of the next validly elected pope; Addressing a valid pope in notorious mortal sin.

Accessed in RJMI Lectures menu or click here.


6/13/2022 – Addition to RJMI article:


Brief on The Redemption


The addition is the quote from St. Augustine:


Therefore, even though the Messias redeemed all men, most men will not ultimately benefit from the redemption because most men end up in hell. To benefit from their redemption, men must cooperate with God’s grace, believe in God, and obey all of his commandments.

St. Augustine, Sermon 344, 428: “4. …This judgment, which the godless are going to rise again to undergo, is called the second death (Apoc. 20:6, 14). So, Christian, why be afraid of this first one? It will come even though you don’t want it to, and it will be there waiting for you, even though you reject it. You can, perhaps, ransom yourself from the barbarians and so save yourself from being killed; you can ransom yourself for a vast sum, not sparing any of your property at all, and stripping your children of their inheritance; and on being ransomed, you die the next day! It’s from the devil you need to be redeemed, who is dragging you off with him to the second death, where the wicked placed on the left hand will hear, ‘Go, you accursed, into the eternal fire, which has been got ready for the devil and his angels’ (Mt 25:41). It’s from this second death you need to be ransomed…

“Finally, consider the means you are helped by. What ransomed you from the barbarians was your silver, what redeemed you from the first death was your money; what has ransomed you from the second death is the blood of your Lord. He had the blood to redeem us with; and that’s why he accepted to have blood, so that there would be something for him to shed for our redemption. The blood of your Lord, if you wish it so, was given for you; if you don’t wish it so, it wasn’t given for you. Yes, but perhaps you’re saying, ‘My God had the blood to redeem me with; but he has already given it all, when he suffered. What is there left for him to give for me?’ That’s the great thing about it, that he gave it once only, and gave it for all. The blood of Christ is salvation for the one who wishes it so, torment for the one who refuses it.”


What good, then, can the redemption do for obstinate sinners who want to go on sinning forever? Unrepentant obstinate sinners spit in the face of their redemption. They say to God, “We do not want your redemption. Leave us alone. We do not want to go to your heaven.” If God ever let them benefit from the redemption and thus be saved, then heaven would be hell and God would be Satan. God would be evil and unjust for letting obstinate sinners live among the righteous in his heavenly kingdom and earthly paradise to come, and he would be a liar for calling such a condition heaven or paradise.


6/9/2022 – New RJMI article:


Brief on The Redemption


Accessed in the RJMI article menus or click here


6/6/2022 – New RJMI article:


On the Word “Hell” as Used in Some Bibles


Accessed in the RJMI article menus or click here


6/2/2022 - Correction to RJMI article:


Brief on The Old Testament elect’s sins were covered but not remitted


I corrected the following paragraphs, especially the example, because it is taken to mean that the sin-debt was paid to the Devil and not to God. I always believed the sin debt was paid to God and not the Devil. Hence I should not have used this example that implies the opposite. Therefore, I revised the example and added a footnote.




The Devil had a passive claim but not an active claim over the Old Testament elect who were in the Limbo of the Fathers because their sins were not remitted although they were forgiven and covered. If Christ had not fulfilled his promise by remitting their sins by his sacrificial death, then the Devil would have reclaimed the Old Testament elect, called in the debt, and brought them to the hell of the damned. St. Paul says that “if Christ be not risen again, your faith is vain, for you are yet in your sins.” (1 Cor. 15:17)

For example, a man named Bob borrows money from a banker and hence goes into debt. Bob then finds himself in a position in which he can never pay back the loan to the banker. Bob is then in everlasting debt to the banker. The banker owns Bob, and Bob is a slave to the banker. A rich patron then promises the banker he will pay Bob’s debt in full in ten years as long as the banker leaves Bob alone and does not hold Bob accountable. Now Bob’s debt is covered by the rich patron’s promise, and Bob is protected from the banker who is holding the debt against him. But Bob’s debt will not be remitted until the rich patron pays it in ten years. The banker has no active claim against Bob and hence has no right to harass him or call in the debt. But the banker does have a passive claim against Bob since the debt is still outstanding because it has not yet been paid. The passive claim will become active if the rich patron does not fulfill his promise by paying the debt in ten years—the debt will then become active and the banker will call in the debt and hold Bob accountable. If the rich patron fulfills his promise and pays the debt in ten years, then Bob will be totally free from the debt and the banker. The banker will then have no claim whatsoever over Bob, active or passive. The banker is the Devil, the debt is sin, the debtor is a man in sin, and Jesus is the rich patron. Because Jesus Christ is the rich patron, the promise he made to the Old Testament elect to pay their sin debt was guaranteed and took place in the fullness of time when Jesus died on the holy cross.



The Devil had a passive right but not an active right over the Old Testament elect who were in the Limbo of the Fathers because their sins were not remitted although they were forgiven and covered. If Christ had not fulfilled his promise by remitting their sins by his sacrificial death, then the Devil would have had an active right over the Old Testament elect and would have brought them to gehenna, the hell of the damned. St. Paul says that “if Christ be not risen again, your faith is vain, for you are yet in your sins.” (1 Cor. 15:17) [2]

For example, a man named Bob goes into debt to a banker. Bob, then, finds himself in a position in which he can never pay the banker. The banker, then, turns Bob over to the debt collector, who has the active right from the banker to punish Bob. Bob is then in everlasting debt to the banker and is under the power of the dept collector. Bob is a slave to the banker and the debt collector. A rich patron, then, promises the banker that he will pay Bob’s debt in full in ten years as long as the banker leaves Bob alone and does not hold Bob accountable. Now Bob’s debt is covered by the rich patron’s promise, and thus the banker does not call in the debt and hence does not send the debt collector after Bob. But Bob’s debt will not be remitted until the rich patron pays it in ten years. Therefore, the banker has a passive claim over Bob but not an active claim, and the debt-collector has a passive right to punish Bob but not an active right. However, the banker’s passive claim will become active if the rich patron does not fulfill his promise by paying the debt in ten years. Bob’s debt will then become active and the banker will call in the debt and hold Bob accountable by sending in the debt collector to punish Bob. And thus the debt-collector will have an active right to punish Bob. In this example, the debt is sin, the banker is God, the debt collector is the Devil, and the rich patron is Jesus Christ. Because Jesus Christ is the rich patron, the promise he made to the Old Testament elect to pay their sin


Footnote: The sin debt is paid to God not Satan because the offense was against God. The reason Satan has power and rights over sinful men is because men offended God and followed Satan instead of God, and thus God gave Satan the power and right over men to control and torment them. Satan has power and rights over sinful men in the same way a prison warden has power and rights over his prisoners.  The warden does not have the ultimate power and right but the ruler of the State does. It is the ruler of the State who put the prisoners in prison, and it is he who can free the prisoners, not the warden of the prison. Hence God, not Satan, is the one who delivers sinners to Satan, and it is God who can free them from Satan. Therefore, it is God, not Satan, who must be petitioned, appeased, and satisfied for the sins committed against him. And this is the role that only the Messias can fulfill who comes to offer himself as a sacrifice to God, not to Satan, to appease God’s wrath and to satisfy God’s justice and hence pay the sin debt for men and make it possible for their sins to be forgiven and remitted.



6/2/2022 – Addition to RJMI article:


Brief on The Holy Trinity


The addition is the quote from St. Augustine after the picture:


Therefore, while the three persons of the Holy Trinity are united to one another by way of the one divine nature of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that they share in common, they are distinct from one another by way of their personhoods. Therefore, the divine nature of each person extends beyond his own personhood into the other two persons.

As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words”; and in this case, it certainly applies:


F, HS, S Pic


St. Augustine, On the Trinity, 400 to 416:  “7. Wherefore, also, the Holy Spirit consists in the same unity of substance and in the same equality. For whether he is the unity of both, or the holiness, or the love, or therefore the unity because the love, and therefore the love because the holiness, it is manifest that he is not one of the two, since it is by him that the two are joined” b. 6, c. 5, par. 7.



5/31/2022 – New RJMI article:


Brief on Created and Uncreated Wisdom


Accessed in the RJMI Articles menu.


5/25/2022 – New RJMI article:


Briefs of Jesus Christ


Accessed in the RJMI Articles menu.


5/20/2022 – New RJMI article:


Brief on The Holy Trinity


Accessed in the RJMI Articles menu


5/20/2022 – Addition to RJMI book:


Some Dogmas and Heresies regarding Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist


The paragraph following the Council quote was added:

Sixth Roman Council (1079)

Sixth Roman Council, Pope St. Gregory VII, 1079: “(Oath taken by Berengarius) I, Berengarius, in my heart believe and with my lips confess that through the mystery of the sacred prayer and the words of our Redeemer the bread and wine which are placed on the altar are substantially changed into the true and proper and living flesh and blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and that after consecration it is the true body of Christ… and the true blood of Christ, which was poured out from his side…”

When it says “living flesh and blood” of Christ it means by way of the divine nature of Christ (the divine nature of Christ which came down from heaven), which lives in his dead body and dead blood in the Holy Eucharist, as is clear from the last part which says “the true blood of Christ which was poured out from his side” and thus his dead blood. (See in this book “Christ is the living bread come down from heaven – in context (Jn. 6).”)


5/19/2022 – New RJMI article:


Brief on Infallibility of the Catholic Church


Accessed in the RJMI Articles menu or “click here


5/19/2022 – New RJMI article:


Brief on Idols vs Lawful Images


Accessed in the RJMI Articles menu or “click here


5/11/2022 – New St. John the Baptist website in German.


The English works are being translated into German by Augustine Stuja. More will be added.


Accessed in the Sidebar menu.


On this feast day of the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Patriarch of the Holy Family and Patron of the Holy Catholic Church, we pray for the conversion of the Germans and German speaking people by St. Joseph’s intercession.


5/9/2022 – New RJMI article:


Brief on Jesus is the Messias


Accessed in the RJMI Articles menu or “click here


5/3/2022 – New RJMI audio:


On the Implicit-Faith Heresy, Ignorance, and Hypocritical Tradcats


This audio was done on 5/1/2022, the Second Lord’s Day after the Resurrection. The audio and its description can be accessed in the RJMI Audio Lectures menu. Or the audio only can be accessed by clicking on here.


4/30/2022 – Update on Politics pages:


All the links should now be working on the politics pages. If any are not, let me know.


4/28/2022- New conspiracy page:


Black Criminals, Racists, and Radicals


Accessed in the Conspiracies menu


4/27/2022 – New RJMI pictures and video:


2022 MLR Good Sixth Weekday Procession


Accessed in the Pictures: Mary’s Little Remnant menu, for pictures and video.


Accessed in Videos: Religious Ceremonies menu for the video only.


4/27/2022 – New RJMI article:


Brief on The Everlasting Earthly Paradise


Accessed in the RJMI Articles menu.


4/26/2022 – Update on Conspiracies pages:


All the links should now be working on the conspiracies pages. If any are not, let me know.


4/20/2022 – Videos added:


MLR Crossfire News


Accessed in the Video menu.


4/19/2022 – New RJMI video/audio:


The Everlasting Earthly Paradise


This lecture was given on Resurrection Day, 4/17/2022. Accessed in RJMI Video Lectures menu and the RJMI Audio Lectures menu.

Upon Christ’s second coming, this world and all its evils and evildoers will be burnt up and destroyed by fire. But God will not utterly destroy the earth. While the evil things of this world will pass away and no longer exist upon the face of the earth, the earth will remain after the second coming of Jesus Christ. But Christ will transform the old earth into a new earth, an everlasting earthly paradise.


4/12/2022 – New videos in the Heliocentrism Conspiracy menu:


Journey to the Center of the Universe, by Robert Sungenis, Ph. D.


The Principle, by Robert Sungenis, Ph. D.


Even though Robert Sungenis is an apostate, he teaches the truth regarding Geocentrism. This is an excerpt from a letter I sent him:


“Dear Robert Sungenis,


“I would like to congratulate you on your work that upholds the dogma regarding Geocentrism and the truth regarding the earth as a globe and not flat. Your recent works The Principle and mostly The Journey to the Center of the Universe are long overdue, as many scientists who know the truth are afraid to speak up. I believe these works of yours broke the ice for some of them… Lastly, I hope you will be as truthfully and scientifically accurate regarding the rest of the dogmas of the Catholic Church. All that I teach on my website does not come from the top of my head but comes from the infallible teachings of the Catholic Church. Pay special attention to the infallible teachings of the Catholic Church for her first 1000 years. Anything that denies or doubts those teachings is heretical, is not of the infallible tradition of the Catholic Church.”


What follows is his description of his video Journey to the Center of the Universe:


The scientific establishment is about to collapse like a house of cards! In this DVD, you hold the key to unlocking how this paradigm shift will occur. Journey to the Center of the Universe is a cinematically stunning, 4.5 hour scientific documentary that unveils the never-before-told story of cosmology from the time of the Ancient Greeks to the present day that will shake the very ground beneath your feet. In addition to amazing new discoveries that lead to shocking conclusions, you will realize that everything you were taught in science class is nothing more than philosophical assumptions. Here are five of the hundreds of quotes from famous scientists in the film:


Albert Einstein (1952) “…Whether or not the motion of the Earth in space can be made perceptible in terrestrial experiments…all attempts of this nature led to a negative result.”


Stephen Hawking (2010) “One can use either picture as a model of the universe, for our observations of the heavens can be explained by assuming either the Earth or the sun to be at rest.”


George Ellis (1995) “I can construct for you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations. You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds.”


Julian Barbour (1989) “…Three and a half centures after Galileo…it is still remarkably difficult to say categorically whether the Earth moves.”


Lawerence Krauss (2006) “…When you look at the CMB map, you also see that the structure is…correlated with the plane of the Earth around the sun. That would say we are truly the center of the universe.”


4/5/2022 – New video:


Spotlight, SSPX: Black Trads Matter


Exposes the pedophilia, homosexuality, and other sexual sins of clergy of the SSPX and the cover ups.


Accessed in the Great Apostasy Conspiracy menu in the Pedophilia & Homosexuality section.


3/30/2022 – New RJMI article and video:


Brief on Ezechiel’s Vision of the Second Temple, Jerusalem, and Israel


Video on Animation of Ezechiel’s Temple


Accessed in the RJMI articles menu.


3/29/2022 – New RJMI video:


Covid 19 Conspiracy, Part 5


(8) Conspirators; (9) The Good that Comes from the Evil; (10) How to Deal with It; (11) Ending.


Accessed in RJMI Video Menu or the Covid 19 Conspiracy menu.


3/14/2022 – New RJMI video:


Covid 19 Conspiracy, Part 4


(7) The Purpose of the Covid 19 Conspiracy


This video was done in 4/2021. There should be only one more part. Accessed in RJMI Video Menu or the Covid 19 Conspiracy menu.


3/9/2022 – New RJMI article:

Brief on How God created the world

Accessed in the RJMI Articles menu.


3/9/2022 – Addition to the Litanies Card:

Litany of the Sacred Heart

The addition is underlined:


Heart of Jesus, Son of the eternal Father,

Have mercy on us. (repeat after each versicle)

Heart of Jesus, formed in the womb of the Virgin Mother,


3/3/2022 – Addition to RJMI article:

The Three Pillars, Sacramentals, and Holy Images

The addition is underlined:

“The minimum regarding prayer is the Morning Prayers and Night Prayers in The Catholic Prayer Book on pages 5-6. And pray one Rosary (5 decades) and one Angelic Chaplet a week. On Maundy Day, pray the Holy Hour any time between 12 midnight and 6am. On Good Sixth Weekday, pray the Stations of the Cross and the Seven Penitential Psalms. And read the Roman Martyrology for the current day from the RJMI revised Roman Martyrology accessed on the Pastoral Menu.”

I counsel you to pray the daily Mass prayers for Lent.”


3/2/2022 – New RJMI video/audio:

Christmas Lecture 2021

Accessed in the RJMI Video menu.


3/2/2022 - Revisions and corrections to RJMI book:

Non-Catholics Cannot Hold Offices in the Catholic Church


I referred to catechumens as non-Catholics. But they are believers and thus Catholic. They adhere to the Catholic Church as non-members. Hence the better title for the book would have been Non-Members of the Catholic Church Cannot Hold Offices because catechumens cannot hold offices even though they are Catholic. But I kept the title for convenience, as it is true that non-Catholic cannot hold offices in the Catholic Church. Here is how I explain it in the summary:


Only members of the Catholic Church (known as the faithful) can hold offices in the Catholic Church.

Hence non-Catholics cannot hold an office in the Catholic Church because they are not members of the Catholic Church.

And even catechumens cannot hold offices in the Catholic Church even though they are Catholic because they are not members of the Catholic Church. They adhere to the Catholic Church as non-members. This book deals primary with non-Catholics not holding offices in the Catholic Church. Therefore, when I use the word Catholic in this book, I am referring to those who are members of the Catholic Church or so-called Catholics who were members of the Catholic Church, and thus I am not referring to catechumens unless otherwise noted.



I said that all material heretics are to be presumed as formal heretics. That is not true, in my opinion. Some are presumed material heretics depending upon their position in the Church. Here is how I explain it in the summary:

All of the faithful (members of the Catholic Church) are obliged to know and believe in all the basic dogmas with no excuses for ignorance. Hence, a so-called member of the Catholic Church who doubts or denies a basic dogma is a formal heretic and thus is not a member of the Catholic Church.

Simple laymen are only obliged to know and believe the secondary dogmas and deeper dogmas if the circumstances permit. Therefore, if they doubt or deny a secondary dogma or deeper dogma, they are presumed material heretics until their guilt or innocence due to inculpable ignorance is proved.

Deacons and simple priests are obliged to know and believe in the secondary dogmas. Therefore, if they doubt or deny a secondary dogma, they are presumed formal heretics until their guilt or innocence due to inculpable ignorance is proved. However, they are only obliged to know and believe in the deeper dogmas if the circumstances permit. Hence if they doubt or deny a deeper dogma, they are presumed material heretics until their guilt or innocence due to inculpable ignorance is proved. 

Popes, cardinals, bishops, and theologians are obliged to know and believe in the secondary dogmas and the deeper dogmas that have been infallibly defined by the solemn magisterium. Therefore, if they doubt or deny any of these dogmas, they are presumed formal heretics until their guilt or innocence due to inculpable ignorance is proved. However, they are only obliged to know and believe in deeper dogmas that have only been infallibly defined by the ordinary magisterium if circumstances permit. Therefore, if they doubt or deny a deeper dogma that has only been infallibly defined by the ordinary magisterium, they are presumed material heretics until their guilt or innocence due to inculpable ignorance is proved. 

Presumed formal heretics are to be treated as formal heretics until it is certain that they are either formal heretics or material heretics. To be treated as a formal heretic, the heretic is presumed to be under a major excommunication and thus presumed to be non-Catholic. Hence all the penalties that apply to formal heretics are presumed to apply to presumed formal heretics. Therefore, so-called officeholders who are presumed formal heretics are presumed to not hold the office until they either prove their innocence due to inculpable ignorance in which case it would be known for certain that they did not lose the office, or until their guilt is proved due to culpable ignorance in which case it would be know for certain that they did not hold the office.

Presumed material heretics are to be treated as material heretics until it is certain that they are either formal heretics or material heretics. Hence they are to be treated as material heretics and thus are presumed to be of the faithful and thus presumed to not be under a major excommunication. Once culpability or non-culpability is proved, then there is no longer presumption but fact. Hence it is then certain that the so-called offender is either a formal heretic or was a material heretic. Therefore, so-called officeholders who are presumed material heretics are presumed to hold the office until they either prove their innocence due to inculpable ignorance in which case it would be known for certain that they did hold the office, or until their guilt is proved due to culpable ignorance in which case it would be know for certain that they did not hold the office.

The faithful who have access to a presumed material heretic in their own religious community or other local are obliged to show him the dogma he doubts or denies and tell him he must abjure the heresy and profess the dogma that opposes the heresy. If he does not believe the dogma and thus still holds to the heresy, then it is certain that he is a formal heretic. If he believes the dogma and thus abjures his heresy and professes the dogma, then it is certain that he was a material heretic.


2/28/2022 – New RJMI video/audio:

Covid-19 Conspiracy, Parts 3

This video was done in 4/2021. There will be four or five parts to this video. Accessed in RJMI Video Menu.


The Treatment


2/24/2022- New RJMI book:

Justified and Unjustified Slavery

Accessed in the RJMI Book menu.


2/23/2022 – Revisions to prayer book:

The Catholic Prayer Book

Replaced the word “paradise” with “heaven” in several places when it applied.




I arise today through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity, through belief in the threeness, through confession of the oneness of the Creator of creation.




I arise today through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity, through belief in the threeness, through confession of the oneness of the three divine persons in one God.


I did not list the prayer book as a new version for these minor revisions.


2/16/2022 - Revision and additions to RJMI book:

Penance Is Necessary for Salvation



Penance Is Only Available to Catholics

Because penance is endured at the command of and for the love of the one true God and according to his reasons, penance is only available to those who believe in the one true God, Church, and faith, which during the New Testament era is the Catholic God, Church, and faith. Hence penance is only available to Catholics because they believe in the Catholic God, Church, and faith.

Therefore penance is not available to non-Catholics. All their good-intentioned sufferings that are painful, laborious, or disagreeable are not penance, even if they think they are, because they are offered to a false god or according to the dictates of a false religion. However, their voluntary and involuntary sufferings can benefit their souls, not as penance but as a help toward their conversion. For example, God punished Saul (a Christ-denying Jew) by throwing him off his horse and temporarily blinding him for murdering Christians, which caused Saul to repent, convert, and become a Christian (Acts 9). He then went on to become St. Paul, one of the greatest and holiest of all Christians.


Penance Is Only Available to Catholics and Inquirers 

Because penance is endured at the command of and for the love of the one true God and according to his reasons, penance is only available to those who believe in or invoke the one true God, Church, and faith, which during the New Testament era is the Catholic God, Church, and faith. Hence penance is only available to Catholics (the faithful and catechumens) and to inquirers who invoke the true God (that is, who do penance in the name of the true God and true faith).

While penance done by the faithful in a state of grace can remit venial sins and punishment due to sins, penance done by catechumens and inquirers cannot remit venial sins and punishment due to sins because they are outside the Catholic Church; and outside the Catholic Church there is no remission of sins nor salvation. Hence the penances done by catechumens and inquirers does not grant them sanctifying grace but does grant them assisting graces which enable them to convert, repent, and live a moral life in preparation for their entering the Catholic Church. And the prayers and penances catechumens and inquirers who invoke the true God offer for others can grant these others assisting graces but not sanctifying grace.

Penance, then, is not available to unbelievers who do so-called penance not in the name of the true God and true faith but in the name of a false god or false religion. All their good-intentioned sufferings that are painful, laborious, or disagreeable are not penance, even if they think they are, because they are offered to a false god or according to the dictates of a false religion. When God punishes them with the hope that they may convert, their involuntary sufferings are not penance but can move them to repent. For example, God punished Saul (a Christ-denying Jew) by throwing him off his horse and temporarily blinding him for murdering Christians, which caused Saul to repent, convert and thus become a Christian (Acts 9). He then went on to become St. Paul, one of the greatest and holiest of all Christians.



2) To remit venial sins: Penance done by the faithful in a state of grace can remit their venial sins and the venial sins of the suffering souls in purgatory.



When Catholics must and must not do penance (penitential and non-penitential days)

The penitential days for all Catholics are as follows:

Lent: All weekdays of Lent (the Lord’s Day and other Holy Days of Obligation not included) are penitential days and days of regular fast and abstinence for all Catholics unless reduced to a light fast on a First, Second, or Third Class day. And all Catholics must give up something they like on the penitential days of Lent (such as, meat, desserts, fruit, alcohol, coffee, or some recreation).

Advent: In Advent the 2nd, 4th, and 6th weekdays and all the days from 12/17 to 12/24 (the Lord’s Day not included) are penitential days and regular fast and abstinence days for all Catholics unless reduced to a light fast on a First, Second, or Third Class day. If a fasting day coincides with a feast day of obligation, the fasting day is transferred to another day during that week if possible; and if not possible, it is omitted.

Ember Days: The Ember Days (except for those in Pentecost Week) are regular fast and abstinence days for all Catholics unless otherwise noted. Ember Days cannot be transferred

Vigils: All first class vigils when not on the Lord’s Day are regular fast and abstinence days for all Catholics unless reduced to a light fast on a First, Second, or Third Class day. The first class vigils are the vigils of Christmas, Trinity Day, Pentecost Day, and the Feast of God the Father.

Rules for Abstinence and Fasting

Abstinence: No meat, meat gravy, soup made from meat, or lard may be taken. The 6th weekday is a day of abstinence for all Catholics unless it is also a feast day of obligation.

Total Fast: No food or drink (including water).

Liquid Fast: No solid food is allowed.

Regular Fast: One meal is allowed.

Light Fast: Two meals are allowed.

Eucharistic Fast: No food or drink (except water) may be taken from three hours before Holy Communion until 15 minutes after.

Alcohol and dessert: The general rule for the universal Church does not ban alcohol or dessert on penitential days and thus on fasting days.

No eating between meals on fasting days: Eating outside of the allowed meal or meals on fasting days is not permitted. Water, coffee, tea, fruit juices, and sodas are allowed. Milk or pureed juices (such as tomato juice, V8, or smoothies) are not allowed outside of the meal except for milk or cream in coffee or tea.

All days outside of the penitential days are non-penitential days. On non-penitential days, Catholics must not do voluntary penances. However, they can do necessary penances, such as those that come with their daily duty and physical exercises. They must enjoy feasting and other good things in moderation and with as much comfort as possible and only endure mandatory, necessary, or accidental penances. If the non-penitential day is also a feast day of obligation, then only necessary chores can be done and physical exercise must be limited to a minimum unless their health requires more exercise.

For the penitential and non-penitential days for members of Mary’s Little Remnant, see RJMI book The Rule of Mary’s Little Remnant: “Rules for Penitential Days” and “Rules for Non-Penitential Days.” And see Mary’s Little Remnant Catholic Calendar.


2/18/2022 – Revisions to RJMI book:

The Catholic Prayer Book, complied by Mary’s Little Remnant

Apostles’ Creed:

“he descended into hell” to “he descended into the underworld”

Prayer in several places in the book:

“Incline not my heart to evil words to make excuses in sins” to “Let not my heart turn aside to wicked deeds to make excuses for sins”

Rosary Introductory Prayer:


I unite with all the angels and saints in heaven, with all the faithful on earth, and with the faithful departed in purgatory; I unite with thee, O my Jesus, in order to praise worthily thy holy Mother and to praise thee in her and through her.


I unite with all the angels and saints in heaven. I unite with thee, O my Jesus, in order to praise worthily thy holy Mother and to praise thee in her and through her.

Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Add the underlined text.

Heart of Jesus, Son of the eternal Father, Have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, formed in the womb of the Virgin Mother, Have mercy on us



Long Exorcism Prayer: Preliminary Prayers:


Deleted the word all

Her most crafty enemies have engulfed the Catholic Church… on [all] her desirable things they have laid their wicked hands.



2/15/2022 – New RJMI article:

On Ordinations Outside the Catholic Church

Accessed in the RJMI Articles menu.


2/15/2022 - Additions to RJMI book:

When Sexual Pleasure Is Good

Additions were made to the section titled “The right time.” I will quote the whole section of which some parts have been added.


The right time when spouses can enjoy sexual pleasure and thus have sexual intercourse is when none of the following conditions apply:

a)      The wrong time is when the Catholic Church forbids sexual intercourse. Just as the Catholic Church has the right to ban Catholics from eating meat or feasting on certain days, so also she can ban sexual intercourse between spouses on certain days. “And Moses came down from the mount to the people and sanctified them. And when they had washed their garments, he said to them: Be ready against the third day and come not near your wives.” (Ex. 19:14-15) If spouses engage in sexual intercourse during forbidden times, they commit the mortal sin of sexual lust and the mortal sin of disobedience for violating a disciplinary law of the Catholic Church.

a)      The wrong time is during the wife’s monthly cycle of blood: “If any man lie with a woman in her flowers and uncover her nakedness, and she open the fountain of her blood, both shall be destroyed out of the midst of their people.” (Lev. 20:18)

b)      The wrong time is when the health of one of the spouses would be harmed. If there is a great danger to the spouse’s health, then sexual relations must not occur. If there is a minor danger to the spouse’s health, sexual relations may occur but do not have to, depending upon the spouse whose health would be harmed.

c)      The wrong time is when it is not convenient. If it is inconvenient, then the spouse who is requested to have sexual relations does not have to consent but can if he or she wants to. For example, if the wife is cooking dinner or the husband is in the middle of doing some manual labor that cannot be interrupted or in which it would be inconvenient to interrupt.

d)      The wrong time is when the request is made too many times within a day. Immoderate and thus excessive sexual intercourse between spouses is the mortal sin of sexual lust, just as eating too much food to the point of being unhealthily fat is lust and the mortal sin of gluttony. Sexual gluttony between spouses can harm the health, steals time by taking up an excessive amount of time, and indicates a lack of control and moderation of the sexual desire and thus this good passion turns into lust and becomes obsessive and addictive. Such a spouse would not be able to control him or herself if his or her spouse got sick or died and thus would commit the sin of sexual lust by seeking sexual pleasure in a sinful way.


2/12/2022 – New RJMI Videos/Audios:

Covid-19 Conspiracy, Parts 1 and 2

This video was done in 4/2021. There will be three or four parts to this video.


Part1: (1) Introduction; (2) History and Development of Covid-19; (3) History of the Origin of the Covid-19 “Plandemic”


Part 2: (4) Effects (Flu-like Symptoms; (5) Fear Mongering by Exaggeration, Lying, False Diagnosis, & Murder


Other Parts: (6) Treatment; (7) The Purpose of the Covid-19 Conspiracy; (8) Conspirators; (9) On the Scientists and Doctors; (10) The God that Comes from the Evil; (11) How to Deal with It; (12) Ending


It can be accessed on the Covid-19 Conspiracy menu, which is accessed in the Conspiracy menu. Or it can be accessed in the RJMI Video Lecture menu or the RJMI Audio Lecture menu.


2/12/2-22 - Revision to an RJMI Catholic Catechism Lesson

Catechism Excerpt 1: On Revelation, Infallibility, Dogmas, Heresy, and Schism




97. Regarding non-natural-law dogmas, until guilt or non-guilt is proved due to culpability or non-culpability, a heretic is presumed to be either a formal heretic or a material heretic depending upon his obligation to know the dogma he doubts or denies: Unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be required; and to whom they have committed much, of him they will demand the more.” (Lk. 12:48) The obligation is as follows:

a)      Simple laymen are obliged to know and believe all the basic dogmas. Hence if they doubt or deny a basic dogma, guilt is presumed and thus they are presumed formal heretics. But if they doubt or deny a secondary or deeper dogma, guilt is not presumed and thus they are presumed material heretics.

b)      Deacons and simple priests are obliged to know and believe all the basic dogmas and all the secondary dogmas. Hence if they doubt or deny a basic dogma or a secondary dogma, guilt is presumed and thus they are presumed formal heretics. But if they doubt or deny a deeper dogma, guilt is not presumed and thus they are presumed material heretics.

c)      Popes, cardinals, bishops, and theologians are obliged to know and believe all the basic dogmas, all the secondary dogmas, and all the deeper dogmas that have been infallibly defined by the solemn magisterium. Hence if they doubt or deny a basic dogma or a secondary dogma or a deeper dogma that belongs to the solemn magisterium, guilt is presumed and thus they are presumed formal heretics. But if they doubt or deny a deeper dogma that has not been infallibly defined by the solemn magisterium and thus has only been infallibly defined by the ordinary magisterium, guilt is not presumed and thus they are presumed material heretics.




97. The obligation of members of the Catholic Church to know and believe in dogmas depends upon their position and rank in the Church. The higher the position or rank, the more responsible they are to know and believe in dogmas. “Unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be required; and to whom they have committed much, of him they will demand the more.” (Lk. 12:48) The obligation is as follows:

a)      All of the faithful (members of the Catholic Church) are obliged to know and believe in all the basic dogmas with no excuses for ignorance. Hence, a so-called member of the Catholic Church who doubts or denies a basic dogma is a formal heretic.

b)      Simple laymen are only obliged to know and believe the secondary dogmas and deeper dogmas if the circumstances permit. Therefore, if they doubt of deny a secondary dogmas or deeper dogma, they are presumed material heretics until their guilt or innocence due to inculpable ignorance is proved.

c)      Deacons and simple priests are obliged to know and believe in the secondary dogmas. Therefore, if they doubt or deny a secondary dogma, they are presumed formal heretics until their guilt or innocence due to inculpable ignorance is proved. However, they are only obliged to know and believe in the deeper dogmas if the circumstances permit. Hence if they doubt or deny a deeper dogma, they are presumed material heretics until their guilt or innocence due to inculpable ignorance is proved. 

d)      Popes, cardinals, bishops, and theologians are obliged to know and believe in the secondary dogmas and the deeper dogmas that have been infallibly defined by the solemn magisterium. Therefore, if they doubt or deny any of these dogmas, they are presumed formal heretics. However, they are only obliged to know and believe in deeper dogmas that have only been infallibly defined by the ordinary magisterium if circumstances permit. Therefore, if they doubt of deny a deeper dogma that has only been infallibly defined by the ordinary magisterium, they are presumed material heretics until their guilt or innocence due to inculpable ignorance or forgetfulness is proved.


2/8/2022 – New booklets, complied by RJMI:

The Catholic Holy Hour

The Catholic Exorcism Prayer

Accesses in the Pastoral menu.


1/28/2022 – New RJMI Video/Audio:

On God the Father and Other Topics

Accessed in the RJMI Video Lectures menu and RJMI Audio Lectures menu. This lecture was done on 11-7-2021 on the Feast Day of God the Father. It started out as an example of how we of Mary’s Little Remnant pray the full Mass Prayers but turned into a lecture, which contains several topics but mostly regarding dogmas related to God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


1/25/2022 – Addition to Politics menu:

Politics from the Catholic Perspective webpage, by William George Norris

Accessed in the Politics menu or directly at https://odysee.com/$/search?q=%22Politics%20from%20the%20Catholic%20Perspective%22


1/22/2022 – New Sidebar item and chat site:

On St. John the Baptist Chat Site

This chat site was opened on 1/19/2022, on the Feast day of the Solemnity of the Apostles. It is owned by myself (Richard Joseph Michael Ibranyi), and the administrator is William George Norris. It is the main chat site for the Catholic Church in these days of the Great Apostasy. The link is accessed on the Side Bar menu and in the Pastoral menu.


The Irish Sedevacantist site has been removed, and the members of that site are now on the St. John the Baptist Chat Site.


1/22/2022 – New RJMI article:

The Three Pillars, Sacramentals, and Holy Images

This article lists things all Catholics must do; that is, the faithful and catechumens. It is accessed in the Pastoral menu.


1/22/2022 – New RJMI item:

Bible Memorization Verses

Contained in the Catholic Bible menu which is accesses in the Pastoral menu.


1/13/2022 - Revision to RJMI article:

Sequence of Christmas Season Events

It deleted the following for two reasons. (1) It does not belong in this article. (2) I modified the rule on setting up the Christmas manger.


The more accurate way to portray the Christmas manger scene is to first put up the stable with only the animals in it on 12/13 (about two weeks before Christmas). Christmas lights should also be put up at this time announcing the imminent birth of Jesus. On Christmas Eve put Joseph and Mary in the stable. On Christmas Day put in the Infant Jesus and the shepherds (but not the Three Wise Men). And on Epiphany Day take away the shepherds and put in the Wise Men instead. The manger scene, along with other Christmas decorations, should be taken down on 1/14. If for convenience the shepherds and Wise Men are placed together venerating Jesus Christ in the manger on Christmas Day, an explanation should be given as to why this was done and to explain the accurate sequence of events.

What follows is the modified rule as contained in The Rule of Mary’s Little Remnant:

On Christmas Decorations: Put up the Manger Scene and Christmas lights about two weeks before Christmas. But do not put in the Wise Men until the eve of Epiphany Day. And do not put up the indoor Christmas items until Christmas Eve, preferable after sundown.  The Manger Scene, along with other Christmas decorations, should be taken down on 1/14.


1/13/2022 - Addition:

Catechism Lesson 15

St. Paul says, “But for fear of fornication, let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render the debt to his wife, and the wife also in like manner to the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband. And in like manner the husband also hath not power of his own body, but the wife. Defraud not one another, except, perhaps, by consent, for a time, that you may give yourselves to prayer; and return together again, lest Satan tempt you for your incontinency.” (1 Cor. 7:2-5)  Hence a spouse must not refuse sexual relations to the other spouse when requested except under the following circumstances:

a)      The spouse wants to do something sinful in which case the other spouse must refuse.

b)      The health of the spouse who is requested to have sexual relations would be harmed in which case the spouse whose health would be harmed must not consent if there is great danger to the health or may not consent if there is minor danger to the health.

c)      The time is inconvenient in which case the spouse who is requested to have sexual relations does not have to consent but can if he or she wants to. For example, if the wife is cooking dinner or the husband is in the middle of doing some manual labor that cannot be interrupted or in which it would be inconvenient to interrupt or if the request is made too many times during a day.


1/13/2022 - Correction:

Catechism Lesson 14

Volleyball was removed from sports women can play to sport women cannot play, as the net play is very aggressive.


1/6/2022 – New Catechism Lesson:

Catechism Lesson 23: One Church, Faith, and Ruler; Grace; Sacrament of Penance; the Interior Intention Heresy, and the Clementine Vulgate

Accessed on the Catholic Catechism Lessons menu, which is accessed in the Pastoral Menu.



Mary's Little Remnant

302 East Joffre Street
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico 87901-2878

Website: www.JohnTheBaptist.us






[1] Ibid.

[2]The sin debt is paid to God not Satan because the offense was against God. The reason Satan has power and rights over sinful men is because men offended God and followed Satan instead of God, and thus God gave Satan the power and right over men to control and torment them. Satan has power and rights over sinful men in the same way a prison warden has power and rights over his prisoners.  The warden does not have the ultimate power and right but the ruler of the State does. It is the ruler of the State who put the prisoners in prison, and it is he who can free the prisoners, not the warden of the prison. Hence God, not Satan, is the one who delivers sinners to Satan, and it is God who can free them from Satan. Therefore, it is God, not Satan, who must be petitioned, appeased, and satisfied for the sins committed against him. And this is the role that only the Messias can fulfill who comes to offer himself as a sacrifice to God, not to Satan, to appease God’s wrath and to satisfy God’s justice and hence pay the sin debt for men and make it possible for their sins to be forgiven and remitted.